請放心,Todd Wilbur並不是在從事什麼非法勾當,他是一位專業廚師,味覺超敏銳,能辨認出食物的用料配方,也能夠找出最適當的烹調方式。像這款名店炸雞,一般人在家裡怎麼炸都炸不出來,Wilbur就告訴大家,你炸三百年都沒用啊,因為他們其實是用「烤」的!
參考來源:Todd Wilbur's Top Secret Recipes
#在家享受名店等級美食 #醬料配方是食物的靈魂
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同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Mrs. Raven烏鴉太太,也在其Youtube影片中提到,訂閱我吧:https://bit.ly/39KYV8N 楊枝甘露做法:https://bit.ly/30j30Oh 淘寶餐具:https://bit.ly/2D1MMk2 Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:22 淘寶餐具開箱 1:41 墨西哥捲餅製作 4:26 葡萄柚薄荷氣泡飲製作 5:...
top secret recipes free 在 Mrs. Raven烏鴉太太 Youtube 的最佳解答
0:00 Intro
0:22 淘寶餐具開箱
1:41 墨西哥捲餅製作
4:26 葡萄柚薄荷氣泡飲製作
5:38 跟我們一起早餐
7:00 燭杯清理教學
捲餅皮: 2張
彩椒 : 紅,黃椒各 1/4 顆
小黃瓜: 半條
義大利臘腸: 6片
日式美乃滋: 少許
氣泡水: 300-500ml
冰塊: 適量
我的instagram: https://bit.ly/3191gX3
(上海Vlog2020) | Vlog 10 | 下雨的日子 | 夫妻日常|淘寶餐具開箱, 自製早午餐 ( 墨西哥捲餅 ) , 自製飲料-葡萄柚薄荷氣泡飲, 香氛蠟燭清理( 燭杯清理教學 )
今天是下雨的一日, 外面的雨讓人不想出門, 今天決定一整天悠閒待在家, 開箱了前幾天買的新餐盤, 收到新餐具總是迫不及待的想馬上用, 用新餐具做的早午餐覺得特別好吃:)
剛好喜歡的蠟燭用完了今天要來清理燭杯, 喜歡把燭杯清理得乾乾淨淨可以再做利用, 用來裝化妝刷跟桌上的小雜物都很適合, 漂亮的燭杯放在桌上也很賞心悅目, 一起利用起來吧 !
搬來上海 將近一年的時間, 居住在上海徐匯區, 這裡是我最喜歡的上海生活區域, 希望能在這裡與你們分享忙碌生活中的平淡小幸福
I am Mrs. Raven, I moved to Shanghai with my husband about one year ago. Being a wife, a healthy work-life is my top priority now, and I'd loved to share my leisure moment and how I maintain my little happiness with you. Hope you enjoy the film and if you have any secret of your life, please also share with me!
#上海vlog #主婦日常 #夫妻生活 #shanghai#shanghaivlog #lifestyle #brunch #coupleslife #主婦 #淘寶開箱 #早午餐 #生活 #dailyvlog #daily
Hot Coffee by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2CMqiz0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/Y30VQPGtxOs
Morning Routine [Relaxing Study Music] by Ghostrifter
Music provided by https://www.plugnplaymusic.net

top secret recipes free 在 Mrs. Raven烏鴉太太 Youtube 的精選貼文
今天早上老公要工作, 自己起床簡單做了 #燕麥奶麥片早餐, 早上在家休息了一下, 開始準備午餐等老公回來一起吃, 剛好家裡有之前買的 #明太子, 決定來做簡單的 #明太子義大利麵 當午餐, 今天晚上跟朋友約了有名的 #朴家韓式燒肉, 假日果然排隊人潮很多, 我們在旁邊的酒吧等了一個半小時才開始吃晚餐, 餐後去了附近的小酒吧坐坐, 聊聊各自最近的生活, 旅居時有熟悉的朋友在身邊果然能消除很多生活的壓力跟煩惱
搬來上海 將近一年的時間, 居住在上海徐匯區 , 這裡是我最喜歡的上海生活區域, 希望能在這裡與你們分享忙碌生活中的平淡小幸福
I am Mrs. Raven, I moved to Shanghai with my husband about one year ago. Being a wife, a healthy work-life is my top priority now, and I'd loved to share my leisure moment and how I maintain my little happiness with you. Hope you enjoy the film and if you have any secret of your life, please also share with me!
#shanghai #shanghaivlog #lifestyle #brunch #coupleslife #vlogcreations #明太子 #明太子義大利麵 #義大利麵 #mentaiko #mentaikopasta #spaghetti #上海vlog #一日三餐 #烏鴉太太 #mrsraven
Summer Nights by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/summer-nights-liqwyd
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/6A2mPVrYAxs

top secret recipes free 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的最佳貼文
Chinese Fried Rice is a simple and yet difficult to master dish but once you get the hang of it, you can fry this super yummy easy meal anytime.
This is our Din Tai Fung inspired Shrimp Fried Rice. In case you haven't heard about Din Tai Fung, it is a chain of restaurants originating in Taiwan. Back in 1993, New York Times ranked them as the Top 10 Best Restaurants in the World. In 2010, the restaurant's first branch in Hong Kong at Tsim Sha Tsui was awarded one Michellin star and their second branch at Causeway Bay was also recommended by Michellin Guide. Although Din Tai Fung is known to specialise in xiao long bao (Chinese steamed dumplings), their egg fried rice with pork chop is also really popular amongst diners. Of course that includes us :). We actually stood outside DTF kitchen to figure out what ingredients were used. Opps - I hope we won’t be banned from Din Tai Fung because that’d be tragic. Whenever we dine at Din Tai Fung, fried rice is one of our must-order dishes but instead of ordering shrimp fried rice, we always go for their pork chop fried rice. OMG so good! I'll get Roland to show you how to prepare their pork chop next time.
Many different cuisines such as Indonesian, Malay, Japanese, Thai etc today all have their own version of fried rice but did you know that fried rice was actually first developed during the Sui Dynasty in China? This means that all variety of fried rice available in the market today can actually trace their origins back to Chinese Fried Rice.
Sorry I digressed...Back to this recipe - if you don't like prawns, please feel free to omit it.
See the ingredient list below or go to our website here : http://spicenpans.com/chinese-fried-rice/ for your easy reference.
We would like to give special thanks to Shogun by La Gourmet for letting us try out their high quality non-stick pan in the video respectively. If you like to buy them, you can go to any of the major departmental stores in Singapore such as Isetan, Robinsons, Takashimaya, BHG, OG, Metro or Tangs. These two brands are also available in most major departmental stores in Malaysia.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
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Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Serves 4 - 5 pax
How to prepare prawns before pan-frying
8 - 10 pieces of mid size prawns - deshelled & deveined
1 teaspoon of sugar
0.5 teaspoon of baking soda
Enough water to cover prawns
Some ice cubes
Other ingredients
Some cooking oil
6 eggs
4 cups of cooked Jasmine rice (250ml cup size)
1.5 teaspoon of chicken stock powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of soya sauce
2 stalks of spring onion
A few dashes of white pepper
Looking for some of the things or ingredients we used in this video but not residing in Singapore? We welcome you for a vacation in Singapore or simply click one of these links to see similar or substitute products on Amazon. Happy shopping!
Granite pan https://amzn.to/2xIqmOG
Cooking oil https://amzn.to/2JPC8uN
Dark & light soy sauce https://amzn.to/2QagWCg
Chicken stock powder https://amzn.to/2RpkqTb
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
Garlic Fried Rice 蒜蓉炒饭 Japanese Style Fried Rice
House Special Fried Rice 招牌炒饭
Chinese Chicken Fried Rice w/ Salted Fish Recipe
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!