如何選擇 #黑麥麵粉 ?
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那麼,你該選擇哪一種黑麥麵粉?這可以根據你的個人喜好決定。一般而言,淡黑麥麵粉會做出比較鬆軟豐滿的麵包,而使用深色的黑麥麵粉則會做出更黝黑結實的麵包;和小麥麵粉混合做出的麵包更輕盈,而 100% 的黑麥麵包則會結構緊密而沉重。
>想了解更多手製麵包的專業知識?立即到RISE BAKERS學習吧!
Which rye flour should I choose when making rye bread?
Before talking about your choice of rye flour, let’s first understand its characteristics. Rye flour is very different from wheat flour such that it contains gluten forming proteins but it does not form gluten like wheat flour; it absorbs more water than wheat flour and it ferments quicker than wheat doughs. And, it is high in pentosanes and amylase enzymes therefore special care is required to handle the dough, this includes gentle mixing/kneading of the dough and the use of levain to improve better proving and improved crumb texture.
So, what rye flour should you use? It really depends on your own preference. In general, light rye flour will give you the higher-rising rye bread; therefore, the choice from white to dark will produce darker and denser bread. And mixing with wheat flour will yield a lighter texture bread while 100% rye flour bread will be dense and heavy. So, try different rye flours and experiment it with different percentages mix of wheat until you find the bread texture you prefer.
>Thorough understanding of the characteristics and correct use of ingredients are essential in bread baking… Your curiosity will lead you from being a good to a great baker!
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