Since a very young age, I've faced lots and lots of challenges in the process of getting to where I am today. Originating from a small town, Mentakab, I was finding it immensely difficult to communicate in English given that my mother tongue is Tamil. Throughout schooling days, I mostly mingled with Malays and Indians, hence, I was not faced with a bright opportunity to better my English when it came to speaking. When I came here, communication obviously rose to be one of my major struggles.
Moreover, I grew up with the strong ambition to eventually become a successful model and actress. I had this dream in me ever since I was an innocent 12 years old. I was so passionate to extent that my cupboard door would be filled with posters of Aishwarya Rai, Sushmita Sen and other actresses that never failed to amaze me and kept the dream in me alive.
When I came here to pursue my studies, I hit a bumpy road after following the wrong path, having mingled with the wrong kind of company. Moreover, when it came to my aim of being a successful model, I had no family support whatsoever. Therefore, I used to really struggle with the little pocket money that they'd give me. I used to travel daily from Cyberjaya to KL with whatever money I had at hand just to attend auditions with the hopes of making it in this industry. I used to take buses and trains to attend the loads of beauty peagents, TBC shoots and photoshoots without the knowledge of my parents because they were never willing to give me their approval. I used to quickly shut off the television in fear on multiple occasions when they would show segments of where I joined dance competitions, beauty peagents and telecasts.
My parents never believed I could make living out of this. They strongly believed that only by studying can one succeed. They disliked the plain idea of it. This eventually came to a point where it extinguished the passion I had within me. Hence, after completing my studies, I took up a job that they would approve of. However, once I begin making my own money, I was determined to chase after my dreams. I picked up from where I left off with my peagents, photoshoots and so much more. The financial independence allowed me to chase after what I believed was meant to be mine but unfortunately, I still did not own my family's support when it came to my choice of career. I had no choice but to keep everything a secret.
It reached a point where I had to even hide when I had gained a little success in the field of my dreams. They never realized anything until I became the talk of the town after winning a beauty peagent. After enquiring about why I never disclosed anything to them, I simply answered cause I knew they'd never give me the support I needed. My teenage life was difficult. I had so much passion but close to no support. However, I still pulled through it all.
Soon I became a host to a TV programme and that was when I knew that no other girl should ever be in my position. No other girl should ever feel alone in the journey of achieving her dreams. I wanted to be the source that builds girls who were like me. I wanted to grant them the platform they deserved. I wanted them to be given the path which was right and only filled with the intention of contributing to their future success.
I invested in a lot of time and effort to open up my very own modelling agency which doesn't rip off money from the hands of innocent girl, however, genuinely helps them grow. I only placed a price over the compcard shoots I would hold but when it came to the job opportunities, it was all theirs. Their effort, their strive, hence, their income only. This was my effort to give girls like me a source of hope.
Eventually, after gaining the experience I needed, I let go of my full-time job and opened a company of my own called Black and White Media. Following that, I even pursued my passion of becoming a make-up artist as I have eventually grew a strong liking towards the career.
Fast forward into the future, I have gained the approval of ALL, whether it is my parents or relatives, I have everyone around me. Those who refused to talk to me, are proud of me now. Those who saw my dreams as something wrong and taboo, seem astounded by my achievements. I feel accomplished because I have proven on my side that my determination, strive and passion was not simply wasted. I made it happen for myself and I'm really putting in my side of work to make it happen for the other girls who remind me of myself.
My vision is to keep giving the support and push these innocent girls need to make it big. It has come to a point where their success feels like mine eventhough I make absolute nothing out of it. I also have this fierce need to give back to the society that has brought me up by inspiring them on the daily. Eventhough, I lost my account last year, I realize that I got me and I can make it happen till I have myself. After all, there are just some things no one can steal from you.
So, for all the women out there, be fierce, be strong, be gentle, just be YOU. Learn what you're capable of, you'll end up amazing yourself. Never fear society if you feel that something is meant for you. Prove it to them with what you deem as your success.
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morethanwhatyousee 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#kateforher #narcisoforher
喜好跟人世一樣,物換星移,我想,是我變了,我變得更加知道自己要什麼,變得更加希望貼身的那股味道能更吻合自己的真實面目。那種香,近似費洛蒙,可以和自己的體香完全融合,不搶戲。是啊,我以前用香很隨性又多變,從來就不是那種非要堅持身上有標誌性香味的女孩。直到兩年前偶然遇見納西索for her #純粹繆思香精,才明白那些女孩對簽名香的執著。因為這兩年,我幾乎把for her #純粹繆思香精 變成了自己的味道,恨不得灌入血液中。任何時刻,我都只想用它。打開for her系列,基本就入了麝香這個坑,不得不說,納西索的麝香是一種別緻的味道,集高冷、清新、柔美、神祕、感性於一身,獨特的皂感,更讓人有種隨時都處於剛洗完澡的氛圍裡,霧氣朦朧中有種慵懶的誘惑力。
for her系列今年又有了新成員,外型延續了過去標誌性的方正瓶身,堅毅黑瓶蓋,整體卻轉身變得晶瑩剔透了起來。這瓶叫做for her #深情繆思淡香精 除了納西索經典的麝香之外,更揉進了絨面皮革、雪松、玫瑰和李子的味道。
#純粹繆思香精 以喀什米爾木質調收尾,#深情繆思淡香精 則以果子熟透的豐滿多汁畫下句點。若你問我那一款更性感些,那自然是後者。但千萬別以為是甜美喔,更具體的描述應該是「溫暖」。不瞞你說,for her系列都有這樣的兩面性,清冷卻又略帶溫馨,遺世獨立卻有淡淡笑意,不過份疏離,卻也不刻意討好。
#深情繆思淡香精 從味道的層次上感覺是豐潤的,尤其皮革與麝香味道都偏厚重,但微妙的是,整體香氣的氛圍偏偏與即將到來的春天不謀而合,如同她透明的瓶身一樣。這瓶新香給我的感覺依然沒有違背整個for her系列的主旨:她的外型硬朗而克制,內在卻優美深遠引人遐思。具備堅強的意志與溫柔可人的性格,是為那些美麗又重視自我價值的獨立女性訂製的。
最後說點實際的吧。整個For her系列,尤以白瓶純粹繆思香精、粉色透明瓶身的深情繆思淡香精的風格最百搭。不論是作為侍寢香,面試香,約會香,職場香……等等,任何場合都適用。她貼身的像妳身上自然散發出的體香,繚繞周圍,若隱若現。出門前,我會裸身穿她一身,然後再少許噴灑在髮絲、耳後。在家時,穿著她睡覺更是一點問題也沒有。
曾經在限動推薦過for her,其中有名特派員給我的反饋至今讓人印象深刻,她說:「我從不信什麼相見恨晚,結果我竟然對一瓶香水相見恨晚了起來。」恰恰說到了我心坎兒裡。
相見恨晚嗎?現在只要填單靠櫃就可以獲得for her系列針管試香:
台北忠孝 SOGO 2F / 信義新天地A11 2F / 誠品南西店 1F / 中壢元化SOGO 3F / 新竹巨城 3F / 台中廣三SOGO 1F / 台中中友百貨 B棟2F / 高雄漢神巨蛋3F
#narcisoforher #納西索為她打造的香氛故事 #納西索香水 #深情繆思淡香精 #narcisorodriguezparfums #morethanwhatyousee #想用一輩子的香 #我的簽名香 #kateforher
morethanwhatyousee 在 藍鈞天 Facebook 的最佳貼文
「智慧人的冠冕是他們的財富; 愚昧人的愚妄,始終是愚妄。
不輕易動怒的,十分聰明; 輕易動怒的,大顯愚妄。 心裡平靜,可使身體健康; 但嫉妒能使骨頭朽爛。」
箴言 14:24, 29-30 CNV
「The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.」
Proverbs 14:24, 29-30 KJV
#godisgood #bible #faith #focus #republicofchina #taiwan #breakfastofchampions #knowledgeispower #morethanwhatyousee