#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#typhoon #hurricane #tropicalcyclone
大家有收聽 EZTALK 新開的 podcast #編輯講英文👀嗎?
有集 Amy 聊到颱風跟颶風的不同,這次由 Judd 編審出馬解惑囉!
🤔 明明都是熱帶氣旋,為什麼有時叫 typhoon,有時叫 hurricane?看完這一篇,保證你豁然開朗💪
BY 期待今年能放颱風假的 Libby 編
🌪 Typhoons and Hurricanes 颱風與颶風
After a record-setting July—the first in 70 years with no typhoons or tropical storms—Taiwan finally got its first typhoon on Monday, August 3. Not particularly destructive by typhoon standards, Typhoon Hagupit nevertheless dropped heavy rain as it passed by north of the island, causing two casualties—a government employee who drowned at a pumping station and a scooter rider who was injured in a collision with a falling tree.
At the same time, Hurricane Isaias—the second of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, was headed toward the U.S. East Coast after causing flooding and property damage on several Caribbean islands. Typhoons and hurricanes are both large, spinning storms that form in the summer and early fall. They are both cyclones (cyclone comes from the Greek word for wheel) characterized by strong winds that form over tropical or subtropical waters. And they both have a low-pressure “eye” at the center when seen in a satellite image. So what is the difference?
The only difference between typhoons and hurricanes, it turns out, is where they occur. When tropical cyclones with wind speeds of 119 km per hour or higher form in the Northwest Pacific, they’re called typhoons—a word that probably came into English from the Cantonese term for “big wind.” When these same storms form in the Atlantic or Northeast Pacific, they’re called hurricanes—from the Spanish huracán, which was borrowed from Hurikán, the Taíno (a Caribbean tribe) god of storms. What about tropical cyclones that form in the Indian Ocean? They’re just called tropical cyclones.
原來,唯一的不同在於兩者所生成的地方。當熱帶氣旋生成於太平洋西北海域,且風速高達每小時119公里以上時,這些熱帶氣旋就叫做typhoon(颱風)──這個英文字可能源自廣東話「大風」。而同樣條件的暴風雨如果在大西洋或太平洋東北海域生成,就叫hurricane(颶風)──源自西班牙語「huracán」,這個字是借自一支叫做Taíno 的加勒比部落語言,他們稱風暴之王為Hurikán。那在印度洋生成的熱帶氣旋又叫做什麼呢?直接叫tropical cyclone(熱帶氣旋)就好。
【✍ 主題單字】
1. record-setting「創下記錄的」:record 在這裡指「記錄」,相關用語:record-breaking「破紀錄的」
2. casualty「(意外或事故)傷亡人員」
3. collision「車輛碰撞」
4. tropical「熱帶的」;subtropical「亞熱帶的」
5. satellite image「衛星雲圖」
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
tropical cyclone in taiwan 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的最讚貼文
颱風 typhoon
熱帶氣旋 tropical cyclone
熱帶低氣壓 tropical depression
中度颱風 moderate typhoon
輕度颱風 mild typhoon
強烈颱風 severe typhoon
1. 這颱風將要侵襲(approach)臺灣。
The typhoon is approaching Taiwan
2. 中央氣象局將有可能在明日下午發布海上警報(sea warning)。
The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) would issue a sea warning tomorrow afternoon.
3. 那位氣象主播估計這颱風不會直接重創(hit)臺灣。
The weatherman projected that the typhoon would not hit Taiwan directly.
4. 這個周末之前,中央氣象局便會解除陸上警報(lift the land warning)。
The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) will lift the land warning for the typhoon by this weekend.
5. 這颱風對臺灣造成威脅(pose a threat)。
The typhoon poses a threat to Taiwan
6. 有些因颱風而成的海浪(wave)可達10公尺高。
Some typhoon-generated waves can reach 10 meters in height.
--Learn More--
土石流 landslide
暴洪 flash flood
大雨 heavy rain
陣雨 rain shower
毛毛雨 drizzling
颶風 hurricane
龍捲風 tornado
海嘯 tsunami
圖片來源: 公有領域 public domain https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Typhoon_Haitang_7-15-2005_1402_UTC.jpg
tropical cyclone in taiwan 在 Tropical Storm In-fa to strengthen and pass over Taiwan 的推薦與評價
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