關於toronto的評價, Robert Downey Jr
It's Facebook follower appreciation day, and in honor of surpassing the 20M mark, I shall officiall...
It's Facebook follower appreciation day, and in honor of surpassing the 20M mark, I shall officiall...
In 1977, professor Gary Miller, the active Canadian preacher and mathematics and logic lecturer at T...
Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Global Diabetes Compact. It helps countr...
Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Global Diabetes Compact. It helps countr...
人客喔!來看帥哥喔! 舍弟曾國祥AKA 香港最帥導演(之一) AKA 曾憑一部電影(七月與安生)把兩位女演員打造成金馬史上第一次影后雙蛋黃的傑出導演 入選加拿大150年傑出年輕校友獎 大家...
Check out! Headlining Shows: 09/29 Chicago, IL - House of Blues 10/01 Toronto, ON -...
本季球衣銷售排行榜,LeBron James領銜冠軍,字母哥與Stephen Curry名列在後。 - 這幾年聯盟多了很多後起之秀,也不少超級巨星在聯盟大放異彩,譬如Stephen Curr...
加拿大上市耶!! -- 隨著沛星在日本IPO,開了新創海外上市第一槍,陸續含有「台灣血統」的新創企業也一一現身,其中以無店面、靠著中央廚房為HUB、擔任指揮中心、再藉由衛星廚房處理美食,不用一小時就送...
Hi North America, We are Sunset Rollercoaster, an indie band comprised of a bunch of not-that-ha...
Hi North America, We are Sunset Rollercoaster, an indie band comprised of a bunch of not-that-ha...