【Beatrice】21歲的她既是 Hong Kong Ballet專業舞者也是芭蕾舞🩰導師,遺傳了媽媽的基因,她是香港芭蕾舞團前舞蹈家,Beatrice 從小獲獎無數,近日還把芭蕾舞入門動作短片上載分享,希望能把傳統帶入人群。她的偶像是Salenko, Tan Yuan Yuan, Dorothee Gilbert, Misty Copeland & Natalia Osipova (我一個都唔識😅是時候學新嘢);Beatrice和我志趣相投的是喜歡手作車吓布藝,在這疫症期間她自製了布口罩送給身邊的朋友。
PS: Beatrice 個髻係唔容易整,娃娃的頭髮量其實和真人比較是誇張的多頭髮,可能是粗幼和真人一樣,沒有按scale地幼,所以每次要紥辮紮髻都不會像真人的效果,要偷薄剪短再花時間定位,最後用手針及髮網收尾。
A talented, hard-working dancer, Beatrice was introduced to ballet at a young age by her mother, a former HKB dancer. Beatrice won numerous accolades from local competitions, she is now both a dancer and teacher. Her inspiring role models include Iana Salenko, Tan Yuan Yuan, Dorothee Gilbert, Misty Copeland and Natalia Osipova.
Beatrice enjoys sewing and has even designed and created her own tutus and costumes. However, these days she is putting her sewing skills to work at making colourful reusable face masks for her family and friends. To continue teaching, she is also creating original online content featuring short daily exercises, ballet terminology and classical choreography.
#hongkongballet #HKB #HKballet #HKB20201 #Ballet #Dance #ninglaudollartist #ningpocketdoll #HKBmascots
hkb20201 在 Ning Lau Facebook 的最佳貼文
【香港芭蕾舞團】很榮幸和 Hong Kong Ballet 合作創造出三位角色,率先登場的是「她」,關於她的個人資料現在先賣個關子,即將在30/10-1/11上演的著名劇目《唐吉訶德》充滿西班牙𤌍燦的熱情,小娃娃也希望有一天成為劇中的主角。
My honor to collaborate with Hong Kong Ballet for the 2020/2021 Mascots doll project, who is this girl wearing Don Quixote ballerina outfit? Stay tuned. Ticketing 👉🏼 https://hkballet.com/en/
#hongkongballet #HKB #HKballet #HKB20201 #Ballet #Dance
hkb20201 在 網路上關於Classical ballet-在PTT/MOBILE01/Dcard上的升學 ... 的推薦與評價
... ballet terminology and classical choreography. #hongkongballet #HKB #HKballet #HKB20201 #Ballet #Dance #ninglaudollartist #ningpocketdoll #HKBmascots. ... <看更多>
hkb20201 在 網路上關於Classical ballet-在PTT/MOBILE01/Dcard上的升學 ... 的推薦與評價
... ballet terminology and classical choreography. #hongkongballet #HKB #HKballet #HKB20201 #Ballet #Dance #ninglaudollartist #ningpocketdoll #HKBmascots. ... <看更多>
hkb20201 在 網路上關於Classical ballet-在PTT/MOBILE01/Dcard上的升學 ... 的推薦與評價
... ballet terminology and classical choreography. #hongkongballet #HKB #HKballet #HKB20201 #Ballet #Dance #ninglaudollartist #ningpocketdoll #HKBmascots. ... <看更多>