#遠距離 #疫情 #bepatient
有一天晚上我們聊到這件事的時候,語氣不耐煩的我一直在埋怨,沒想到你在視訊裡傳來一句:Be patient,一定會等到那一天的。你知道嗎?這句話就像雷劈下來的擊中紅心,平時比我更沒耐心,什麼事都急的你竟然說出這句話。因此,才有了這一首歌。我已經快一年多沒寫新歌了,沒想到這一次的感受如此強烈,也讓我體會到愛是需要等待的。這一年心靈上也吸收和學會了很多,放下自己該放下的執著,放下該放下的人事物,時間用在值得的地方。十月的時候領養了一隻貓,雖然在視訊裡你們見過面了,但真的很期待見面時,我們三個一起相處的小日子。相信經過這一次,我們一定會更成熟的去愛。直到見面那一天,會不會像我們說的兩個人有可能會哭出來,那就拭目以待吧。Take care
會過去的,be patient。
Vj & Noina
照片請Email: bepatient2021@gmail.com
2020 hasn't been easy to all of us .The same goes without saying on a long-distance relationship. End of January, our last met. You visited KL to celebrate Chinese New Year together. We drove to Cameron Highlands. That awful traffic jam! Who could possibly have imagined then, in March the world were to have their borders closed and a pandemic.
We certainly were able to keep our spirit up at first. Well, two, or three months later, things will be over and we'll be seeing each other again. We thought. In April, we set our hope again on May. When May came, it seemed our best shot was probably July. Then it was July, we can only expect September. Sooner than we knew it was already September. One thing we did know this time, it's best not to expect anything than sooner. 2020 has now come to its end. We are apart for a year. It must had been more complicated it it weren't for all the video calls. Sometimes we joked about letting each other go, for if a better person happened to show up at this moment. Other times we struggled because we felt something seemed fading away. Perhaps that's how exactly a long-distance relationship is. Of course I know my heart. We have been in a relationship for two years, you are a part of me. Without you being here in my life, my life is yet completed. Once you said we shouldn't add this year as our relationship milestone, it should remain 2 years. For we cannot know how long we still have to be apart until the day we can meet again.
Another evening this topic was brought up, again. In our video call all i did was non stop complaining , not a pleasant tone. "Be patient.", you said, "the day will come for sure." This moment caught my heart totally. I know how quick temper you are than me usually on everything. Hearing this from you was a blow and a shout to my heart. That's how it got me writing this song. Before this, I haven't composed any piece of song more than a year. Our conversation that night touched my heart and deepen my feelings. I have come to an understanding of the reason of being patient in all these, for something greater behind it. Love, awaits. I learn not to cling on my thoughts and ideas. Let go. That helps me focusing on the moment, the present. Hey, I adopted a cat, you know that right? You have met each other on video calls. I look forward to the day you both meet, the days when three of us spending time together. After what we have been going through, i believe our love will only grow matured. We will know how to love. When the day is here, when we finally see each other. We might not be able to hold our tears. Though I am sure it is only for happiness.Take care.
All good. All fine. To all of us.
This too shall pass. Be patient.
讓人有距離感英文 在 JASDESIGNER Facebook 的精選貼文
兩個都在搞藝術的女孩,見到面會是聊什麼呢!?確實沒有想過我能有這個機會和 @annitai_ 見面聊天。說一下!當初我認識她就因為我被她的手工製作(embroidery,calligraphy )給吸引了!我相信看過她作品的人都會喜歡。我在想這個女生怎麼那麼自信和對藝術那麼熱忱。當初我們約見面的時候,我還挺壓力的,因為我不會說流利的英文(超級爛),而她的外表就是很酷很冷,但沒想到真實是那麼愛笑,還是努力用華文和我交談。
Instagram 互聯網認識和私底下見面交談,真的很不一樣,我覺得很真實很舒服,談話中發現原來大家對這領域有很多不同的看法,當中也讓我學習了很多!其實今年對我來說真的很特別,就是無端端有機會認識不曾在我圈子出現的人,真的很奇妙。坦白說,以往的我都不愛出去見人,我不懂怎麼開口說話,表情就是很冷漠,讓人有距離感(我不想的)。
@annitai_ Embroidery Artist
讓人有距離感英文 在 JASDESIGNER Facebook 的最佳貼文
兩個都在搞藝術的女孩,見到面會是聊什麼呢!?確實沒有想過我能有這個機會和 @annitai_ 見面聊天。說一下!當初我認識她就因為我被她的手工製作(embroidery,calligraphy )給吸引了!我相信看過她作品的人都會喜歡。我在想這個女生怎麼那麼自信和對藝術那麼熱忱。當初我們約見面的時候,我還挺壓力的,因為我不會說流利的英文(超級爛),而她的外表就是很酷很冷,但沒想到真實是那麼愛笑,還是努力用華文和我交談。
Instagram 互聯網認識和私底下見面交談,真的很不一樣,我覺得很真實很舒服,談話中發現原來大家對這領域有很多不同的看法,當中也讓我學習了很多!其實今年對我來說真的很特別,就是無端端有機會認識不曾在我圈子出現的人,真的很奇妙。坦白說,以往的我都不愛出去見人,我不懂怎麼開口說話,表情就是很冷漠,讓人有距離感(我不想的)。
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