關於nepotism的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Congrats are in order for my firstborn, and I’m proud to oblige— Having braved the crucible of add...
Congrats are in order for my firstborn, and I’m proud to oblige— Having braved the crucible of add...
【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首...
【克羅埃西亞·Split】 從前從前有個叫戴奧克里先的羅馬皇帝。他跨過了亞得里亞海來到 Spl...
Hong Kong’s home affairs chief is facing questions...
[168051] 34851. DaBaby - Peephole (2020)★★ [168052...
"Nahaz may die soon and we should respect our eld...
<新闻最正点> 雪州公正党风波再起!人民公正党署理主席阿兹敏阿里今天公开炮轰党领导层“任人唯亲...
<<冒用亞裔姓名而獲詩作入選所引發的軒然大波 A White Poet Borrows a Chin...