palace museum 在 故宮南院 The Southern Branch of National Palace Museum 的影片資訊
從景點影片、到規劃完善的遊程,讓你輕鬆暢遊玩故宮! Find information from video clips, tour arrangement. You will find it easy...
從景點影片、到規劃完善的遊程,讓你輕鬆暢遊玩故宮! Find information from video clips, tour arrangement. You will find it easy...
從景點影片、到規劃完善的遊程,讓你輕鬆暢遊玩故宮! Find information from video clips, tour arrangement. You will find it easy...
2020 國際博物館日主題為多元性與包容性,國立故宮博物院期待接軌國際、擴大文化交流,透過深度旅遊台灣的方式,一起愛上在台灣的生活與文化吧! 走入環境清幽外雙溪的國立故宮博物院, 就像走入了中華文化...
Persistence is the abiding spirit of the artisan. The film introduces the ultimate beauty of the ar...
堅持,是職人不變的精神。 在本次北院所展出的每件御藏珍品背後,讓人聯想到清宮造辦處匠師們的職人精神,他們將生命奉獻給皇室,畢生投身藝術,只求做好一件事。對照現今的臺灣,同樣也有著許多各行各業的平凡人...
Who is “She?” What is “Her” story behind the painting? In the museum space that exhibits beauties, e...
The National Palace Museum, Taipei holds an extensive collection of the most exquisite snuff bottles...
網頁Website: 展期Date:2020/10/06-12/27 地點Location:國立故宮博物院北部院區202、208...
吃仙草時間到囉!! 講到黑丸嫩仙草大家應該不陌生, 全圖文: 那個滑嫩口感的嫩仙草一直...
This video highlights the dialogue between three important subjects, a 1742 Guarneri del Gesu violin...