【Startup Adventure】2021 Presidential Hackathon calls for your participation!
💡 Application deadline:
International Track: August 4, 2021 (GMT+8 15:00)
💡 Challenge Theme:
Sustainability 2.0 – Climate Action
We are all facing the challenge of the climate change. Therefore, we call for hackers through innovative thinking and digital technology to cross the boundaries and make efforts to climate action.
You may want to consider any topics such as climate mitigation or climate adaptation. Let’s put our heads together to make a better world. Set sail, hackers!
👉Presidential Hackathon International Track 2021 website
👉Presidential Hackathon International Track 2021 official video
5月14日~8月4日 (國際松)
5月14日~7月16日 (國內松)
🌎#國際松 以「Sustainability 2.0 –Climate Action (永續2.0-氣候行動)」為主題,希望透過號召黑客們一起運用資料提出解方,無論是災害預警、災後復原調適、碳足跡盤查,或是落實減少溫室氣體排放,一同為氣候變遷付諸行動!
🦾#國內松 以「💡永續2.0・韌性島嶼」為主題,邀請黑客再次運用科技與開放資料,共同打造 #永續臺灣!
💼國際松提案及活動詳情請進: https://reurl.cc/5oYpDM
climate change mitigation 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的最讚貼文
#科學認為核能是永續能源 #等待政治人物做出勇敢決定
PS 歐盟尚未做出最後決定
大家還記得我與 TFC 台灣事實查核中心 就歐盟綠色政綱中是否包含核能的爭議嗎?這個故事竟然可以繼續寫下去了,我們一樣可以很自信的跟各位說
星期五晚上歐洲的核能群組中傳出一份媒體流出報告,是歐盟執委會旗下的共同研究中心(JRC)針對核能是否符合永續投資的Do no significant harm (DNSH,不造成重大危害)標準所進行的評估報告。
之所以會有這份報告,乃因歐盟綠色政綱目標於2050達成碳中和,當然再生能源在其中扮演重大角色,但不少國家也認為使用核能是必要手段,無奈歐盟內部也是有擁核國與反核國之分,且歐洲議會的機制中也有許多綠黨成員,使核能在多數情況中不受青睞,甚至在燃煤比例高國家應得的轉型基金(Just transition fund)補助中也遭到移除。
報告裡應當於二月底三月初完成,但現在已經快四月了藉由媒體批露才流了出來,畢竟報告仔細一看,真的不得了... 所有內容大致上台灣所有支持核能的人也都知道了(你可以先在腦海中想一下答案)
"The analyses did not reveal any science-based evidence that nuclear energy does more harm to human health or to the environment than other electricity production technologies already included in the Taxonomy as activities supporting climate change mitigation"
"It can therefore be concluded that all potentially harmful impacts of the various nuclear energy lifecycle phases on human health and the environment can be duly prevented or avoided. The nuclear energy-based electricity production and the associated activities in the whole nuclear fuel cycle (e.g. uranium mining, nuclear fuel fabrication, etc.) do not represent significant harm to any of the TEG objectives, provided that all specific industrial activities involved fulfil the related Technical Screening Criteria."
1. 核能生命週期的溫室氣體與空污產出極小
2. 核能消耗土地資源極小
3. 核輻射影響極小
4. 核能的耗水與熱汙染問題需要妥善控管
5. 核災未必不會發生,但歐盟的管制體系與新核電廠設計都能避免過去大規模的核電廠事故
而在part B中則針對目前核廢料的處理技術做出完整評估,這邊未曾否認確實核廢料的輻射可能產生危害,但若是用過核燃料經過處理並且有完善立法控管,那就不需擔心,其中放射性廢料相較核電廠其他廢料僅一小部分。
簡單來說... 核廢料可以處理... 裏頭也有點嘴的提到,碳捕捉與高階廢料處理都需要尋覓地質儲存,沒道理前者可以被列為永續投資,後者則被阻礙...
climate change mitigation 在 大便妹,學環保。 Facebook 的最讚貼文
//The study, published in Scientific Reports, a peer-reviewed natural sciences journal, provides the first-ever case definition for fresh-water skin disease in bottlenose dolphins.
This study comes on the heels of significant outbreaks in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Texas and Australia in recent years. In all of these locations, a sudden and drastic decrease in salinity in the waters was the common factor. Coastal dolphins are accustomed to seasonal changes in salinity levels in their marine habitat, but they do not live in freshwater. The increasing severity and frequency of storm events like hurricanes and cyclones, particularly if they are preceded by drought conditions, are dumping unusual volumes of rain that turn coastal waters to freshwater. Freshwater conditions can persist for months, particularly after intense storms such as hurricanes Harvey and Katrina. With the increasing climate temperatures, climate scientists have predicted extreme storms like these will occur more frequently and, consequently, will result in more frequent and severe disease outbreaks in dolphins.
“This devastating skin disease has been killing dolphins since Hurricane Katrina, and we’re pleased to finally define the problem,” said Duignan. “With a record hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico this year and more intense storm systems worldwide due to climate change, we can absolutely expect to see more of these devastating outbreaks killing dolphins.”
The study has major implications for the current outbreak in Australia, which is impacting the rare and threatened Burrunan dolphin in southeast Australia, and could provide professionals with the information needed to diagnose and treat affected animals. Currently, the long-term outlook for dolphins affected with the skin disease is poor. This is especially true for the animals suffering from prolonged exposure to freshwater.
The deadly skin disease was first noted by researchers on approximately 40 bottlenose dolphins near New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
“As warming ocean temperatures impact marine mammals globally, the findings in this paper will allow better mitigation of the factors that lead disease outbreaks for coastal dolphin communities that are already under threat from habitat loss and degradation,” said Duignan. “This study helps shed light on an ever-growing concern, and we hope it is the first step in mitigating the deadly disease and marshalling the ocean community to further fight climate change.”//
climate change mitigation 在 Mitigation and Adaptation | Solutions - NASA Climate Change 的相關結果
Responding to climate change involves two possible approaches: reducing and stabilizing the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (“ ... ... <看更多>
climate change mitigation 在 Climate Change Mitigation | GEF 的相關結果
Mitigating climate change is about reducing the release of greenhouse gas emissions that are warming our planet. Mitigation strategies include retrofitting ... ... <看更多>
climate change mitigation 在 Climate change mitigation - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Climate change mitigation consists of actions to limit global warming and its related effects. This involves reductions in human emissions of greenhouse ... ... <看更多>