星期四,英國代表Lauren Price响女子中量級拳擊準決賽擊敗荷蘭選手,將會响星期日決賽對中國爭金牌。硬撐就唔洗講㗎喇,不過想分享嘅係佢由棄嬰成為奧運選手嘅感人故事。
Lauren Price出世三日,父母唔知咩原因遺棄佢,公公Derek同婆婆Linda就決定撫養佢成人。公公婆婆承認痛錫Lauren仲多過自己嘅親生仔女,特別係公公,基本上去邊都帶埋Lauren去,連投注站(英國賭波、馬、狗嘅鋪頭)都唔例外,可以話係溺愛。
六七歲陪公公睇奧運嘅時候,就立志成為奧運選手,咁細個當然唔會知自己鍾意咩運動,不過公公婆婆見佢嘅身型比同齡嘅小朋友大,所以就鼓勵佢乜運動都玩,初頭就參加咗足球同手球。到咗八歲嘅時候,公公見Lauren踼波嘅時候對腳力量夠大,亦希望佢可以長大後保護自己,所以就鼓勵佢去學kickboxing。就係咁,Lauren Price就拳打威爾斯,腳踢全英國,13歲就打破全國紀錄,成為年紀最細嘅全國kickboxing綿標賽嘅參賽者,同大過自己至少兩歲嘅對手作賽。
之後,佢放棄咗代表威爾斯少年足球隊,專注kickboxing,因為奧運無呢個項目,所以就開始學埋拳擊,當Lauren見到英國代表Nicola Adams响2012年倫敦奧運攞到蠅量級金牌之後,就決定全力向奧運拳擊金牌進發。Lauren覺得,如果無公公婆婆,佢嘅命運就會唔同晒,唔會有今日嘅成就。
"Put it this way, if they didn’t take me in at three days old I probably would have ended up in care. I probably would have turned out a wrong ‘un. They changed my life completely and supported me 100%. I’m very grateful for them."
可惜,當Lauren攞到奧運資格嘅時候,養育同鼓勵佢成為運動員嘅公公確診認知 認知障礙症,到咗上年疫情,為咗唔令公公婆婆感染,Lauren要搬離威爾斯繼續訓練。到疫情緩和之後,公公已經唔認得Lauren同婆婆,病情越黎越嚴重,最終公公離開咗,唔能夠見到Lauren一步步打到入決賽爭金牌...
"It’s gutting that he’s not here to see me qualify and get there. But every time I go into the ring, I know he’s there looking down on me. That’s what gets me through. I know he’s with me in spirit."
with me威爾斯 在 作者 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Dylan Thomas跟Jack Kerouac都可被歸類為「失落一代」的詩人,家鄉在威爾斯,跟Anthony Hopkins一樣。不過,他經常詛咒自己出生的地方,因為那裡生得他又矮又孱弱(他只有5'6"):「這本不可能告訴你的,我是多麼渴望逃離這一切,這狹隘與骯髒,這威爾士人的永恆醜陋,以及所有屬於他們的一切,逃離我不在乎的小器母親和一堆在吃笑的親戚。」
Dylan Thomas字裡行間充滿着怒忿,例如這一段對母親的怪責:
Feeding the worm
Who do I blame
Because laid down
At last by time,
Here under the earth with girl and thief,
Who do I blame?
Mother I blame
Whose loving crime
Moulded my form
Within her womb,
Who gave me life and then the grave,
Mother I blame.
Here is her labour’s end,
Dead limb and mind,
All love and sweat
Gone now to rot.
I am man’s reply to every question,
His aim and destination.
with me威爾斯 在 Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 Facebook 的最佳貼文
💚 從美國華盛頓和英國曼城及北威爾斯來的居家隔離烹飪 〜 椒鹽豆腐
Quarantine Cooking from Washington DC, USA; Manchester & North Wales, UK 〜 Salt and Pepper Tofu ☘️
(For the English translation please scroll down.)
我親愛的好朋友沈倩如,食物攝影師。她住在美國華盛頓,昨天傳了一張美麗的椒鹽豆腐照片給我。她說:「 妳的食譜,妳看怎樣?我一直很喜歡椒鹽的味道,這次還加了點五香粉。微妙混合的香氣在口中擴散,讓人旋即想起台灣路邊攤的小吃。」
我們其中一位最忠實的顧客,住在英國曼城的 Lynne Marland, 她告訴我說:「 我用大白菜和菠菜佐著一起做了椒鹽豆腐,非常好吃!然後,今天我用香菇、大白菜和米粉煮了一鍋美味的味噌湯,我把剩下的幾塊切碎,加了進去,也很好吃。」
另一位住在北威爾斯的可愛顧客 Julie Gittins 也告訴我,她說:「 我又再做椒鹽豆腐了,真是好吃!我加了醃薑和一些鷹嘴豆,因為我剛好手上有两瓶已開了的。快速且美味。再次感謝妳的食譜。」
非常感謝 Lisa,Lynne 和 Julie 與我們分享妳們美味的居家隔離烹飪和可愛的小貼士!
My dear friend Lisa, an international food photographer and a best selling author based in Washington DC, USA, sent me a lovely image of the Salt & Pepper Tofu, she said, “Your recipe, what do you think? I have always liked anything that’s cooked with salt and pepper, and this time I added a little five spice powder. The magical aromatic mix gently explodes in the mouth, reminiscent of the street food we used to have on Taiwan's roadside stalls.”
One of our most loyal customers lovely Lynne Marland, who lives in Manchester, UK, messaged me and said, “I made Salt and Pepper Tofu with Chinese cabbage and spinach, very nice! Then today I made some miso soup with shiitake mushrooms and Chinese cabbage & vermicelli, then I cut up the few pieces that were leftover and added those, it was yummy too.”
Another lovely customer Julie Gittins who lives in North Wales, UK, also messaged me. She said,“ I made the Salt and Pepper Tofu again, delicious! I added pickled ginger and threw in some chick peas just because I had some open. Quick and delicious. Thanks again for the recipe.”
Thank you so much Lisa, Lynne and Julie for sharing with us your delicious quarantine cooking & all the wonderful tips! 💚 xx
純素《蔬食常備菜:168 道安之茹素的一日三餐提案》
鍋煎香脆椒鹽豆腐 P.116
誠 品:https://goo.gl/1HAqgn
#純素蔬食常備菜 #stayathome #健康蔬食 #保護地球 #愛護動物 #少欲知足 #吃素能抗暖化
with me威爾斯 在 With Me 與我- Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
With Me 由旅行多年的德國人Sue 與台灣人Ling Yun創立。 ... With Me 台德聯手品牌【威爾斯雙層拉鍊行李箱】超越無印質感|台灣標檢通過|輕量如羽|. ... <看更多>