Michelin 2*【香宮 Shang Palace, Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK】三式煎年糕 Trial
夏威夷紫心番薯糕 (1.16公斤裝) HK$258 - Hawaiian Purple Sweet Potato Pudding. Instead of Local or 沖縄 Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes. This actually got the consensual knod as our favorite.
京都宇治抹茶紅豆糕 (1.16公斤裝) HK$298 - Using Kyoto's Uji Matcha Green tea and 亀岡市 Red Adzuki beans, the latter are prestigious and larger than the normal small Red beans 小豆.
薑汁韓國黑糖瓜子仁年糕 (1.16公斤裝) - Ginger Juice with Korean Black Sugar and Pumpkin Seeds Sticky Pudding. Pan Fried with Egg Yolk.
Interesting choices of very rare ingredients for all 3 types of CNY Puddings! 😋👍🏻👍🏻