你還記得4月29日至30日在台大小巨蛋舉辦的NASA 黑客松-台灣?經過現場評審及其他參賽團隊的投票, CCIT-crazy top獲得台灣NASA黑客松的最佳人氣獎!現在CCIT-crazy top要跟來自136個城市的當地人氣獎得主,一同競爭角逐全球最佳人氣獎的五個名額!讓我們一起用洪荒之力,投票給代表台灣的CCIT-crazy top。怎麼做?很簡單,只要上網投票就可以了!自5月8日起,每個人都可以到
https://2017.spaceappschallenge.org/vote 投票,找到台灣隊CCIT-crazy top後就可以為他們投下你寶貴的一票;每天限投一次, 為期兩週。兩週後得票最高的前五名就可以角逐全球最佳人氣獎。
CCIT-crazy top 的作品是滑翔式投落送 (Gliding Dropsonde) 。有了這個儀器,未來智慧型手機的使用者就能夠透過手機app輕鬆取得即時更新的颱風預報路徑、強度及危險地區警報。他們特別拍了一支影片讓大家進一步了解他們的作品:
Remember the 2017 NASA Space Apps Challenge that took place in Taipei the last weekend of April? CCIT-crazy top was voted by local judges and the 57 participating teams as the Taiwan People’s Choice winner. Now CCIT-crazy top is competing with other local People’s Choice winners from 136 cities around the world. We can all help Taiwan’s team become one of the five final candidates to compete for the Global People’s Choice Award. How? Just cast your vote online (every day for the next two weeks)! Starting on Monday, May 8th and continuing for two weeks until May 22, anyone can vote online once per day for their favorite project. Just go to https://2017.spaceappschallenge.org/vote, search for “CCIT-crazy top,” and click to vote. Let’s vote CCIT-crazy top into the global competition!
CCIT-crazy top’s project will give smartphone users easy access to 3-D, exceptionally accurate, updates of a typhoon’s track and forecasts of the intensity of the typhoon and affected areas. Watch the video below to learn more about their project. #2017NASAHackathon #spaceappstaiwan #spaceapps