[RESPON KEPADA ‘BETTER BEER FESTIVAL’: Dari Perspektif Agama Di Malaysia]
Sebelum ini kami sudah mengulas mengenai isu arak di dalam pandangan agama-agama dunia, dan kami berpandangan mengikut konteks Malaysia isu arak tidak relevan jika ia diurus di dalam skop kebebasan beragama. Ini kerana majoriti penganut agama di Malaysia adalah Muslim, Buddhis, Hindu, Kristian, dan Sikh yang mana adalah jelas di dalam kitab ajaran agama ini semua mengharamkan arak.
Di Malaysia masyarakat cina bukan Islam adalah golongan yang mendominasi di dalam mengkonsumsi arak. Tidak hairan kerana minuman ini juga dilihat mula berkembang di China. Merujuk jurnal National Geographic: The Birth of Booze, bukti penciptaan arak terawal ditemui di Jiahu, China. Antara bahan yang digunakan adalah jagung, barli, beras, gandum, anggur, tebu dan lain-lain lagi. Ketika itu China masih mengamalkan kepercayaan shamanisme dan agama tradisi nenek moyang. Ia berlaku jauh sebelum lahirnya agama Buddha di India, dan agama Taoisme serta Konfusianisme di China.[1]
Larangan Arak Dalam Agama Buddha
Di dalam Pancasila (lima sila) ajaran Buddha, sila terakhir menyatakan perlu menghindari minuman yang memabukkan. Sebutan di dalam bahasa Pali
“Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami” yang bermaksud menahan diri daripada meminum minuman memabukkan. Dan dari ayat ini terdapat banyak pandangan dari kalangan ilmuan Buddha dalam menghurai larangan ini. [2]
Malah ilmuan Buddhis sendiri seperti Master Hsing Yun dalam bukunya The Five Precepts menyatakan sekiranya seseorang itu mengambil sedikit sahaja minuman keras tetap juga dilarang. Begitu juga dengan ilmuan yang lain:
“The Vibhanga states that even as little as a drop the size of a dewdrop on the tip of a balde of grass is enough to constitute a violation. So, having even small glass of wine, even if it does not make one drunk, is a transgression.”[3]
“It it known that intoxicants even in small amounts can make one less sensitive, heedless and easily swayed by the defilements. As one starts to enjoy getting high on intoxicants, the effect becomes addictive and usage increases.”[4]
Larangan Arak Dalam Agama Kristian
Di dalam Perjanjian Lama terdapat banyak ayat mengenai larangan meminum arak:
a) Imamat 10:9,
b) Bilangan 6:3,
c) Ulangan 29:6,
d) Hakim-Hakim 13: 4,
e) 1 Samuel 1: 15,
f) Amsal 20: 1, 31: 4-6,
g) Yesaya 5: 11, 22: 24: 9, 28: 9,
h) Mikha 2: 11
Manakala larangan-larangan dalam perjanjian baru dalam Injil Lukas 1: 15 dan Efesus 5: 18.
Larangan Arak Dalam Agama Hindu
Ayat yang melarang meminum arak dalam kitab suci Hindu:
a) Rigveda buku 8 hymn 2 ayat 12 ,
b) Rigveda Buku 8 hymn 21 ayat 14,
c) Athravaveda 6: 70: 1,
d) kitab Manusmriti 7: 47-50,
e) Manusmriti: 11: 55,
f) Manusmriti 11: 91.
g) Malah di dalam Kitab Manusmriti juga melarang menjual arak dalam Manusmriti 9: 225.
Di dalam Hindu dibezakan diantara minuman Soma dan juga Sura. Soma ialah minuman yang digunakan untuk ritual keagamaan (zaman Vedik) dan dikatakan ia sejenis minuman memabukkan yang banyak kali disebut di dalam Veda (Rig Veda:1:116:7, 8:2:12, 10:131:4-5) tetapi resepi air ini sudah pupus dan tidak dapat dibuat sekarang. Ada yang mengatakan ia dibuat dari susu dan ada dikatakan ia dibuat dari sebuah pohon yang menjalar di gunung.[5]
Manakala Sura pula adalah minuman beralkohol sepertimana arak-arak yang sedia ada pada hari ini.[6] Menurut Madhavi Bhaskar Kokhatkar di dalam jurnalnya Review: Surā, The Liquor And The Vedic Sacrifice mengatakan minuman Sura atau arak ini dilarang di dalam agama Hindu.[7]
Walaupun Veda membenarkan meminum Soma, pada masa yang sama ia juga melarang meminum minuman yang beralkohol (Sura):
“Minda yang lemah orang yang mengambil daging, minuman keras, dadu di papan judi, lelaki yang ghairah (ni-han) pada seorang perempuan- begitu juga biarkan pikiranmu, wahai yang tak terhindar (aghnya) kuatkanlah anakmu.” (Athravaveda: 6: 70: 1)
Ini menunjukkan bahawa meminum minuman keras adalah dilarang malah di dalam kitab Manusmriti terdapat banyak larangan mengenai larangan meminum Sura:
“Killing a Brahmana, drinking (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, stealing (the gold of a Brahmana), adultery with a Guru's wife, and associating with such (fenders), they declare (to be) mortal sins (mahapataka).” (Manusmriti: 11: 55)
“A twice-born man who has (intentionally) drunk, through delusion of mind, (the spirituous liquor called) Sura shall drink that liquor boiling hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt.” (Manusmriti 11: 91)
Malah tidak menjadi isu apabila ketua Menteri negeri Bihar, Nitish Kumar mengharamkan arak di negeri majoriti Hindu itu pada awal April 2016.
Larangan Arak Dalam Agama Sikh
Dalam kitab agama Sikh Guru Granth Sahib Ji himpunan Guru Gobing Singh terdapat larangan meminum arak menurunkan kecerdasan dan merosakkan fikiran:
ਜਿਤੁ ਪੀਤੈ ਮਤਿ ਦੂਰਿ ਹੋਇ ਬਰਲੁ ਪਵੈ ਵਿਚਿ ਆਇ ॥
“Drinking the wine, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind” (Sri Guru Granth Sahib: hlm 554)
Di dalam agama Sikh juga terdapat 5 larangan asas antaranya:
1) Tidak boleh potong rambut
2) Tidak boleh berkelakuan buruk
3) Tidak boleh merokok
4) Tidak boleh memakan daging yang disembelih
5) Tidak boleh minum arak
Larangan Arak Dalam Agama Islam
Di dalam Islam, jika mahu dibandingkan bilangan dalil larangan minuman keras berbanding agama lain, tidaklah sebanyak terdapat di dalam Bible dan juga kitab-kitab Hindu. Akan tetapi oleh disebabkan muslim itu bermaksud seseorang yang tunduk patuh kepada arahan Allah maka kuantiti bilangan larangan itu bukan perkara utama kerana apa yang utama adalah mereka mengikut segala aturan yang disebutkan di dalam kitab suci. Sebab itu dilihat orang Islam lebih sensetif terhadap larangan ini. Di dalam al Quran terdapat beberapa ayat yang menyebut mengenai larangan arak:
a) Surah al-Ma’idah: 90,
b) b) Surah Al-Baqarah: 219,
c) c) Surah an-Nahl: 97
Amalan Agama Menggunakan Arak
Adapun sebahagian agama animisme dan agama penyembah roh, kebiasaannya mereka akan menggunakan arak sebagai ritual keagamaan mereka. Hal ini boleh dilihat sebahagian besar Cult di Afrika dan masyarakat Afrika Amerika yang menggunakan arak di dalam amalan mereka seperti ajaran Candomble, Kumina, Voodoo, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Santeria dan lain-lain.
Disamping itu juga, terdapat juga ajaran Kristian khususnya yang turut menggunakan arak di dalam ritual mereka. Sebab itu apabila dilihat sebahagian Kristian seperti Black Christ turut menggunakan arak disebabkan sinkretisme amalan masyarakat (animisme) mereka dengan ajaran Kristian yang disampaikan oleh pendakyah Kristian sehingga wujudnya pengambilan arak di dalam agama. Akan tetapi di Malaysia, perkara ini tidak ada dan tidak berlaku. Maka ia tidak boleh menjadi hujah kepada ia adalah anjuran ritual agama.
Jika dibandingkan antara kebaikan dan keburukkan dari kesan meminum arak nescaya senarai keburukkannya terlalu banyak untuk disenaraikan. Malah dengan pengambilan arak juga manusia boleh terjebak dengan jenayah yang lain-lain kerana akal mereka sudah tidak stabil lagi. Sebab itu terdapat akta mengenai kesalahan memandu dengan pengaruh alkohol di seluruh dunia. Malah jika difikir secara logik, sekiranya seorang individu yang mabuk boleh memberi kesan yang mudharat kepada orang awam apatah lagi sekiranya perkara itu dilakukan secara besar-besaran, pasti impak dan kesan dari orang yang mabuk itu memberi kesan yang lebih teruk kepada orang awam.
Demikian itu, isu ini tidak relevan hanya dibincangkan di bawah rangka kebebasan beragama kerana tidak ada agama di Malaysia yang ‘membebaskan’ meminum arak. Kedua, isu ini perlu juga dibincang dibawah kesan dan mudharat yang bakal menimpa dari pesta orang ramai yang mabuk boleh memberi impak yang buruk kepada masyarakat. Ketiga, program sebegini tidak menguntungkan masyarakat dan negara malah membawa kepada kerosakkan moral, fizikal dan juga mental masyarakat.
Oleh itu masyarakat masyarakat muslim, buddhis, kristian, hindu, dan sikh yang benar-benar mengikut ajaran agama perlulah bersatu untuk menjauhi bahana arak yang jelas memberi kesan buruk kepada masyarakat. Nilailah isu ini dari sudut yang luas dan bukan sahaja hanya fikir untuk keseronokkan dan keuntungan penjualan arak sahaja.
Seorang manusia yang waras dan rasional sudah pasti akan menjauhi arak. Sebuah kisah sebagai penutup yang diceritakan oleh ilmuan Buddhis Master Hsing Yun dalam bukunya The Five Precepts:
“There once was a man who wanted to “just have a little drink,” but he did not have a dish of food to go with it. Seeing that his next-door neighbour was raising an old hen that was cackling away, he stole the hen and killed it to make a dish to eat while he drank his liquor. Thus he had broken the precepts against killing and stealing in one fell swoop. When the lady of the house next door came home and asked about her hen, the man told her that he had not seen it, thereby breaking the precept against lying. By now the man was a bit drunk, and seeing how beautiful the woman was, he started flirting with her and touching her in an indecent manner."
"Consequently, he also broke the precept against sexual misconduct. It was because of consuming intoxicants that all five precepts were broken in one stroke.”
Dengan hanya bermula sedikit ia boleh menyebabkan manusia melanggar semua hukum hakam dan ia diumpamakan ibu segala kejahatan. Sesuai dengan sebuah hadis mengatakan: الخمر أم الخبائث “Arak itu ibu segala kejahatan” (Silsalat al-Hadith as-Sahiha no: 1854).
Nota akhir:
[1] Lihat – (February 2017) Journal National Geographic: The Birth Of Booze Our 9000 year Love Affair With Alcohol, vol 231 no 2, hlm 48-49
[2] Lihat Aggacita Bhikkhu (2010). The Importance of Being Morally Virtuous, Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary, Taiping, hlm 65-71 / Lihat Bikhu Dhammavuddho Mahathera, (2011). Pesanan Buddha, Sangha Foundation, Perak hlm 4 / Lihat – (2014). Buddha & Me: For Biginners, Ti-Ratana Buddhist Society, Kuala Lumpur, hlm 41 / Dr. K. Dhammananda, (2002). What Buddhists Believe, Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, hlm 210-211.
[3] Lihat Veberable Fa Xun (2011). One Life Five Precepts, Shi Faxun, hlm 73
[4] Lihat Chan Khoon San (2002). Introductory Course in Buddhism, Selangor Buddhist Association, Kuala Lumpur, hlm 89
[5] Lihat Mark Cartwright (2016). Ancient History Encyclopedia: Soma - http://www.ancient.eu/Soma/
[6] https://beerinindia.wordpress.com/tag/sura/
[7] Madhavi Bhaskar Kokhatkar (1999). Surā, The Liquor And The Vedic Sacrifice, D.K Printworld, India, hlm 140
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[What Does Religions Say About Alcohol]
Alcohol is a type of drink with alcoholic substance that is able to make an individual drunk. Even if it can only affect the individual in a large quantity, drinking it in a lesser quantity is still considered as alcohol as it has the criteria of an alcoholic beverage.
The history of alcohol invention is lengthy, referring to an article by National Geographic: The Birth of Booze, proofs that earliest trace of alcohol was found at Jiahu, China. Among the ingredients used to make an alcoholic beverage are corn, barley, rice, wheat flour, grapes, sugarcane and many more.
Religion and Alcohol
Religion came to guide human being with the laws by the Creator (Allah) in order that human being will not cause destruction to this world. Alcohol is the mother of immoral behavior, the mind of a drunken individual will not function rationally and his action will be beyond his control. In fact, the majority of religions forbid the consumption of alcohol. Previously, Islam in the only religion that famously known for its prohibition of alcohol, however it is to note that other religion also prohibits it:
In Islam, the number of verses concerning the prohibition of alcohol are lesser than other religions such as in the Bible and Hindu scriptures. Even so, as Muslim means someone whom submits to the command of Allah hence the amount of verses is not the main focus instead it is the command in the scripture that takes into account. That is the reason why Muslims are more sensitive when it comes to alcohol. Below are verses in the Holy Quran that mentions the prohibition of alcohol.
a) Al-Ma’idah 5:90,
b) Al-Baqarah 2:219,
c) An-Nahl 16:97
Verses that prohibits the consumption of alcohol:
a) Rigveda book 8 hymn 2 verse 12,
b) Rigveda book 8 hymn 21 verse 14,
c) Athravaveda 6: 70: 1,
d) Manusmriti Scripture 7: 47-50,
e) Manusmriti: 11: 55,
f) Manusmriti 11: 91.
g) In the Manusmriti Scripture 9:225, the selling of alcohol is also forbidden.
In Hinduism, Soma and Sura drink are differentiated. Soma is a fermented juice drink used in religion ritual (Vedic Times) and it is said to be an alcoholic beverage that is mentioned numerous times in Veda (Rig Veda 1:116:7, 8:2:12, 10:131:4-5) however, the ingredient for this beverage is already extinct and cannot be made today. There are opinions that it is made from milk or a climbing plant which thrives in mountain areas. (Mark Cartwright: Ancient History Encyclopedia: Soma: 2016).
While Sura is a form of liquor, same as other kinds of alcoholic beverage available in this era. According to Madhavi Bhaskar Kokhatkar in his journal “Review: Surā, The Liquor and The Vedic Sacrifice”, it stated that Sura or this liquor is forbidden in Hinduism.
Even though Veda allows the consumption of Soma, at the same time it forbids the consumption of alcoholic beverage (Sura):
“Weak minds are attracted towards meat, alcohol, sensuality and womanizing. But O non-violent mind, you focus your mind towards the world in same manner as a mother cares for her child.” (Athravaveda: 6: 70: 1)
One becomes sinful if he or she crosses even one of the 7 restraints. Yaskacharya defines these 7 sins in his Nirukta as: Theft, Adultery, Murder of a noble person, Abortion, Dishonesty, Repeating misdeeds and consumption of alcohol. (Rigveda 10:5:6)
This shows that drinking alcoholic beverage is forbidden and there are many verses in the Manusmriti scripture that prohibit the consumption of Sura.
“Killing a Brahmana, drinking (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, stealing (the gold of a Brahmana), adultery with a Guru's wife, and associating with such (fenders), they declare (to be) mortal sins (mahapataka).” (Manusmriti: 11: 55)
“A twice-born man who has (intentionally) drunk, through delusion of mind, (the spirituous liquor called) Sura shall drink that liquor boiling hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt.” (Manusmriti 11: 91)
In fact, on early April 2016 it did not become an issue when the Chief Minister of Bihar state, Nitish Kumar prohibits alcohol in the state with the majority is Hindu.
According to Buddha teachings of Pencasila (Five Precepts), the last precepts states that one must avoid intoxicating beverage. In the Pali language “Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami” translated as abstaining oneself from drinking intoxicating beverage.
Even a Buddhist Monk by the name of Master Hsing Yun in his book, The Five Precepts states it is still forbidden to consume even a little of alcohol. Same goes to other Buddhist monk and scholars:
“The Vibhanga states that even as little as a drop the size of a dewdrop on the tip of a balde of grass is enough to constitute a violation. So, having even small glass of wine, even if it does not make one drunk, is a transgression.” (Veberable Fa Xun: One Life Five Precepts: 2011: page 73)
“It it known that intoxicants even in small amounts can make one less sensitive, heedless and easily swayed by the defilements. As one starts to enjoy getting high on intoxicants, the effect becomes addictive and usage increases.” (Chan Khoon San, Introductory Course in Buddhism: 2002 page 89)
In the Old Testament, there are many verses on the prohibition of alcohol:
a) Leviticus 10:9,
b) Numbers 6:3,
c) Deuteronomy 29:6,
d) Judges 13: 4,
e) Judges 14: 1,
f) Samuel 1: 15,
h) Proverbs 20: 1, 31: 4-6,
g) Isaiah 5: 11, 22: 24: 9, 28: 9,
h) Micah 2: 11
Prohibition of alcohol is as stated in the Old Testament while in the New Testament Luke 1:15 and Ephesians 5: 18.
In Sikhism scripture, Guru Granth Sahib Ji compilation of Guru Gobing Singh, there is prohibition of alcohol consumption:
“Drinking the wine, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind.” (Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Page 554)
In Sikhism, there are 5 basic prohibitions;
1) Cutting ones hair
2) Bad behavior
3) Smoking
4) Eating meat killed in a ritualistic manner
5) Alcohol consumption
Alcohol in Religious Practices
Alcohol is used in religious practices of some Animism religion and spirit worshipers. This is also the same for some of the biggest cult in Africa and the African American community such as Candomble, Kumina, Voodoo, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Santeria and many others.
Besides that, alcohol is also used as part of religious ritual in some Christian’s teachings. For example Black Christ uses alcohol due to the syncretism people practice (animism) adding on with the teachings of Christianity by Christian missionaries so that there is alcohol in religion.
Apart from that, the consumption of alcohol in Christianity is due to misinterpretation of the texts from the Bible. Even though there are prohibitions in the Bible, the justification given is that alcohol can be consumed as long as one refrains from getting drunk. There is also commentary that the verses were revealed in the ancient times and the situation is not the same as today.
Besides that, another interpretation is the prohibition is specifically for the Jews hence the Gentiles is allowed to consume alcohol. There are even more misinterpretations made towards the verses.
That is one of the main factors resulting in the corruption of religion. Syncretism from other beliefs mixed with religious practices between one religion and another, also the misinterpretation of liberals that deviate from the original text.
The majority of religion prohibits alcohol. Even logically, human beings will refuse the harming effects of alcohol consumption. If the benefits and detrimental effects of alcohol were to be compared, indefinitely the detrimental effects are greater. In fact, due to alcohol consumption an individual can easily engaged in crime as the mind is in an unstable condition. Due to the same reason also, there are laws made worldwide on driving under the influence of alcohol. A human being with a sane mind will surely refrain from alcohol consumption, specifically because it is the command of Allah and also because of the harmful effects. A story taken from the Buddhist Monk, Master Hsing Yun in his book The Five Precepts:
“There once was a man who wanted to “just have a little drink,” but he did not have a dish of food to go with it. Seeing that his next-door neighbour was raising an old hen that was cackling away, he stole the hen and killed it to make a dish to eat while he drank his liquor. Thus he had broken the precepts against killing and stealing in one fell swoop. When the lady of the house next door came home and asked about her hen, the man told her that he had not seen it, thereby breaking the precept against lying. By now the man was a bit drunk, and seeing how beautiful the woman was, he started flirting with her and touching her in an indecent manner. Consequently, he also broke the precept against sexual misconduct. It was because of consuming intoxicants that all five precepts were broken in one stroke.”
Just a little drink drove a human being into violating the laws and tenets, hence alcohol can be describe as mother of all evil. As stated in a Hadith الخمر أم الخبائث “Alcohol is the mother of all evil” (Silasat al-Hadith as-Sahiha no:1854).
Allah knows best.
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[Apa Kata Agama Tentang Arak]
Arak merupakan sejenis minuman yang mengandungi alkohol dan boleh menimbulkan mabuk. Walaupun air itu diminum banyak baru memabukkan, dengan kuantiti yang sedikit pun ia tetap dikira sebagai arak kerana mempunyai ciri-ciri bahan tersebut.
Sejarah penciptaannya agak panjang merujuk artikel National Geographic: The Birth of Booze, bukti penciptaan arak terawal ditemui di Jiahu, China. Antara bahan yang digunakan adalah jagung, barli, beras, gandum, anggur, tebu dan lain-lain lagi.
Agama Dan Arak
Agama datang untuk mengawal manusia dengan hukum Allah agar tidak melakukan kerosakkan di dunia. Ini kerana, arak merupakan ibu segala perbuatan buruk kerana dengan mabuknya seseorang itu akalnya sudah tidak berfungsi dengan waras dan dia boleh melakukan apa sahaja dari luar kawalannya. Malah majoriti agama mengharamkan arak. Sebelum ini, hanya Islam sahaja agama yang terkenal mengenai larangan terhadap minuman keras ini, sebenarnya larangan yang sama terdapat di dalam agama yang lain:
Agama Islam
Di dalam Islam, jika mahu dibandingkan bilangan dalil larangan minuman keras berbanding agama lain, tidaklah sebanyak terdapat di dalam Bible dan juga kitab-kitab Hindu. Akan tetapi oleh disebabkan muslim itu bermaksud seseorang yang tunduk patuh kepada arahan Allah maka kuantiti bilangan itu bukan perkara utama kerana apa yang utama adalah mereka mengikut segala aturan yang disebutkan di dalam kitab suci. Sebab itu dilihat orang Islam lebih sensetif terhadap larangan ini. Di dalam al Quran terdapat beberapa ayat yang menyebut mengenai larangan arak:
a) Surah al-Ma’idah: 90,
b) b) Surah Al-Baqarah: 219,
c) c) Surah an-Nahl: 67
Agama Hindu
Ayat yang melarang meminum arak dalam:
a) Rigveda buku 8 hymn 2 ayat 12 ,
b) Rigveda Buku 8 hymn 21 ayat 14,
c) Athravaveda 6: 70: 1,
d) kitab Manusmriti 7: 47-50,
e) Manusmriti: 11: 55,
f) Manusmriti 11: 91.
g) Malah di dalam Kitab Manusmriti juga melarang menjual arak dalam Manusmriti 9: 225.
Di dalam Hindu dibezakan diantara minuman Soma dan juga Sura. Soma ialah minuman yang digunakan untuk ritual keagamaan (zaman Vedik) dan dikatakan ia sejenis minuman memabukkan yang banyak kali disebut di dalam Veda (Rig Veda:1:116:7, 8:2:12, 10:131:4-5) tetapi resepi air ini sudah pupus dan tidak dapat dibuat sekarang. Ada yang mengatakan ia dibuat dari susu dan ada dikatakan ia dibuat dari sebuah pohon yang menjalar di gunung (Mark Cartwright: Ancient History Encyclopedia: Soma: 2016).
Manakala Sura pula adalah minuman beralkohol sepertimana arak-arak yang sedia ada pada hari ini. Menurut Madhavi Bhaskar Kokhatkar di dalam jurnalnya Review: Surā, The Liquor And The Vedic Sacrifice mengatakan minuman Sura atau arak ini dilarang di dalam agama Hindu.
Walaupun Veda membenarkan meminum Soma, pada masa yang sama ia juga melarang meminum minuman yang beralkohol (Sura):
“Minda yang lemah orang yang mengambil daging, minuman keras, dadu di papan judi, lelaki yang ghairah (ni-han) pada seorang perempuan- begitu juga biarkan pikiranmu, wahai yang tak terhindar (aghnya) kuatkanlah anakmu.” (Athravaveda: 6: 70: 1)
Ini menunjukkan bahawa meminum minuman keras adalah dilarang malah di dalam kitab Manusmriti terdapat banyak larangan mengenai larangan meminum Sura:
“Killing a Brahmana, drinking (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, stealing (the gold of a Brahmana), adultery with a Guru's wife, and associating with such (fenders), they declare (to be) mortal sins (mahapataka).” (Manusmriti: 11: 55)
“A twice-born man who has (intentionally) drunk, through delusion of mind, (the spirituous liquor called) Sura shall drink that liquor boiling hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt.” (Manusmriti 11: 91)
Malah tidak menjadi isu apabila ketua Menteri negeri Bihar, Nitish Kumar mengharamkan arak di negeri majoriti Hindu itu pada awal April 2016.
Agama Buddha
Di dalam Pencasila (lima sila) ajaran Buddha, sila terakhir menyatakan perlu menghindari minuman yang memabukkan. Sebutan di dalam bahasa Pali “Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami” yang bermaksud menahan diri daripada meminum minuman memabukkan.
Malah ilmuan Buddhis sendiri seperti Master Hsing Yun dalam bukunya The Five Precepts menyatakan sekiranya seseorang itu mengambil sedikit sahaja minuman keras tetap juga dilarang. Begitu juga dengan ilmuan yang lain:
“The Vibhanga states that even as little as a drop the size of a dewdrop on the tip of a balde of grass is enough to constitute a violation. So, having even small glass of wine, even if it does not make one drunk, is a transgression.” (Veberable Fa Xun: One Life Five Precepts: 2011: hlm 73)
“It it known that intoxicants even in small amounts can make one less sensitive, heedless and easily swayed by the defilements. As one starts to enjoy getting high on intoxicants, the effect becomes addictive and usage increases.” (Chan Khoon San, Introductory Course in Buddhism: 2002 hlm 89)
Agama Yahudi
Di dalam Perjanjian Lama terdapat banyak ayat mengenai larangan meminum arak:
a) Imamat 10:9,
b) Bilangan 6:3,
c) Ulangan 29:6,
d) Hakim-Hakim 13: 4,
e) 1 Samuel 1: 15,
f) Amsal 20: 1, 31: 4-6,
g) Yesaya 5: 11, 22: 24: 9, 28: 9,
h) Mikha 2: 11
Agama Kristian
Larangan-larangan dalam Perjanjian Lama, dalam perjanjian baru dalam Injil Lukas 1: 15 dan Efesus 5: 18.
Agama Sikh
Dalam kitab agama Sikh Guru Granth Sahib Ji himpunan Guru Gobing Singh terdapat larangan meminum arak:
“Minum anggur menurunkan kecerdasan dan merosakkan fikiran.” (Sri Guru Granth Sahib: hlm 554)
Di dalam agama Sikh juga terdapat 5 larangan asas antaranya:
1) Tidak boleh potong rambut
2) Tidak boleh berkelakuan buruk
3) Tidak boleh merokok
4) Tidak boleh memakan daging yang disembelih
5) Tidak boleh minum arak
Amalan Agama Menggunakan Arak
Adapun sebahagian agama animisme dan agama penyembah roh, kebiasaannya mereka akan menggunakan arak sebagai ritual keagamaan mereka. Hal ini boleh dilihat sebahagian besar Cult di Afrika dan masyarakat Afrika Amerika yang menggunakan arak di dalam amalan mereka seperti Candomble, Kumina, Voodoo, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Santeria dan lain-lain.
Disamping itu juga, terdapat juga ajaran Kristian khususnya yang turut menggunakan arak di dalam ritual mereka. Sebab itu apabila dilihat sebahagian Kristian seperti Black Christ turut menggunakan arak disebabkan sinkretisme amalan masyarakat (animisme) mereka dengan ajaran Kristian yang disampaikan oleh pendakyah Kristian sehingga wujudnya pengambilan arak di dalam agama.
Di dalam bentuk lain pula, berlaku pengambilan arak di dalam agama Kristian disebabkan wujudnya penafsiran yang menyimpang daripada teks-teks Bible. Walaupun Bible melarang mengambil arak, mereka berhujah dengan mengatakan dibolehkan asalkan diminum jangan sampai mabuk. Mereka juga tafsir dengan mengatakan ayat itu diturunkan di zaman dahulu dan situasi pada hari ini tidak sama dengan sekarang malah ada juga menafsir, ayat itu hanya khusus untuk orang Yahudi sahaja dan tidak kepada non Yahudi sebab itu sebahagian mereka membenarkan meminum arak. Malah terdapat banyak lagi tafsiran yang menyimpang.
Itulah antara faktor utama kerosakkan di dalam sesebuah agama. Sinkretisme dari kepercayaan lain dengan mencampur adukkan amalan antara agama dengan agama lain dan juga amalan penafsiran yang liberal sehingga menyimpang dari teks asal.
Majoriti agama besar mengharamkan arak. Malah secara logiknya juga manusia menolak akan kemudharatan terhadap pengambilan arak. Jika dibandingkan antara kebaikan dan keburukkannya nescaya senarai keburukkannya terlalu banyak untuk disenaraikan. Malah dengan pengambilan arak juga manusia boleh terjebak dengan jenayah yang lain-lain kerana akal mereka sudah tidak stabil lagi. Sebab itu terdapat akta mengenai kesalahan memandu dengan pengaruh alkohol di seluruh dunia. Sekiranya manusia itu waras akalnya sudah pasti akan menjauhi arak, terutama ia adalah arahan Allah yang melarangnya dan juga ia memudharatkan. Sebuah kisah sebagai penutup yang diceritakan oleh ilmuan Buddhis Master Hsing Yun dalam bukunya The Five Precepts:
“There once was a man who wanted to “just have a little drink,” but he did not have a dish of food to go with it. Seeing that his next-door neighbour was raising an old hen that was cackling away, he stole the hen and killed it to make a dish to eat while he drank his liquor. Thus he had broken the precepts against killing and stealing in one fell swoop. When the lady of the house next door came home and asked about her hen, the man told her that he had not seen it, thereby breaking the precept against lying. By now the man was a bit drunk, and seeing how beautiful the woman was, he started flirting with her and touching her in an indecent manner. Consequently, he also broke the precept against sexual misconduct. It was because of consuming intoxicants that all five precepts were broken in one stroke.”
Dengan hanya bermula sedikit ia boleh menyebabkan manusia melanggar semua hukum hakam dan ia diumpamakan ibu segala kejahatan. Sesuai dengan sebuah hadis mengatakan: الخمر أم الخبائث “Arak itu ibu segala kejahatan” (Silsalat al-Hadith as-Sahiha no: 1854).
R&D Team MRM
national dish of china 在 TVBS 文茜的世界周報 TVBS Sisy's World News Youtube 的最讚貼文
格雷厄姆·艾利森教授(Graham Allison)獨家專訪,艾利森是外交、軍事及國際關係專家,也是哈佛大學甘迺迪政治學院創始院長,其曾任美國助理國防部長,更是拜登從參議員到總統,請益外交及國防戰略的政策專家。
艾利森在專訪中不僅提出拜登政府上台後的五大施政核心,過去艾利森曾撰書剖析美國與中國兩大強權的競合關係,更曾直言美中若無法和平共處,則終須一戰。其言論和分析,受到全球國際關係學者與媒體的重視。這次接受TVBS Focus全球新聞主播方念華及記者趙元穎的獨家專訪,除暢談美中台三方的未來,更大讚台灣防疫有成,成為全球先進國家的典範
Graham Allison is a leading analyst of US national security and defense policy with a special
interest in China, nuclear weapons and decision-making.
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national dish of china 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的精選貼文
Hainanese chicken rice was adapted from early Chinese immigrants from the province of Hainan of southern China. Although this dish can be commonly found in Malaysia and Singapore, this dish is considered as one of the national dishes of Singapore. In Thailand, this dish is known as Khao Man Gai.
I believe if you were to ask any Singaporeans which dishes must you try in Singapore, Hainanese chicken rice is bound to be one of them. In fact, it is also listed at #45 on the World's 50 most delicious foods compiled by CNN in 2011. In Singapore, Hainanese chicken rice is served everywhere from school canteens, hawker stalls to major restaurants. There are also Hainanese chicken rice stalls that have established franchise or branch outlets, and these include Loy Kee, Five Star Hainanese Chicken Rice, Boon Tong Kee. Although chicken rice is generally common, you can rarely find a stall in Singapore selling chicken rice balls. I figured it’s because more labour is required to shape the ball which reduces their productivity. Yes you’re right, everything in Singapore is about chop-chop-chop – faster-faster!
Scroll down to see the list of ingredients we used or go to our website http://spicenpans.com/hainanese-chicken-rice/ for your easy reference.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
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on behalf of Spice N' Pans
Serves 10
Poaching the chicken
- 2 whole chicken (about 1.4kg per chicken. Clean the exterior of the chicken with salt and remove any presence of blood inside the body of the chicken. Wash clean before use.)
- 2 stalks of spring onion
- 6 slices young ginger
- 3 pieces of chicken stock cube (without MSG)
Making the chicken rice
- 700g Thai jasmine rice
- 120g of glutinous rice (soaked overnight)
- 30g of butter
- 2 bulbs of garlic - halved
- 60g of young ginger
- 7 - 8 pandan leaves
- 5 cups of chicken stock (from poaching of the chicken)
Seasoning liquid (to be poured over the poached cut chicken - please add sufficient to flavour up the chicken but not too much because it may be too salty)
- 1.5 cups of chicken stock
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
- 2 tablespoons of light soya sauce

national dish of china 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube 的最佳解答
Indonesian style roast pig (babi guling), from start to finish. Entire pigs slow roasted for hours until tender, fall off the bone, perfection. For Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1sVGaq8veU
In Indonesia, a pig roast is called babi guling, babi panggang or babi bakar; however it is rarely found in Indonesia, except in non-Muslim majority provinces, such as Hindu Bali and Christian Batak lands in North Sumatra, Minahasa people of North Sulawesi, Toraja in South Sulawesi, Papua, and also among Chinese Indonesians. In Bali, babi guling usually served with lawar and steamed rice; it is a popular dish in Balinese restaurants and warungs. In Batak people's tradition, babi guling is a prerequisite in wedding offerings for the bride's family. In Papua, pigs and yams are roasted in heated stones placed in a hole dug in the ground and covered with leaves; this cooking method is called bakar batu (burning the stone), and it is an important cultural and social event among Papuan people.
In various Chinese communities (especially in Southern China), a pig roast known as siu yuk is purchased for the sake of special family affairs, business openings, or as a ritualistic spiritual offering. For example, a tradition is to offer one or several whole roast pigs to the Jade Emperor to celebrate a Chinese film's opening with a roast pig; the pig is sacrificed to ward off evils in return to pray for the film's success. One garnish used to make the dish look more appealing is a circular slice of pineapple and cherry and is often placed in a red box for luck.
A pig roast or hog roast is an event or gathering which involves the barbecuing of a whole hog. Pig roasts in the mainland Deep South of the United States are often referred to as a pig pickin', although roasts are also a common occurrence in Puerto Rico and Cuba as well as the non-mainland US state of Hawaii (a luau), with roasts being done in the mainland states by descendants of other areas. A Pig roast is traditional meal in Serbia and Montenegro, often prepared for celebration events and family fests, and it can be usually find on the menu of traditional taverns and bars - kafana.
The tradition of the pig roast goes back millennia and is found in many cultures. There are numerous ways to roast pork, including open fire rotisserie style roasting, and "caja china" style box grilling. Many families traditionally have a pig roast for Thanksgiving or Christmas. In Miami and other areas with large Cuban, Puerto Rican, Honduran or other Caribbean populations pig roasts are often held on Christmas Eve by families and friends whereas families from Hawaii often hold a roast on memorial day.
Pig roast (lechon asado) is a part of Puerto Rico's national dish and is usually served with arroz con gandules. In Puerto Rico, pig roasts occur year round, but happen in greater frequency as part of New Year's Eve celebrations and especially Christmas. In the Dominican Republic, "puerco a la puya" is a traditional part of the Christmas Eve meal.
In the Philippines, the roasted pig is referred to as lechon baboy. It is traditionally prepared for Christmas celebrations but is also commonplace at birthday parties, weddings, debuts, and family reunions.
In the UK, the tradition of pig roasting, which is more commonly known in the UK as a Hog Roast, is popular on many occasions, particularly parties and celebrations.
In Spain, the locals call this a suckling pig or a "lechon asado". Hog roasts are becoming more popular across Spain and more so in Southern Spain due to the ex-pat community .
In a Hawaii-style pig roast, a large pit is typically dug into the ground and lined with banana leaves, as lava rocks are heated over an open flame until they are very hot. The heated rocks are placed into the pit, and a seasoned pig is placed inside and covered with additional banana leaves, which serve as insulation and for flavor.
In an American Cuban-style pig roast, the "caja china" is the most commercially popular method by which to roast a whole pig. In its more traditional form, a roasting box is commonly fashioned above ground out of concrete blocks and steel mesh. Another popular method is to use a pig roasting box, the oldest and best known brand of which is "La Caja China." It usually takes four to eight hours to cook the pig completely; the pig is often started "meat-side" down, and then is flipped one time once the hog has stopped dripping rendered fat. When the cooking is complete, the meat should ideally be tender to the point of falling off of the bone.

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