2020 10月25日Live 中英對照食譜
完live 之後有義工的幫忙easycook 上下先可以咁快有食譜睇,辛苦大家😘😘😘😘😘
材料: 鴿王,乳鴿,BB 鴿 共三隻
醃料: 五香粉,糖,鹽各一茶匙半,胡椒粉半茶匙
上色料: 老抽,生抽,酒各一湯匙
脆皮水: 麥芽,大紅淅醋各一茶匙 ,白醋一湯匙
1 鴿洗淨索乾水後用醃料內外塗勻
2 將上色料塗勻鴿身後連同剩餘汁液倒入保鮮袋或真空袋醃25分鐘
3 醃好後塗上脆皮水吊乾或鴿身噴油即可放氣炸鍋內鴿肚向下180度焗12分鐘轉鴿背向下再焗12分鐘
備註: 鴿王需時15分鐘轉身再焗15分鐘
English Version
Fried Pigeon
(YouTube video starts at 3:10. Skip 39:11 for air frying. Skip to 52:12 for turning sides. Skip to 59:25 for finished product.)
Pigeons - 3 sizes (or use spring chicken)
(young pigeon, regular pigeon, and king pigeon. King pigeon is the best, about 1kg, which has more meat, more tender and sweet.)
(Clean pigeons, trim off feet but not too much to cause shrinkage of skin when cooked, and pat very dry or else the dry marinating ingredients will not stick to the meat and bones for more flavor.)
Marinate ingredients for 3 pigeons:
(divide the measurements according to the size of your pigeon)
Five-Spice powder - 1 ½ tbsp (about 1 tsp for marinating one pigeon 1kg)
White pepper - ½ tsp
Sugar - 1 ½ tbsp or more
Salt - 1 ½ tsp
Cooking wine - 1 tbsp
Dark soya sauce - 1 tbsp
Light soya sauce - 1 tbsp
Crispy skin mixture ingredients:
Maltose - 1 tsp (or honey but it will not be as crispy)
Chinese red vinegar - 1 tsp (or just use white vinegar)
White vinegar - 1 tbsp
1. In a bowl, add in five-spice powder, white pepper, sugar, salt, and mix well.
2. In a large tray, dry rub the interior and exterior of the pigeons with the marinate mixture prepared in Step 1.
3. Add cooking wine, dark soya sauce, and light soya sauce to the pigeons. Rub well.
4. Transfer all marinated pigeons to a plastic bag, flatten and seal tight without air inside. Best to use vacuum sealer. Set aside for 25 minutes.
5. In a microwavable bowl, add in maltose, Chinese red vinegar, white vinegar, and microwave until melted and mix well. Set aside to add into the pigeons after about 25 minutes of marinating time.
6. After 25 minutes of marinating time, add the mixture in Step 5 into the plastic bag, reseal it, and rub well.
7. MUST spray the pigeons with a layer of cooking oil and put it into the basket of the air fryer with the breasts facing up first. Cook it at 180C (356F) for 12 – 15 minutes then turn the pigeons over with the back facing up and continue cooking for another 12 – 15 minutes and reduce heat to 160C (320F).
Adjust the time according to the size of your pigeons.
大白菜 1棵
白蘿蔔 少許(切絲)
紅蘿蔔 少許(切條)
蔥 1 棵
中國韭菜 數條
鹽 1 茶匙 (調味用);
大量 (用來醃大白菜及蘿蔔條)
蘋果 1/4 個 (切大粒)
雪梨 1/4 個 (切大粒)
蒜頭 1個(去衣)
洋蔥 1/4 (橫切幾刀)
白醋 2-3湯匙
魚露 2湯匙
黃糖 2至4茶匙(隨個人口味加減)
生薑蓉 1湯匙
韓國辣椒醬 2湯匙
韓國辣椒粉 4湯匙
芝麻 (炒香)大約1/4s杯
1) 大白菜切塊用鹽醃至至2至3個小時至軟身,菜梗可對摺並不拆斷便可。然後過清水3次去除鹽份,跟著去除水份(可用手楂出水份或用蔬菜除水篩).放入大盤內備用.
2) 紅蘿蔔切條、白蘿蔔切絲,用鹽醃兩小時至軟身,過清水,揸乾水,加入大白菜內.
4) 蘋果、雪梨、蒜頭、洋蔥、白醋(2湯匙)、魚露放入攪拌機內磨成汁後,加入韓國辣椒粉、韓國辣椒醬、鹽、糖(先放一茶匙)和姜蓉, 拌勻先試味。此時可依個人口味酌量加入1下匙糖和(或)1湯匙醋再調味。把混好汁料倒入蔬菜內,用手拌均.再試味。此時可再加入餘下的2茶匙糖。最後加入已炒香的芝麻再拌勻,.
(YouTube video starts at 20:40)
Napa cabbage - 1 head
White radish - cut into strips
Carrot - cut into strips
Green onion - cut into chunks
Chives - cut into chunks (do not add too many chives)
Salt - enough to marinate
Marinate ingredients:
Apple - ¼
Pear - ¼ (best to use Asian pear)
White onion - ¼
Garlic - 1 bulb (remove skin)
White vinegar - 2 tbsp or more (adjust to your taste)
Fish sauce - 2 tbsp
Korean red hot pepper powder - 4 tbsp or more (adjust to your taste)
Korean red hot pepper paste - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 2 ½ tsp or more (adjust to your taste)
Salt - 1 tsp (adjust to your taste)
Grated ginger - 1 tbsp
White sesame seeds - pan fry with no oil until fragrant
1. Marinate the white radish and carrot strips with salt for about 30 minutes. Set aside.
2. Cut napa cabbage into chunks. Marinate with salt for 2 hours or until the stem is bendable without breaking into pieces. Optional to put weights on top of cabbage chunks to speed up the process of extracting the liquid.
3. Rinse the napa cabbage chunks 2 to 3 times with clear water and spin dry with a salad spinner. Set aside.
4. Rinse the white radish and carrot strips with clear water after marinating for 30 minutes, and squeeze dry. Set aside.
5. In a blender, add in apple, pear, white onion, garlic, white vinegar, fish sauce, and puree well. Set aside.
6. In a big mixing tub, add in green onion, chive, napa cabbage, white radish, and carrot pieces. Add in the mixture from Step 5. Add in Korean chili powder and chili paste. Add in grated ginger. Mix well with hands, taste test, and add more seasoning as needed.
7. Transfer to a storage container. Mix in the white sesame seeds and is ready to eat as is or the longer you store it the tastier it will become.
📌高筋麵粉 50克
📌低筋麵粉 50克
📌糯米粉 20克
📌水 50克
📌菜油 4湯匙
📌蛋4 隻
📌糖 1 茶匙
📌肉桂粉 *如不喜歡可以不用*
📌鹽 半茶匙
1. 鍋內注入水,奶和菜油, 開火(不要太大火)煮至滾
3.將#2的麵粉用篩慢慢加入煮滾了的#1鍋內,一直攪拌直到煮熟會變成透明. 注意⚠️煮時要不停攪拌
4.再將鍋內全部粉糰倒入廚師機/麵包機, 攪拌到成一個糰狀(如果沒有機可用4隻筷子自己手動攪)
5.將雞蛋族隻加入#4 並一直不停攪伴直至見到很好洞(空氣). 注意⚠️要將麵糊打得夠鬆否則炸出來會不夠鬆
7.將兩隻不銹鋼匙(或用雪糕勺 ice cream scoop會更圓更靚)在油中浸一下再用它們舀起一匙#5 的麵糊放入熱油中炸, 然後拿起放在吸油紙
Chinese Sugar Egg Puffs
(YouTube video starts at 43:15.)
Water - 50ml
Milk - 150ml
Vegetable cooking oil - 4 tbsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Salt - ½ tsp
Eggs - 4 whole eggs (add in one at a time)
Bread flour - 50g
Cake flour - 50g (also known as low gluten flour)
Glutinous rice flour - 20g
Icing sugar - a bowl
Cinnamon powder, optional - a small dish
1. In a cooking pot, add in water, milk, vegetable cooking oil, and turn on LOW heat. Add in sugar and salt. Keep stirring to mix well and cook until it boils.
2. In a mixing bowl, add bread flour, cake flour, and glutinous rice flour. Mix well. Slowly sift flour mixture into the cooking pot and keep stirring and cook until it is transparent on LOW heat.
3. Transfer the dough to an electric stand mixer or handheld mixer and mix until it becomes a smooth dough and cool to the touch. This will avoid cooking the eggs when added later.
Optional to mix manually by hand with four chopsticks or a whisk.
4. Add one egg to the stand mixer and mix until well incorporated. Continue with the remaining three eggs. Adding in ONE at a time and mix until smooth, fluffy, and has lots of air bubbles.
5. Prepare a plate covered with a paper towel for soaking up excess oil. Set aside.
6. In a large bowl, add in icing sugar, cinnamon powder, and mix well. This is to sprinkle on the puffs when fried. Set aside.
7. Heat up a wok, add enough oil for deep frying on LOW heat. Scoop a spoonful of batter, smooth batter with another spoon, and drop it in the hot oil. Optional to use oiled ice cream scoop to create a ball shape.
8. Fry until the puffs turn golden brown on both sides and float to the top. Transfer puffs to paper towel to soak up excess oil. Return the fried puffs back to the wok and fry again the SECOND time until they split open with honeycomb texture inside.
9. Transfer to paper towel to soak up excess oil. Sprinkle icing sugar/cinnamon powder mixture on top. Serve.
「fried fish no egg or milk」的推薦目錄:
fried fish no egg or milk 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最讚貼文
tahu tanam je bayam brazil,tanam pun tahu buat ulam je,rupanya byk menu yg kita boleh buat dgn bayam brazil ni,nk share je resipi ,utk simpnan😎
Resepi Kerabu Bayam Brazil & Mempelam.
- Sebiji mempelam epal di mayang halus...
Continue ReadingYou know how to plant Brazilian spinach, even the plant knows how to make a dish, apparently there are a lot of menu that we can do with Brazilian spinach, just want to share the recipe, for the 😎
Brazilian spinach kerabu recipe & Mangoes.
- an apple mangoes in mayang fine
- Brazilian spinach spinach
- 8 pieces of cilipadi
- 4 Review of red onion
- belacan as big as a mother
- Scar Coconut Rm1
- Coconut Milk Rm1
- fist shrimp (I mixed with yellow and orange)
- Aji salt sugar
How to:
Punch Cilipadi, big chili, belacan, seulas red onion and grated coconut, Gaul all the ingredients with mangoes, Brazilian Spinach (Brazilian spinach if you want to slice it for small also can) shrimp fist, red onion and coconut milk... taste it with salt Aji sugar... no need to put asam because we have mangoes, Brazilian spinach doesn't need to be deep we make raw to taste the crispy.... easy not 😄... hopefully it will be useful for all 😘😘😘
: homemade shrimp mixed kerabu recipe
Slice of Brazilian spinach, salom, cekur, big onions, Red Chili, tomato.
Insert Dried Dried Shrimp.
Insert Kerisik, steamed white creek and a little salt.
Mix it all up to it.
: Dry Shrimp Fried Brazilian spinach recipe
1 meals
A Bowl of spinach
2 pick up dried shrimp
1 pieces of red chili
3 pieces of chili chili
1 Review of red onion
1 Review of garlic
1/2 inches of belacan
1/2 cups of water
1 large teaspoon oyster sauce
3 tablespoon of cooking oil
1. Punch Red Chili, chili, red onion, garlic and belacan until it's crushed and squish.
2. Heat up the oil, stir-fry the ingredients that were punched just now together with dried shrimp
3. After the smell and chili is a little crispy, add 1/2 cups of water. Let it boil. Then insert oyster sauce and spinach vegetable. Ziana didn't put salt because of dried shrimp and oyster sauce is already salty.
4. Stir-up and close the fire. No need for a long time later the vegetables will wither
Mushroom Stir-fry recipe with Brazilian spinach
2 pieces of red onion
3 Review of garlic
1 Packs of mushroom mushrooms
2-3 big handheld Brazilian spinach leaves
1/2 small spoons of salt
1/2 small spoons of black pepper
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
1. Put of red onion and garlic. Mushrooms in basuk and cut 2. Spinach soak for a while and rinse.
2. Browned garlic and red onion to the smell.
3. Insert Mushrooms, fry until it withers. Put in salt and black pepper. When the mushroom is a bit of war, just put in the spinach. Gaul for a while because this spinach quickly fades. And can be served.
: Brazilian spinach spicy chips recipe
2 Tie Brazilian spinach - just take the leaves
1/2 cups of hot spicy bestari flour
1/4 cups of rice flour
1/4 cups of wheat flour
3/4 cups of ice water - cold from the fridge
1 tablespoon of cumin **
1 tablespoon of cumin **
1 small spoons of cilantro **
1. Clean the Brazilian spinach leaves.
2. Marked ingredients first.
3. Unite all the flour and mix the mashed ingredients just now mix with ice water. Put in a little ice water until you get the smoothie not thick & doesn't melt so much according to comfort.
4. Heat up a lot of oil, take brazilian spinach leaves dipped in flour smoothie, fry to yellow and look crispy, lift and throw oil.
5. Ready to be served as the most delicious snack for the family.
: Brazilian spinach pasta recipe
3/4 packet pasta-any brand can also.
Boil pasta with salt and some oil.
Material materials
Pasta prep
Salt Salt 2 Spoon Yes. Let it be salty to absorb in pasta. Throw (don't wash) and keep a glass of pasta pasta to fry later.
1 SMALL BOWLS OF SHRIMP 5 Review Garlic-minced 4-5 tablespoons of oil zaiton 1 CUBES CHICKEN 1 Spoon Small Powder Talk Nutmeg / NUTMEG 1 Bowls of spinach a little slice of red and green-Choice 1 Spoon Chili Spoon / 1 Spoon of black pepper pounded rough some pasta pasta
How to do
Garlic browned with zaiton oil to wither. Put in shrimp, stir it until cooking. Insert chicken clubs, Powder Powder and a little boil. Messed up. If you like broth, add more water.. Follow your own choice. Put in the vegetables. Messed up. Close the fire. Insert Pasta and gaul together with chilli flakes / mashed black pepper. Don't be too strong, the pasta won't be pretty shiny. : Brazilian spinach recipe dipped in flour!
1 Bowls of Brazilian spinach
1 Cups of rice flour
1 teaspoon of salt tea
3/4 cups of cold water from the fridge
Oil for frying
Wash Brazilian spinach until it's clean and throw it
In an empty container, enter the rice flour, salt and cold water from the fridge
Stir it up, the smoothie doesn't have to be too thick
Dip Brazilian spinach into the flour mix just now
Heat the oil in the pan and insert Brazilian spinach that has been dipped in the flour mix
After cooking, can be lifted and served. Can also be dicicahkan with sauce if you want. It feels crunchy like a cracker.
: Brazilian spinach kerabu recipe
10 Brazilian spinach sticks - clean and cut - separate rods and leaves
2 Cups of taugeh - clean up - rinse and throw the water
1/2 cups of carrot slices
3 Lemongrass sticks - fine slice
1 Cups of grated coconut
3 tablespoons of shrimp camarão
3 pieces of kasturi lime - take the juice
Salt & sugar taste it
Punch Material:
7 pieces - can reduce if you don't like spicy
2 review garlic - fried
3 pieces of red onion - fried
(you can put belacan if you like - Amie didn't put it because you put a lot of shrimp camarão)
1. Sangan grated coconut with shrimp shrimp until the grated coconut looks yellow. Lift and put aside.
2. Alv water is enough. When boiling, put in the spinach stick. Cooking for 1/2 minutes. Then put in the spinach leaves. When the spinach leaves change the color, immediately lift the deep ingredients from the pot and soak in the cold water for a while. Throw it.
3. in a container, mix spinach vegetable, taugeh and carrot as well as lemongrass.
4. Gaul material with coconut sangan.
5. MIX MATERIAL 3 and 4.
6. Flat Gaul with salt and sugar as well as kasturi lime juice as a flavor.
7. Serve Immediately.
: Brazilian spinach omelette recipe
3 chicken eggs grade b
Brazilian spinach spinach (cut)
1 pieces of red onion (fine slice)
Salt tastes like salt
Oil (for frying)
Mixed with eggs, spinach, onions and salt. Gaul.
Heat up the wok. Put in the egg smoothie. Cooking until it's crispy.
After Crispy, it's upside down. When it's perfect to cook. Close Fire, lift and ready to be served
Good luck trying
Brazilian spinach vegetable cooking recipe
2 pieces of Brazilian spinach vegetables
1 stalk of red chili
1 Packs of coconut milk
Punch Material:
1 fish - boil and take the contents
4 Review of red onion
A little black pepper
Way of way:
Punch the red onion and black pepper until it's squish. Then put in the fish and punch it again.
Put in coconut milk and punch ingredients into the pot. Stir up the flat until the gravy is boiling.
Put in spinach and red chili and stir it until the vegetables are soft.
Finally, put in enough salt. Can close fire and ready to be served
Brazilian spinach vegetable soup recipe
1 Packs of fish balls
A little bit of shrimp
Oyster mushroom
Brazilian spinach
Young corn or baby corn
Mustard vegetable
Chicken Essence Powder
A little bit of pepper
Soup leaves
Fried onions
Fine minced ingredients:
1 inches of ginger,
2 Review of garlic
1 pieces of red onion
How to setup:
Heat up the oil a and stir-fry fine ingredients.
Insert Fish Balls, carrots and baby corn. At this frying time we put in all kinds of hard vegetables and need more time to be soft.
Pour enough water and put in shrimp, oyster mushrooms and mustard vegetables.
Cooking until boiling. Sow with a slice of soup leaves and
Taste it with salt, chicken essence powder and some pepper pepper.
: 🌿 Fried Brazilian spinach recipe
It's not finished with this brazilian spinach, can't move on... 😋 sis sukaaa, it's delicious to make fried belacan.. put a lot of belacan and it's really delicious!! 😋
Seriously delicious from fried kangkung belacan weyhh, just expect that the kangkung sticks will be belambak... you guys have to try it 😛
Ehh.. Do you want this fried belacan recipe too.. but the recipe is all about it, this is my easy way okay.
Material material
🌿 Brazilian spinach
🌿 6 Big Chili + Chili Chili. Like to be spicy mixed with a little more chili *
🌿 3 Review of red onion *
🌿 2 Review Garlic *
🌿 a little dry shrimp or anchovies
🌿 Belacan.. It's a little bit.. put a lot if you want it better
🌿 Sugar, salt, flavor, sour
🌹 Punch all the ingredients that were punched just now. If you blend it, give it a little rough.
🌹 browned the ingredients that were punched just now, already cooked better to insert anchovies or dried shrimp, belacan, flavor, salt sugar and sedikitttt only know lemon colonialism or java sour water. Didn't put it in, it's okay.
🌹 last time insert spinach vegetable.... Tadaaa is done
Let's plant this tree. It's easy to plant it.. 😛
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