Brothers. Best play buddies, but also worst enemies that fight everyday 🤷🏻♀️ 兄弟就是整天玩也整天吵
They got in an argument and Zach hit Ian first. After some calming down I brought him to apologize to Ian. He stood next to Ian and said nothing. So I said “Ian, Zach has something to say to you.”
Ian turned around, looked at Zach and said “no need to apologize between us, we just need to go jump!”
And jump on the couch they did....
- 關於argument意思 在 李培禎 CRYSTAL Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於argument意思 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於argument意思 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於argument意思 在 Re: [問題] 關於argument給的instruction - 看板GRE - 批踢踢 ... 的評價
- 關於argument意思 在 C/C++ 程式的Parameter 與Argument 差異 - ShengYu Talk 的評價
- 關於argument意思 在 收聽廣播教學節目:(加入會員 - Facebook 的評價
argument意思 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最佳解答
有人說才子陶傑前輩用英文寫了一個 post,批評他英文不夠好。看完之後,覺得實在是吹毛求疵,如此水平已經好過很多人了。再者,才子每天寫字多過你呼吸,怎能每篇都寫到完美呢?幸好他這篇沒有用上十成功力,才讓晚輩有機會切磋切磋。紅都面晒,獻醜了。
陶傑:After my previous post to you, a friend of mine in the British education advisory career has received this request from a Hong Kong Chinese reporter. Pay attention to what the Chinese reporter said.
葉某:After my previous post, a friend of mine in the British education advisory sector received this message from a Hong Kong Chinese reporter, which I want to draw your attention to.
(好像 draw your attention to 沒有 Pay attention to 那麼霸氣,順耳一點吧。)
陶傑:She called my statements that ‘Boarding schools are there to train leadership rather than refugees’ and ‘Boarding school education is designed for staying calm and team spirit‘ as ‘being sarcastic’.
葉某:She referred to my statements, that ‘Boarding schools are there to train leaders rather than refugees…Boarding school education is designed for staying calm and team spirit’, as being “sarcastic”.
(盡量避免 called 或 said 等字,因為詞彙越精準,效果更好,所以用 referred。)
陶傑:I invite you all to have some reflection on the following questions:
葉某:I kindly invite you all to reflect on the following questions:
(可以的話,盡量避免用 noun 代替 verb,不用太造作。)
陶傑:While stating some basic and simple facts that most British boarding schools also do in their prospectuses do you agree that going to a British boarding school is an act of sarcasm or self-mockery?
葉某:Ignoring the fact that I was stating some basic and simple facts, that most British boarding schools also do in their prospectuses, do you agree that going to a British boarding school is in itself an ironic act of self-mockery? An act of “sarcasm”, perhaps?
(其實我不太掌握到才子的意思,所以沒有什麼改動,純是 style 問題。)
陶傑:Do you agree that average Chinese hardly understand the philosophy of a British or Swiss boarding school apart from being an expensive learning place for high fees?
葉某:Do you agree that the average Chinese person barely understands the philosophy of a British or Swiss boarding school, besides it being an expensive “learning place” with high fees?
(這段的問題比較大,上文說 “hardly understands the philosophy” 然後下文說 “apart from being”,邏輯上有點難以理解。除了我的 besides it being,當然用才子的 apart from 也可以;但就算用 apart from 都一定要加 comma 和 “it”,否則是錯。)
陶傑:Or is it only a matter of multiculturalism that such people tend to attribute all questions based on facts and common sense that they are unable to answer logically to ‘being sarcastic‘?
葉某:Or perhaps it is merely down to multiculturalism, that when people are unable to understand an argument and respond with common sense and logic, such people tend to disregard facts and dismiss all questions and other opinions as ‘being sarcastic’?
(同樣也只是 style 問題,但明顯地我的 style 在這個情況下更能清晰表達當中意思。Dismiss 一個字簡單,但語氣強烈,是好字。)
陶傑:If so, is it exactly the reason why you go to a Western boarding school to avoid asking questions of this kind when you grow up (No, I wouldn’t say ‘avoid being so Chinese’ as it sounds, hm, a bit sensitive as the debate of how a global virus should be accurately name is going on) ?
葉某:If so, isn’t it exactly the reason why you go to a Western boarding school to avoid responding in this way when you grow up? (I’ve refrained from saying ‘avoid being so Chinese’ as it sounds a bit sensitive whilst the debate of how a global virus should be accurately named is going on)
(應該是 isn’t it exactly 而不是 is it exactly 吧,我猜是他的 typo 而已。)
陶傑:Interesting, hey?
葉某:Food for thought, hey?
陶傑:So, the last thing I’d love to see is you guys staging a street protest demanding my apology and withdrawal of my earlier Facebook message, as Dr Yuen Kwok-yung (or Dr Yuan Guo-Yong) just did. Chinese tend to get boiled up and fuming rather easily nowadays.
葉某:So, lastly, what I’d love to see is you guys staging a street protest demanding an apology and withdrawal of my earlier Facebook message, as Dr Yuen Kwok-yung (or Dr Yuan Guo-Yong) just did. The Chinese tend to get riled up and fuming rather easily nowadays.
(在下不才,真的沒有聽過 boiled up 可以用 passive voice,所以我改了 get boiled up,用了 get riled up。)
argument意思 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳貼文
關於"Chinese Virus",美帝你問我答
今日(3月17號)美帝响記者會被問到佢個Tweet話"Chinese Virus",真實對答係咁嘅:
記者:China and others criticise you for using the phase "Chinese Virus", how do you feel about that? Are you going to continue using that phrase?
美帝:China was putting out information, which was false, that our military gave this to them.
And rather than having an argument, I said I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China so I think it's a very accurate term.
I don't appreciate that China were saying that our military gave it to them, our military did not gave anything to anybody.
記者:Critics says using the phase to create a stigma (恥辱)
美帝:No, I don’t think so, no.
I think saying that our military gave it to them creates a stigma.
P.S. 聽口音,應該係英國記者...唔...
Video Source:White House
argument意思 在 C/C++ 程式的Parameter 與Argument 差異 - ShengYu Talk 的推薦與評價
... 為了要明確地表達我的commit 內容與意思,才真正地去理解這Parameter & Argument 兩者的差異,Parameter 翻譯為參數,Argument 翻譯為. ... <看更多>
argument意思 在 收聽廣播教學節目:(加入會員 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
商用英文#BusinessIdiom】 uphill battle是什麼意思呢? 【A】 An argument 【B】 A tiresome situation 【C】 A competition 【D】 A ... ... <看更多>
argument意思 在 Re: [問題] 關於argument給的instruction - 看板GRE - 批踢踢 ... 的推薦與評價
※ 引述《NTUcourse (NTUcourse)》之銘言:
: 大家好,最近寫到了一篇argument,題目中給了滿滿的漏洞讓人很想反駁,但是同時
: instruction寫到:
: Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to
: evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen
: the argument.
: 請問這樣我需要把重點放在『提出一個可以驗證對方論點的證據』嗎?
: 還是我也可以指出對方邏輯上諸多錯誤的地方?(還是略為帶過即可?因為錯誤很多可以寫
: 很長...)
: 另外我很好奇的是,如果我可以舉出很多不同的證據,我是否只能選一個來說呢?
我是謝忠理,關於 GRE 寫作中的 instructions 問題,我提出幾
一、要按照 instructions (指示) 的內容寫,不要離題。
GRE 在 2002 年開始考作文,當時 issue 與 argument 都只有大方
向的寫作指示,所有題目的指示都一樣。因此在 argument 方面,就
但是在 2011 年之後,新版的題目就改變了出題方式。
Issue 題目目前有六類指示。而 ETS 特別強調
It is important that you address the central issue
according to the specific instructions. Each task is
accompanied by one of the following sets of instructions.
Argument 題目有八類指示,同樣的,ETS 也強調一定要按照指示去
站在 ETS 的出題角度,我舉幾個理由,來說明為什麼要按照指示去
1. ETS 好端端的,將題目從單一指示改成特定指示,這是沒事找
事嗎?我 ETS 都改了,你考生不跟著改嗎?
2. Issue 與 argument 中一大堆題目的題幹是一樣的,差別只在指
示上。如果這些題目不按照指示來寫,那我 ETS 只要合併出一題
3. 我 ETS 已經跟大家說了:it is important...,你考生不理我嗎
所以,我在上課時反覆跟同學提醒,argument 基本上是台灣同學
能拿分的地方(跟 issue 比起來,argument 好寫很多),一定要
二、Argument 的題幹邏輯錯誤分類
Argument 考題的邏輯錯誤,我一般建議同學分為五個類別:
1. 他因 (找出新的原因,推翻原本的原因)
2. 複因 (找出新的原因,推翻原本的結果)
3. 類比 (兩主體性質不同,不能互相比較)
4. 歸納 (以偏概全)
5. 民調 (poll 或 survey 的錯誤)
當然,一般非形式邏輯 (informal logic) 的錯誤不只這五種,不過
argument 考題中出現的最密集(幾乎就是全部)的錯誤。其次,由
於五段式文章只需三個主體 (body) 段,所以只要有三個論點,就能
夠完成全文。而每一個 argument 考題都一定能夠在上述這五種邏輯
三、Argument 的指示分類
目前 argument 的指示分為八類。
[A] Write a response in which you discuss what specific
evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and
explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen
the argument.
[B] Write a response in which you examine the stated
and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure
to explain how the argument depends on these
assumptions, and what the implications are for the
argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
[C] Write a response in which you discuss what questions
would need to be answered in order to decide whether
the recommendation and the argument on which it is
based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the
answers to these questions would help to evaluate the
[D] Write a response in which you discuss what questions
would need to be answered in order to decide whether
the advice and the argument on which it is based are
reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to
these questions would help to evaluate the advice.
[E] Write a response in which you discuss what questions
would need to be answered in order to decide whether
the recommendation is likely to have the predicted
result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these
questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
[F] Write a response in which you discuss what questions
would need to be answered in order to decide whether
the prediction and the argument on which it is based
are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to
these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.
[G] Write a response in which you discuss one or more
alternative explanations that could rival the proposed
explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can
plausibly account for the facts presented in the
[H] Write a response in which you discuss what questions
would need to be addressed in order to decide whether
the conclusion and the argument on which it is based
are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to
the questions would help to evaluate the conclusion.
1. [A] 提出事實證據做評估。
2. [B] 檢驗原文所做之假設。
3. [C,D,E,F] 提出問題,檢驗原文是否合理。主要考「複因」
4. [G] 提出新的解釋,主要考「他因」。
5. [H] 幾近傳統指示。
四、對 argument 指示分類 [A] 的寫作建議
NTUcourse 對於 [A] 類考題提問:
為帶過即可?因為錯誤很多可以寫很長...) 另外我很好奇的是
1. 『提出一個可以驗證對方論點的證據』的結果,幾乎就是在指
邏輯上諸多錯誤的地方」。因此這兩部分根本就是這一個 body
段的主題句 (『提出一個可以驗證對方論點的證據』 )與結論
句 (「指出對方邏輯上諸多錯誤的地方」 )。因此這兩部分是
2. 如果我可以舉出很多不同的證據,我是否只能選一個來說呢?
樣就能夠符合寫作中單一性 (unity) 的要求。
不論是 issue 還是 argument,想拿高分,要按照指示寫。
Argument 考題的邏輯錯誤主要分為五類,多分無益。
Argument 考題的指示類型原有八類,整理濃縮為五類。
謝忠理 [email protected]
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