As the result of a powerful collaboration between Re:wild, Coldplay and Global Citizen, governors from three of Brazil’s Amazonia states (Para, Amapa and Amazonas) are committing to critical conservation and climate goals for one of our planet’s irreplaceable places: The Amazon rainforest.
The commitments vary and include moving away from the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, creating new protected areas and strengthening the management of established protected areas, and supporting Indigenous communities. Formally announced today at #GlobalCitizenLive, these actions will not only benefit Amazonia, but all life on Earth.
Congrats and thank you to Waldez Góes, Wilson Lima, and Helder Barbalho for their commitment to protecting and restoring our planet, and to Pará’s State Secretary for Environment and Sustainability José Mauro de Lima O'de Almeida for representing Amazonia at today’s Global Citizen event. Tune into Global Citizen now on ABC or stream online.
(📷: Charlie Hamilton James Photography)
#TeamRewild #SavetheAmazon #EarthOptimism
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅台灣1001個故事,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan...
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政府主導嘅「周遊六角」山徑設計比賽結果近日出爐,「破邊洲觀景台」嘅設計概念非常震撼,但都不及對香港地質公園嘅景觀保育(landscape conservation)嘅潛在衝擊大。呢啲係自然景觀上突出嘅龐然人造巨物,象徵住以往郊野公園設施嘅低調、不經不覺融入自然嘅設計概念已逝,取而代之嘅係一個又一個吸引人流、有意無意地提供視覺震撼嘅「打卡熱點」。
回顧1970-80年代郊野公園初期規劃文件,呢類具視覺侵略性(visually intrusive)嘅設施,根本唔可以係破邊洲旁邊出現。何況今日破邊洲一帶已貴為世界地質公園(Global GeoPark),若果持續搞呢啲打卡設施帶來景觀破壞,會否為動搖其地質公園地位屬未知之數。
本土研究社早前透過《公開資料守則》,獲得一份西貢郊野公園嘅「發展限制圖則」(Development Control Plan)【註1】,發現破邊洲附近嘅花山一帶,即係現在「破壞邊洲」觀景台所在嘅位置,係屬於「發展限制第二區」(Development Control Zone Category II),該區特別註明其發展限制:除了「低視覺影響康樂設施」外,一概不准任何發展(No development except certain low visual impact recreational facilities)。
有關郊野公園內發展限制(Development Control)政策嘅公開資料極少,咁「發展限制第二區」執行上係有多嚴格?可考據嘅案例不多,暫時唯一可考嘅係1970年代末期由前港督麥理浩「揭發」嘅西貢郊野公園內嘅視覺污染事件。
當年漁農署調查後,對照發展限制圖則所在區域(同樣係「發展限制第二區」),認為即使那只是一個小小的避風處(Shelter),但已經造成視覺污染(polluting visually),而且直接與郊野公園及其引人入勝嘅環境衝突(conflicting with the adjacent Country Park and the generally attractive surrounding environment)、亦同長遠附近嘅康樂規劃不協調,最後需要整個建構物拆卸。可見在當年謹慎嘅規劃下,一座小小嘅建構物係自然環境中都不被接受,亦有將郊野公園長遠規劃嘅視野放入每項小型發展嘅考慮當中。
值得注意嘅係,呢個觀景台設計比賽之所以能夠出現,係咪代表「發展限制圖則」已經畀漁護署丢入垃圾桶?咁現時郊野公園內嘅發展限制係如何執行?如果無晒呢啲內部準則,日後一項項駭人聽聞嘅 #搞郊旅遊 設施,將會不斷湧現。
【註1】Development Control Plan, Sai Kung Country Parks
第一區: 不准任何形式發展
(Category I: No development allowed );
(Category II: No development except certain low visual impact recreational facilities);
(Category III: Development would be restricted to small scale dispersed facilities serving or
enhancing informal public recreation);
(Category IV: Development of dispersed large scale informal public recreation facilities may be acceptable in certain locations);
第五區:任何形式並符合鄉郊環境的康樂設施(Category V: Any recreational development compatible with a rural setting Category VI);
(Any development compatible with a rural setting)
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global conservation 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Fungi is too often missing from discussions and efforts to protect nature and rewild the world. Trees can’t grow in soil without fungi. Penicillin came from fungi. Animals, from birds to worms, eat fungi. And fungi help keep carbon in the ground.
Re:wild and IUCN Species Survival Commission recently became the first global conservation organizations to recognize fungi as one of three kingdoms of life critical to protecting and restoring Earth. They joined the 3F initiative led by Fungi Foundation. They pledged to be mycologically inclusive and use mycologically inclusive language, because we can’t rewild the world without fungi.
global conservation 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的精選貼文
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
A pangolin is hunted every five minutes in the world on average. It’s the most seriously poached mammal on earth. The film crew climbs the rock and follows Dr. Ching-Min Sun, a renowned pangolin researcher, in his tracking for pangolins. We monitor their life journeys and try to dig out burrows and the truth behind their deaths. In 50 years, Taiwan has transformed from a hunting ground to a breeding ground for pangolins. After years of conservation, pangolins in Taiwan are increasing with the highest wildlife density in the world. The island has become the last fortress for pangolins worldwide.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣穿山甲 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #孫敬閔 #野生動物急救站 #暨南大學神獸 #自然科學紀實節目

global conservation 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最讚貼文
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
The film crew participates in Taiwan humpback dolphin surveys by Ocean Conservation Administration on the sea, captures a rare humpback dolphin group, and explores root causes behind their dwindling populations. Also, we document the largest pygmy killer whale rescue effort by 2,000 people over 56 days. We follow researchers to Orchid Island, an outer islet of Taiwan, to uncover the bones of a baby sperm whale, and record the tragic deaths of stranded melon-headed whales and blue whales. Their survivals and deaths are symptomatic of a deteriorating marine environment.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣白海豚 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #海洋保育署 #成大鯨豚研究中心 #四草鯨豚搶救站 #台大獸醫系 #蘭嶼 #小虎鯨救援 #自然科學紀實節目

global conservation 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最佳貼文
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
In the Southwestern badlands in Taiwan, there is a very mysterious owl of terrestrial habitats, the Taiwan grass owls, and as of today, scientists are still unable to decipher its whereabouts and behaviors. Against all odds, the production team followed up all kinds of clues for two years— from bird net rescues, follow-up research, to nocturnal studies— and is finally able to present the stirring life story of these aerial elves of Taiwan as they face the changes and destructions in their habitats.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣草鴞 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #屏科大鳥類生態研究室 #嘉大棲地生態研究室 #台灣雪景 #野生梅花鹿 #自然科學紀實節目