好高興又與法國波爾多右岸Pomerol 區嘅Clos l’Eglise 酒莊女莊主 Helene Garcin-Leveque會面,今次仲可以見到佢老公兼釀酒師Patrice Leveque! 今次會面主要試旗下波爾多右岸Saint-Emilion 區嘅Chateau Barde-Haut St-Emilion Grand Cru Classe 10個年份嘅 vertical Tasting , 由2005年試到2016年,另外再試他們旗下系列嘅2016年年份,除以上兩個莊外,亦包括Chateau Poesia 及Chateau d’Arce。我今天特別喜歡Chateau Barde-Haut 2005年及2015年,前者十分優雅有層次,後者活潑充滿果香,充分感受到10年嘅變化!Cheers!🍷😬
Very happy to meet with Helene Garcin-Leveque again from Chateau Clos l’Eglise from Pomerol, Bordeaux! It’s my 1st time to meet her husband, Patrice Leveque, who is the owner & winemaker! We tried the vertical tasting of Chateau Barde-Haut St-Emilion Grand Cru Classe, trying wines from 2005 to 2016, to feel the wine maturity as time goes by. We also tried the new vintage 2016 of their other wines, including Chateau Poesia & Chateau d’Arce. I particularly like Chateau Barde-Haut 2005 & 2015, with the 2005 wine showing the elegance & complexity and the latter one showing its vivid fruitiness. It shows the beauty of maturation in 10 years’ difference. Cheers! 🍷😬
#wine #winetasting #bordeauxwine #ClosLEglise #ChateauBardeHaut #ChateauPoesia #ChateaudArce #frenchwine