painting medium 在 LIVE sketching a house with watercolors 的影片資訊
Tools: - PARAFENALIA Neri ballpoint pen (SCHMIDT 635 M cartridge) - Mijello Mission Gold watercolor...
Tools: - PARAFENALIA Neri ballpoint pen (SCHMIDT 635 M cartridge) - Mijello Mission Gold watercolor...
親愛的大家 現在疫情期間宅在家救世界,乖乖看片的你最棒惹!以下附上時間軸請取用 00:00 intro 02:08開始化妝(J/X遮瑕膏搭配Solone妝前) 05:58 KVD好蘋果登場 10:...
This is a cover illustration for my "Tokyo Storefronts" book's special edition sold only in the Kino...
成日見到一整個系列既 Winsor & Newton 水彩媒介無得試,但又想知有咩效果既您,可以睇下Elaine測試的review! 今段影片Elaine試左兩款medium,分別係Iridesce...
シャドウバースのヴァンピィちゃんを描いてみましたよ~! あなたも、眷属ぅ ◆完成↴
【我親自教授的畫班, 畫室電話 8101 3600】 簡易水彩入門班 ▶ 簡易油畫入門班 ▶ http://tue...
Painting a shop cut-through illustration with watercolors for the upcoming "Tokyo Storefronts" book...
哈囉大家,我第一次拍這種化妝影片 - 靈感來自於 阿妹的新歌 <Whatever 你說的算> 我整個被那個MV、妝容、歌曲給迷惑 覺得一定要來試看看以此為發想化一個迷惑大家的妝(? 帶點小煙燻的復古...
Third video of me painting the shops for my upcoming "Tokyo Storefronts" book! You can pre-order t...
Second video of me painting the shops for my upcoming "Tokyo Storefronts" book! You can pre-order ...