I just experienced one of those special moments of serendipity. First I want to thank @musiqsoulchild for his post on Stevie's classic double album "Songs In The Key of Life"...it is one of the most important albums from my childhood and it influenced me greatly. I'd probably say that this is one of the top 5 albums I'd wanna bring with me if I was stuck on a desolated island. Now to get to the point...I wasn't aware that this album was originally released Sept 28th, 1976 but had just noticed @musiqsoulchild (who I'm also a fan of) had just posted on the record being 40 years ago today. The most amazing part for me is that today I just released my 11th anniversary double album "JTW" and final full album for now (times are changing). This was also a rescheduled date for my release as the production process took longer than planned. So what are the chances? Both double albums released on the same date and me being such a big fan of that album! Stevie's is of course a timeless classic that ushered in a new perspective for songwriting and production. My album is just a fun album with some cool ideas and a couple super talented guest artists...but still...isn't that pretty awesome?? #songsinthekeyoflife #jtw