謝謝所有參加7月27至28日「2021年SEASAT線上青年領袖營」的朋友們!今年青年領袖營的主題是「家園:在疫情時代的全球平等」,我們邀請到各領域的專家學者,包括AIT政治組官員黃光杰與美國交流計畫學友,帶領氣候變遷、公共衛生、移工問題、科技人權、社會創新與青年領袖等相關議題討論。線上參與需要更多的專注與交流,我們很開心看到參加學員主動參與討論。AIT感謝每一位講者分享他們的專業與見解,也謝謝專業的活動主持人與技術團隊,與我們這次的活動夥伴臺灣亞洲交流基金會 Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation 。每個人的參與都讓這個活動更順利。如同AIT文化官馬明遠在開幕時對學生說的,「你們也許不會在未來幾天就改變這個世界,但我相信,在未來數十年內,你們會是讓這個世界更永續、更和平、更繁榮、更公平的重要推手。」預祝每位參加學員前程似錦,更上一層樓!
We’d like to offer recognition and thanks to everyone who participated in the 2021 SEASAT (Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan) Online Youth Camp “Home: Global Equality In the Era of Pandemic.” From July 27 to July 28, 2021, a range of speakers, including AIT Political Officer Jason Hwang and U.S. government exchange alumni, led discussions about climate change, public health, migrant workers, technology and human rights, and held two inspiring sessions on social innovation and being a young leader. Online participation requires an extra level of concentration and engagement, and we were happy to see participants actively join in the discussion. AIT would also like to thank all the session speakers who shared their knowledge and insight, our professional moderator, the technical experts and our event partner Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation. Together everyone worked hard to make this event go smoothly. As AIT’s Cultural Affairs Officer Luke Martin mentioned during his opening remarks, “ You might not change the world in these next few days, but we are confident that in the decades to come, you are all going to play a role in making this place we call home more sustainable, peaceful, prosperous, and fair”. We would like to wish you good luck in your future success!
moderator主持人 在 Lightbox攝影圖書室 Facebook 的精選貼文
04.17 (SAT) 13:00–15:00
【報導文學、攝影與紀錄片的關係】Literary Reportage, Documentary Photography, and Documentary Films: How Are They Related?
●主持人 Moderator
評論者 陳佳琦 CHEN Chia-chi, critic
●與談人 Speakers
文字工作者 阿潑 Annpo HUANG, writer
綠色小組發起人 王智章 WANG Chih-chang, founding member of Green Team
紀錄片工作者 李中旺
04.17 (SAT) 15:30–17:30
Our Ren Jian Magazine, Our Window to the World
●主持人 Moderator
報導者文化基金會執行長 何榮幸 HO Jung-shin, Chief Executive Officer of The Reporter
●與談人 Speakers
紀實攝影工作者 蔡明德 TSAI Ming-te, documentary photographer
新故鄉文教基金會董事長 廖嘉展 LIAO Chia-chan, chairman of Newhomeland Foundation
作家 曾淑美 TSENG Shu-mei, writer
moderator主持人 在 Lightbox攝影圖書室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
The Outstanding Contribution Award was established in 2014 to highlight people or organisations that have made crucial contributions to the development of Taiwanese documentary films. This year, we are honoured to present this award to Ren Jian Magazine (1985–1989).
★自由入場 FREE ENTRY ★
Lightbox Photo Library(台北市羅斯福路三段269巷19號No. 19, Ln. 269, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City)
►展覽 Exhibition
《人間》雜誌書展Ren Jian Magazine Exhibition
03.26 (FRI) – 04.24 (SAT) 13:00–20:00
週日及週一休館 Closed on Sundays and Mondays
Please refer to the opening hours at Lightbox Photo Library’s Facebook page before visiting.
04.17 (SAT) 13:00–15:00
【報導文學、攝影與紀錄片的關係】Literary Reportage, Documentary Photography, and Documentary Films: How Are They Related?
●主持人 Moderator
評論者 陳佳琦 CHEN Chia-chi, critic
●與談人 Speakers
文字工作者 阿潑 Annpo HUANG, writer
綠色小組發起人 王智章 WANG Chih-chang, founding member of Green Team
紀錄片工作者 李中旺
04.17 (SAT) 15:30–17:30
Our Ren Jian Magazine, Our Window to the World
●主持人 Moderator
報導者文化基金會執行長 何榮幸 HO Jung-shin, Chief Executive Officer of The Reporter
●與談人 Speakers
紀實攝影工作者 蔡明德 TSAI Ming-te, documentary photographer
新故鄉文教基金會董事長 廖嘉展 LIAO Chia-chan, chairman of Newhomeland Foundation
作家 曾淑美 TSENG Shu-mei, writer
※All events will be live streamed.
moderator主持人 在 TJCC Los Angeles - 洛杉磯台美商會青商部 的推薦與評價
【Moderator 主持人介紹】 ⭐️《Deborah Liu 劉怡君》⭐️ -2020 TJCCNA 17th BOD北美台灣商會聯合總會青商會理事-2020 TJCCLA 20th Treasurer洛杉磯台灣商會聯合總會 ... ... <看更多>