【錦上添花賀年米盒】由 farm to 糕真材實料粉紅蘿蔔糕再度出場!
粉紅迷你200毫升保溫壺 (1個)
1. 切蘿蔔糕時可在刀上抹少量油,易切又不黏刀
2. 急凍了的蘿蔔糕無需解凍,可直接切塊烹煮
3. 蒸煮時建議切大塊
4. 蒸熱後可澆上少許甜醬油及蔥花,香氣更甚
5. 煎蘿蔔糕前應先預熱鍋及油,以免黏鍋
6. 煎糕時,糕與糕之間宜預留一定空間以方便翻面
7. 別心急,煎至蘿蔔糕能輕易以鍋鏟推開才翻面
8. 建議香煎蘿蔔糕配秘製XO醬進食更惹味
9. 也可將蘿蔔糕切成方塊,煎香後加入XO醬及銀芽炒勻
#新年賀品 #粉紅蘿蔔糕 #送禮 #利是封
瑤柱屬性 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
生蠔 / 蠔豉 — 性平,滋陰養血、補心安神,適合陰虛、煩熱、失眠、心神不安者食用。
青口 / 淡菜 — 性熱,有補肝腎、益精血的功效,適合氣血不足、肝腎不足、小便餘瀝、夜尿頻繁、婦女白帶過多者食用。
扇貝/瑤柱 — 性平,具滋陰補腎、調補脾胃的作用,尤其適合脾腎陽虛的夜尿頻多者食用。
蝦 — 性溫,具補腎、壯陽及通乳作用,適合腎陽不足、男性不育、性功能減退、腎虧腰腳痿弱者食用。
鮑魚 — 性平,滋陰清熱、補益肝腎,具調經、明目、潤腸功效,適合月經不調、腎虛小便頻繁、大便燥結者食用。
響螺 — 性寒,滋補肝腎、養顏補血、健脾養胃,適合陰虛火旺、腎虛尿頻人士食用。由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者及經期期間慎吃。
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Seafood to nourish the kidney and aid conception
It has been said that oyster is one of the many types of food that can help increase the chances of getting pregnant, because it is rich in zinc, which is an important component for health sperm. Hence, oyster is often regarded as an aphrodisiac.
From Chinese medicine perspective, oyster is neutral in nature, can nourish the yin and blood, and can relieve anxiety. However, Chinese medicine practitioners also do not encourage consumption of raw and cold food, so anyone wishes to eat oyster should have it cooked first, or opt for dried oyster, as both share the same properties.
Besides oyster, mussel (or dried mussel), scallop (or dried scallop), prawn, abalone and sea conch can also nourish the kidney. According to Chinese medicine theories, ‘liver stores blood, kidney stores essence’, essence in kidney is the foundation of life, hence, it is crucial to care for the kidney, if any man or woman wishes to increase their fertility.
Oyster / dried oyster – mild in nature; nourishes the yin and blood, calms anxiety; suitable for individuals with yin deficiency, insomnia problems, as well as people who are often frustrated and with high body heat, and with anxiety.
Mussel / dried mussel – hot in nature; can nourish the liver and kidney, is good for the essence and blood; suitable for individuals with blood and qi deficiency, with liver and kidney deficiency, urinary dribbling, frequent urination at night, and women with excessive vaginal discharge.
Scallop / dried scallop – mild in nature; can nourish the yin, the kidney, the spleen and the stomach; suitable for individuals with yang deficiency in the kidney and spleen, as well as those with frequent urination at night.
Prawn – warm in nature; can nourish the kidney, stimulate lactation, and is aphrodisiacal; it is suitable for men with infertility and impotence problems, as well as individuals with renal insufficiency and weak waist and legs.
Abalone – mild in nature, replenishes the yin and dissipates heat, nourishes the liver and the kidney; regulates menstruation cycles, brightens vision and lubricates the bowels; suitable for individuals with irregular menstruation cycle, kidney deficiency, frequent urination and dry stools.
Sea conch – cold in nature; nourishes the liver and kidney, good for complexion and replenishes the blood, strengthens the spleen and stomach; suitable for individuals who are deficient of yin and with excess body heat, as well as those who experience kidney deficiency and frequent urination. People with a weak spleen and stomach should avoid eating sea conch, especially women during period, as it is cold in nature.
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#男 #女 #我枯燥 #我畏冷 #陰虛 #氣虛 #血虛 #陽虛 #失眠 #經期
瑤柱屬性 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 腰果白鍋炒香備用,其他材料洗淨,急凍青邊鮑解凍後刷洗乾淨,去腸頭;乾瑤柱浸水1小時;鮮淮山去皮切塊。
2. 鍋內加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
Abalone soup to nourish yin and relieve dryness
Soup is a must-have dish in Chinese new year gatherings. Let’s add more ingredients into the soup. Abalone is known as "soft gold of ocean”, and quite a luxury. It also contains lots of nutrients. Abalone is mild in nature, can nourish yin and clear heat, replenish the liver and kidneys, suitable for those with frequent late nights and fatigue. You can also add dried scallops to nourish yin and kidney, Chinese yam to strengthen spleen and stomach, wolfberries to replenish qi into the mild natured soups, which is suitable for the whole family. Abalone soup is sweet and delicious. After the soup is cooked, you can take out the greenlip abalone and cut into slices to make a decent dish and eat it with soy sauce.
Tips for soup to nourish yin and relieve dryness:
Appropriately add in ingredients such as snow fungus, radix adenophorae, radix ophiopogonis, lily bulb, radix ophiopogonis, dried conch.
Greenlip abalone soup with Chinese yam, radix adenophorae and polygonatum root
Effects: nourishes yin and improves deficiencies, nourishes liver and improves vision, relieves dry symptoms due to frequent late nights
Ingredients: 1 fresh Chinese yam, 15g radix adenophorae, 20g polygonatum root, 1 frozen greenlip abalone, 6 dried scallops, 15g wolfberries, 2 slices ginger, 30g kidney bean, 30g red bean, 40g cashews
1. Stir fry cashews without oil in wok until fragrant. Rinse all other ingredients. Defrost abalone and clean the abalone with a brush, cut and remove the tips of abalone. Soak dried scallops for 1 hour. Peel and cut fresh Chinese yam.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.
#男 #女 #我枯燥 #陰虛