黃明志 新歌 在 [韓國日常??] 7PM吃早餐..我完全日夜癲倒的一天..常被韓國疫情的手機警報嚇死|彈吉他學新歌, 出門買菜咖喱烏冬,柚子醬,鯛魚燒 ,簡易壽喜燒 ? Mira 咪拉 的影片資訊
邀請小蜜蜂? 一起幫影片上字幕 → http://bit.ly/2w1WE9g 00:50 韓國疫情的手機警報 01:41 日夜癲倒原因 03:06 咖喱烏冬 06:65 彈吉他學新歌 어떻게 ...
邀請小蜜蜂? 一起幫影片上字幕 → http://bit.ly/2w1WE9g 00:50 韓國疫情的手機警報 01:41 日夜癲倒原因 03:06 咖喱烏冬 06:65 彈吉他學新歌 어떻게 ...
Sawadeecrap! Thai Love song LIVE Unplugged version! 感謝每一位出席這次新歌發表會的朋友,讓我重拾Unplugged演出的樂趣。不知道要等到什麼時候才...
[The Stray] Solo unplugged Live version. Thanks for supporting us to protect them. 一個人唱這首歌真的很累. 聽起來都...
Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. We know because we’ve done it thousands of time...
This is my very first unplugged live after I became a singer. COOL! 通常像我這種偶像派歌手是不可能唱Unplugged的, 因爲U...
XDXD Behind the scene are always funnier than the story, y ar? 新歌聽了沒?! 四個女生, 四種滋味, 拍攝這支MV快要精盡人亡了, 我是...
謝謝瑋瑋來回跟我cover這次的「怎麼還不愛」! 瑋瑋最近也出很多新歌 大家要去支持唷^^ ________________________________________________ 你訂...
My new BANNED song again! I wanna contribute this song to all dear smokers and our lovely new govern...
Many people complain bout this music video being too violence and sibeh geli. But I think Avengers l...
This is a R-18 Music Video, Caution before viewing. The story happened in 1993, Kuala Lumpur. I thin...