【瑞士。Zermatt 策馬特】
Matherhorn 馬特洪峰位於瑞士和意大利邊境,是阿爾卑斯山脈中最著名,也是最後ㄧ個被攀山者征服的山峰……
位於海拔1600公尺山腰附近的 策馬特小鎮,四季都吸引無數的觀光客前來滑雪,攀山,健行……尤其以擁有全世界最具挑戰性,也是阿爾卑斯山中最高,也最險峻的滑雪道著名,世界級酒吧,飯店,商店林立,讓整個山區都熱鬧起來!
On the Italian border of the canton of Valais in the west of Switzerland,lies 『Zermatt』, the village at the foot of the 『Matherhorn』, the most photographed moutain in the world. The hotels and restaurants are world-class, and the ski area is not only the hightest in the Alps - it is also one of the best developed in the world, ensuring thrilling sports experience on the steepest slopes in the world.