conversation with friends 在 back number/花束 (ギター弾き語りカバー) ☆フル/ コード/歌詞 Cover by masa-masa 的影片資訊
ご視聴ありがとうございます! English explanation is after Japanese. back numberの「花束」をカバーさせていただきました。 (リクエストありがとうござ...
ご視聴ありがとうございます! English explanation is after Japanese. back numberの「花束」をカバーさせていただきました。 (リクエストありがとうござ...
Can we be both racist and not-racist at the same time? We sit down with some of our friends and fel...
***MY 1st PIANO+SINGING COVER!!! *** Sooo I'm a beginner and It's my first time playing a complete ...
各位MYBY们, 你们亲爱的小布来了!在本周的视频里面,我要跟你们分享外国人初次跟中国朋友见面的时候经常会遇到的麻烦,以及怎么避免尴尬处境!虽然这四个点大多数是我个人的经历,但这视频的内容也是以跟其他...
WHAT DO YOU LOVE? There's just so much in life that I love. I love spending quality time with my ...
Sing & Dance - Your Passion Thrives 熱情烏克麗麗 4:35 Under Da Sea 💙🐬🐠🐳 for My Ocean Lovers. 8:15 The C...
UPDATE: I've written a comprehensive guide on how to report these tumblrs - maximised for efficiency...
Friend came to my hometown Hong Kong for 2017 MAMAs, catching up & talking bout his trip here & al...
Ed Sheeran 的 Mashup終於完成了!呵呵..讓大家久等了不好意思^^~ 再次恭喜IsAac Boo ,這首歌就送給你啦!希望你喜歡啦! 當然也謝謝大家那麼踴躍地參與這次的活動~ 希望以後...
Learn Vietnamese, Conversation 54: Dinner with friends Southern Vietnamese / Saigonese accent / Ho ...