2.20 我們的超級老友Ted 和人在洛杉磯的藝術家Gajin生日,我們藉此請傳說中神秘的綠茶哥親自下廚烹煮一桌好菜,重要的是超好吃牛排!!!
而Ted是我們ㄧ輩子的好老友,連我初識Vicky 約會談戀愛時便和Lawrence ㄧ起陪同伴隨黏在ㄧ起同進同出,我當時非常納悶,為何總有2個大電燈泡???
整個晚上聊著我們和Angela及和POLO兩個音樂創作才子的因緣相遇! 還有謝淑薇叫Richard為綠茶哥的由來...
歡樂時光總是過得很快,聊到快半夜2點還欲罷不能,Wilson&Isabelle 還差點忘了把孩子帶走!
February 20th is the birthday of our longtime friend Ted and the amazing artist Gajin Fujita! For this special day, the mysterious and legendary “Brother Green Tea” personally cooked and hosted an amazing dinner featuring his super delicious steak!!
It is such a small world, as we had no idea Richard, Ted, and Wilson grew up together and shared many memories during their time in the United States. Ted are also longtime friends. In fact, throughout the time Vicky and I met, dated, fell in love, Ted and Vicky’s other good friend Lawrence, always accompanied me. At the time, I were a little confused as to why there were always two gentlemen accompanying her!
It’s such a treat that Angela and Ted are both in Taipei at the same time, giving us the wonderful opportunity to get together and share our life experiences.
The evening went by soo fast, that we didn’t realize it was already 2am when we all left!!
The stories of everyone’s youth, especially Wilson, Richard, and Ted’s, were all soo funny, and shaped the character of each of us! These stories will definitely become a movie script one day, providing the world even more laughter and happiness.
Including how we met Angela, how I met Vicky and POLO, and the origins of “Brother Green Tea” from the amazing Hsieh Su-Wei.
Thank you, Richard and Tiffany, for hosting such a memorable evening, and introducing us to new friends, Wilson and Isabelle. Looking forward to the next gathering and trip to Taitung!
This Year of the Ox, is definitely going to be a great year!❤️🎶🎉
#RichardLee #TiffanyChen
#WilsonKao #IsabelleHuang
Ted Huang #GinGong Angela Fujita
Vicky MeiMei Chao
黃大煒 (Huang Dawei)
#lovelypeople #lovelylife
#lovemusic #happybirthday
february由來 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
【2021 #駐點計畫 強力募集中🎉🎉🎉】
也剛好新年新希望想到國外 long stay 做研究
擱按呢仔拄好也對下面這些議題有興趣 👇
#鞏固邦交 #美國對外關係 #印太戰略 #區域重要情勢發展 #全球及區域經濟 #中國銳實力或假訊息 #擴大國際參與空間
可千萬別錯過惹 💪 (2月20日截止申請注意 !!
申請前應詳閱公開說明書▶ https://reurl.cc/Ezq1YR
#不可不知的魔法冷知識 👇
#魔法部 為了補助國內學者專家,出國就外交有關議題進行研究,以供作外交施政參考並協助拓展國際學術聯繫管道,促進瞭解、爭取對台灣的支持,決定施展 #知識就是力量 之術,這就是這個「外交部安排學者專家出國進行 #學術外交 計畫」的由來。
Have you been inspired by a Taiwanese academic that you think would be a great boon to #Taiwan overseas? Why not tell them about this MOFA scheme, which aims to promote academic research on Taiwan-related diplomatic issues overseas and to support international academic exchanges?
Academics interested in researching any of the seven following topics are encouraged to file their application before February 20:
👉 Consolidating diplomatic ties
👉 #US foreign policy
👉 The #IndoPacificStrategy
👉 Regional incidents and developments
👉 Global and regional economics
👉 The PRC’s sharp power or #disinformation campaigns
👉 Expanding international participation
Participants must be Taiwanese nationals and be currently working as professors, assistant or associate professors or researchers of an equivalent rank at a Taiwanese university or research institute, or be a post-doctoral researcher.
More details here: https://bit.ly/2JJh52c
february由來 在 K力's 幸福芳程式 Facebook 的最佳貼文