歐文·亞隆 (Irvin D. Yalom) 要開線上講座了!!!!!!!!!!!!!(已手刀報名)
05.31.2020- What's New About Group (Students & ECP- CE)
Sunday, May 31 (8:00-10:00PM Eastern)
What's New about Group Psychotherapy and What's the Same: Relationships and Life
Molyn Leszcz, MD, FRCPC, CGP, DFAGPA
Irvin Yalom, MD, CGP-R, DLFAGPA
2 CE Credits
Join Irv Yalom and Molyn Leszcz as they address new developments in group psychotherapy, explored through writing the 6th edition of the seminal textbook The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. A particular focus will explore how these developments can be used to enhance effectiveness as a group therapist. There will also be deeper discussion of relationships and life, informed by Irv Yalom's new book co-authored with his late wife, Marilyn Yalom, A Matter of Death and Life. Questions from attendees will be invited in advance for Irv and Molyn to address, providing an opportunity for audience involvement in shaping the content and conversation.
Learning Objectives
The participant will be able to:
Identify the central role of group cohesion and related group therapy factors.
Refine the ability to activate the group in the here-and-now.
Incorporate new research findings into clinical practice.
Integrate existential factors about relationships, life, and death.
Course References
Burlingame, G. & Strauss, B. (in press). Efficacy of small group treatments. In M. Barkham, L. Castonguay & W. Lutz (Eds.), Bergin & Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change, 7th Ed. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Leszcz, M. (2018). The Evidence-Based Group Psychotherapist. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, (38) 285-298.
Norcross, J. C., & Lambert, M. (2011). Psychotherapy relationships that work III. Psychotherapy (Chic), 55(4), 303-315.
Tao, K. W., Owen, J., Pace, B. T., & Imel, Z. E. (2015). A meta-analysis of multicultural competencies and psychotherapy process and outcome. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 337-350.
Yalom, I., & Yalom, M. (2020). A Matter of Death and Life. New York, NY: Perseus Books.
歐文·亞隆 Irvin D. Yalom
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Ozubko JD, Macleod CM. The production effect in memory: evidence that distinctiveness underlies the benefit. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn. 2010 Nov;36(6):1543-7. doi: 10.1037/a0020604. PMID: 20804284.
Patton, W. W. (1991). Opening students’ eyes: Visual learning theory in the Socratic classroom. Law and Psychology Review, 15, 1-18.
Mueller PA, Oppenheimer DM. The pen is mightier than the keyboard: advantages of longhand over laptop note taking. Psychol Sci. 2014 Jun;25(6):1159-68. doi: 10.1177/0956797614524581. Epub 2014 Apr 23. Erratum in: Psychol Sci. 2018 Sep;29(9):1565-1568. PMID: 24760141.
Kapur, Manu, and Katerine Bielaczyc. “Designing for Productive Failure.” The Journal of the Learning Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1, 2012, pp. 45–83., [www.jstor.org/stable/23266307][1].
Cyr, A.-A., & Anderson, N. D. (2012). Trial-and-error learning improves source memory among young and older adults. Psychology and Aging, 27(2), 429–439. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0025115
Grilli MD, Glisky EL. Imagining a Better Memory: Self-Imagination in Memory-Impaired Patients. Clinical Psychological Science. 2013;1(1):93-99. doi:10.1177/2167702612456464
Westwater, Anne & Wolfe, Pat. (2000). The Brain-Compatible Curriculum. Educational Leadership. #今なら

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Mollie Galloway, Jerusha Conner & Denise Pope (2013) Nonacademic Effects of Homework in Privileged, High-Performing High Schools, The Journal of Experimental Education, 81:4, 490-510, DOI: 10.1080/00220973.2012.745469
• Total Paper Citation (6 years): 70
Schmidhuber, J. (2010). Formal theory of creativity, fun, and intrinsic motivation (1990-2010). IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2(3), 230–247.doi: 10.1109/TAMD.2010.2056368
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Di Domenico SI and Ryan RM (2017) The Emerging Neuroscience of Intrinsic Motivation: A New Frontier in Self-Determination Research. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:145. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00145
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Deci, E. L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 18(1), 105-115.doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0030644
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Daikoku, T. (2019). Computational models and neural bases of statistical learning in music and language. Physics of Life Reviews. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2019.09.001
• Total Paper Citation: just published
Cathy Vatterott(2018)Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs (English Edition)2nd Edition こちら、バターロットさんの本には、序文にいきなり Since the first edition of this book was published in 2009, much has changed, but the controversy surrounding homework has not abated. Research has still been unable to show proof of homework's benefit. と書いてあるのが面白いです。この本は宿題に関する様々な研究を紹介する決定版的な本ですが、初版からほぼ10年経過し、宿題に関しては様々な研究が出たものの、宿題のメリットはまだ見つかっていない。ということが前提で考察されています。
Researched by Tatsuya Daikoku Ph.D in Medicine University of Cambridge Department of Psychology https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.researchgate.net/profile/Tatsuya_Daikoku/amp
Yu Suzuki http://www.nicovideo.jp/paleo #今なら

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Covers all elements of the theory. Vicarious reinforcement, identification, mediational processes and the Bobo Doll study. ... <看更多>