〈美股盤後〉通膨、債務上限危機四伏 債市動盪費半續黑
週三 (29 日) 華爾街受到通膨危機、恒大違約風暴、美國債務上限問題影響,10 年期美債殖利率震盪,美元延續漲勢,科技股再度陷入困境,美光股價疲軟,那指小幅收黑,費半指數延續昨日跌勢,收黑 1.5%。
10 年期美債殖利率週二觸及 1.567% 高位後,週三該殖利率走勢震盪,早盤一度回落 1.50% 以下,接著午盤反彈至約 1.54%,尾盤又回落至 1.52% 左右。
政經消息,美國國會必須在 10 月 18 日前解決債務上限問題,否則美國正面臨史上首度債務違約,美國眾議院週三以 219 比 212 票通過一項暫停舉債上限的法案,但共和黨料將在參議院擱置該計劃,目前尚不清楚民主黨將如何避免違約。
週三聯準會 (Fed) 主席鮑爾連同日本、英國、歐洲央行總裁出席線上歐洲央行金融論壇,鮑爾表示,美國經濟前景存在高度不確定性,供應鏈問題並沒有好轉令人沮喪,當前壓力預計將持續至 2022 年。
美歐貿易和科技委員會 (TTC) 首場峰會週三登場,聚焦於晶片短缺、人工智慧 (AI) 和科技競爭等議題,會後雙方宣布將聯合制定關鍵技術的規則和標準,並協調雙方解決關鍵貿易問題的方法。
週三外媒引述消息人士報導,恒大付息 4750 萬美元境外債券利息期限已屆,部分美元債券持有人再度傳出尚未按期收到利息款項。
新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情持續蔓延全球,截稿前,據美國約翰霍普金斯大學 (Johns Hopkins University) 即時統計,全球確診數已飆破 2.33 億例,死亡數突破 471 萬例。美國累計確診超過 4332 萬例,累計死亡數超過 69.4 萬。印度累計確診超過 3371 萬例,巴西累計確診 2138 萬例。
週三 (29 日) 美股四大指數表現:
美股道瓊指數上漲 90.73 點,或 0.26 %,收 34,390.72 點。
那斯達克指數下跌 34.24 點,或 0.24%,收 14,512.44 點。
標普 500 指數上漲 6.83 點,或 0.16%,收 4,359.46 點。
費城半導體指數下跌 50.5 點,或 1.53%,收 3,263.8 點。
標普 11 大板塊有 7 大板塊上漲,公用事業、必需消費品和醫療保健收紅,材料、通訊服務和資訊科技領跌。(圖片:finviz)
標普 11 大板塊有 7 大板塊上漲,公用事業、必需消費品和醫療保健收紅,材料、通訊服務和資訊科技領跌。(圖片:finviz)
科技五大天王漲跌互見。蘋果 (AAPL-US) 漲 0.65%;臉書 (FB-US) 跌 0.31%;Alphabet (GOOGL-US) 下跌 1.09%;亞馬遜 (AMZN-US) 跌 0.45%;微軟 (MSFT-US) 漲 0.17%。
道瓊成分股漲多跌少。波音 (BA-US) 上漲 3.18%;默克 (MRK-US) 上漲 2.41%;沃爾格林聯合博姿 (WBA-US) 上漲 1.29%;開拓重工 (CAT-US) 下跌 1.34%;高盛 (GS-US) 下跌 1.18%。
費半成分股淪陷。英特爾 (INTC-US) 跌 0.94%;AMD (AMD-US) 跌 1.15%;應用材料 (AMAT-US) 下跌 3.48%;美光 (MU-US) 下跌 2.00%;高通 (QCOM-US) 跌 0.48%;NVIDIA (NVDA-US) 跌 0.88%。
台股 ADR 僅中華電信獨強。台積電 ADR (TSM-US) 跌 0.25%;日月光 ADR (ASX-US) 下跌 2.89%;聯電 ADR (UMC-US) 下跌 1.82%;中華電信 ADR (CHT-US) 漲 0.73%。
特斯拉 (TSLA-US) 上漲 0.48% 至每股 781.31 美元,過去 6 個月漲幅達 22.92%。科技巨擘正面臨美債殖利率飆升的壓力,女股神伍德 (Cathie Wood) 的方舟投資 (Ark Invest) 週二拋售超過 34 萬股特斯拉股票、套現 2.7 億美元。
蘋果 (AAPL-US) 週三上漲 0.65% 至每股 142.83 美元。摩根大通分析師 Samik Chatterjee 維持蘋果「增持」股價評級,認為在 5G 設備升級創紀錄的一年裡,蘋果仍是個股首選。
摩根大通首選股以蘋果居冠 (圖片:AFP)
摩根大通首選股以蘋果居冠 (圖片:AFP)
美國記憶體廠美光 (MU-US) 下跌 2.00% 至每股 71.64 美元。美光第四季財報表現不俗,但 2022 年財測遠遜市場預期,預告短期內記憶體晶片出貨可能會下滑。
美國廉價零售商 Dollar Tree (DLTR-US) 暴漲 16.49% 至每股 100.51 美元。Dollar Tree 以 1 元價格出售大部分商品而聞名,該公司週三宣布將所有 Dollar Tree Plus 商店價格增至 1 美元以上,並將於一些傳統 Dollar Tree 商品價格提高至 1 美元以上。
美國 9 月成屋銷售簽約指數月增率 8.1%,預期 1.4%,前值 - 2.0%
花旗近期一項調查顯示,大多數人擔心通膨居高不下,預期股市向下修正 20% 比上漲 20% 的可能性更大。
City Index 高級金融市場分析 Fiona Cincotta 表示,通膨升溫和經濟成長放緩可能會持續一段時間,美國債務上限的討論可能會成為近期市場焦點。
花旗美國財富管理投資策略主管 Shawn Snyder 表示:「週三這樣的日子,對我來說,平靜並不一定代表平靜,市場正在等待國會的進一步舉措。」
同時也有45部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過667萬的網紅Travel Thirsty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...
wood city 在 Mr.Giraffe キリン先生 Facebook 的最佳貼文
開通 Google表格 供各位訂購🙌🏻
【Mr.Giraffe Delivery 2021 TTF限定】
這次設計與以往的脫力感覺截然不同,特別加入速遞員的概念,結合街頭丶工作丶城市等元素。重新探索城市人的生活態度。設計師說道「疫情之下,大家也體驗了脫力的感覺,所以這次讓Mr.Giraffe 穿上背包丶帶上耳機丶踏上滑板,希望重新打造一隻充滿活力的Mr.Giraffe」。
另外這次Mr.Giraffe Delivery的包裝亦會以速遞箱的概念,箱子內除了有arttoy本體,還有三款不同的單品,隨機附送一款,增加驚喜感覺。「速遞包」將於9月25號晚上10:00pm Mr.Giraffe社交媒體公開發售,有興趣的讀者可以密切留意!
1) 分享ig的帖子,截圖上載
2) 填妥google表格
3) 一星期後陸續寄出
* 每人限購1隻
* 所有產品一星期後陸續由香港寄出順豐到付
* 不會有確定電郵,只要成功付款就可以
* 產品都是限量,購買數量滿額後,網頁會隨之停止
【Mr.Giraffe Delivery 2021TTF限定】
It has a completely different feel from the previous Off Force Series, this time the design has been specially added to the concept of courier. By combining elements such as the main street and the main city, we hope to rediscover the life attitude of urban people. The designer said, "The epidemic has made us experience the feeling of combat power, so we let Mr. Giraffe put on a backpack, put on headphones and step on a skateboard to recreate a vibrant Mr. Giraffe."
In addition, the packaging of this product will also adopt the concept of express box. In the box, you will receive the Art Toy body and three different items. We will also randomly include another one-hope to add surprises to you. Mr.Giraffe’s social media will also release the "Express Package" on September 25th 10:00pm . If you are interested, you can pay close attention!
How to buy:
1) Share ig's post, upload the picture
2) Fill out the google form
3) We will send it out after one week
Product Information:
-Randomly included 1 single item (3 items in total)
* Limit 1 per person
* All products will be shipped from Hong Kong one week later (SF Delivery)
* There will be no confirmation email, just successful payment.
* All products are limited edition, the website will be stopped when the quantity is full
#giraffe #mrgiraffe #arttoys #脫力生活
#designertoys #arttoy #pvc #wood
#キリン先生 #ttf #ttf2021 #tw
wood city 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Now on Sale
Live streaming from Konkai-Komyoji Temple in Kyoto
Saturday, October 30, 2021
15:30 Start on fine weather
17:30 Start on rainy weather
Archive video will be available on Zaiko until 23:59, Wednesday 2/11/2021. (You can watch as many times as you want during this period)
NOTICE: *In case of raining, the performance starts at 17:30. You will receive an email from Zaiko if the time is changed on the day.
2250yen (including 250yen for handling fee)
Available on Zaiko from 1 Oct (Fri) 10:00 - 3 Nov 21:00 (JST)
*You will need to register for a ZAIKO account to purchase tickets.
【Before Watch】
Register and watch guide
☆Please refer to the support page on the ZAIKO website for information on how to watch the show and detailed settings.
Tohru Yamasaki
President of T2Generation
Organizer of “TSUKENOKAI”. Tsukeuchi (tsuke percussionist) for Kabuki.Born in Kojima, Kurashiki City, Okayama Pref. on 28 February, 1969. Blood Type: B
1989: Joined in LIFE SOGOBUTAI Co.,Ltd. (formerly known as LIFE Bijutsusha Ltd.) located in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Pref. Autumn 1990: Moved to Tokyo.October 1992: Joined in Pacific Art Center Inc. after working freelance. Assigned to SHINBASHI ENBUJO (theater) to start a career as a tsukeuchi (tsuke percussionist). Since then, engaged in Kabuki performances in and outof Japan. August 2020: Resigned from Pacific Art Center Inc. Established T2Generation to start supporting cultural activities through tsukeuchi performance. Based on the career, trying various performances of art and culture by collaborating with others from different fields.
WEBT2Generation https://t-yamasaki.wixsite.com/t2generation
TSUKENOKAI https://t-yamasaki.wixsite.com/tsukenokai
TAKAYA, as known as HANAYUISHI, is an artist based inkyoto who combines floristry with art and fashion to create one-of-a kind headdresses. Takaya has invented and developed a technique of tying living plants like flowers.vegetables.fruits.twigs.plants and even taxidermy into hairs to make highly unique and ethereal works - as he describes as a “unity of human and nature.”
Takaya creates his works on the spot,choosing flowers to with cloth or personality of the person. It is an intuitive and spontaneous work that it is almost impossible to plan the design ahead since flowers are living things every bloom is different.every stems has its own line.There is beauty of working with living plants as opposed to dried plants - as if Takaya intensifies the energy of the living plants.the result of his stylings are so vibrant and memorable.
Takaya shows his work through photography and live performance.
Performances are often held in unique locations like Buddhis temples and museums in throughout Japan and Sweden. He has been featured in numerous publications and broadcasts around the world, including Daily Telegraph, Glamour Italia, Holland Herald, and NHK World TV.
Takaya also collaborates with Yumi Katsura, a well-known bridal fashion designer for Yumi Katsura Grand Collection.
wood city 在 toysrevil Youtube 的最讚貼文
Underverse just gave us a glimpse at their POCKET UNIVERSE line of action figures, featuring Ashley Wood's character creations in 1/18th scale! First look'll be at their Shanghai Wonder Festival 2021, and then I'll be tracking it down on #TOYSREVIL!
(Image via Underverse)
Track used: "Cumbia City" by An Jone
*If you like or enjoy what I do, please do consider buying me a coffee at:
*Donations also accepted via PayPal ("toysrevil@yahoo.com").
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