中大首映能接待最多關心歷史的朋友。我們最緊張經歷者、被訪者,讓他們在舒適的環境下觀片是責任。感謝博群電影節同仁對細節想得周全,《消失的檔案》關注組同仁連續幾周無日無夜處理接待名單,又安排接送長者。當晚健行的、患病的、坐輪椅的、最終可以在家屬或友人陪同下抵埗,完了活動夜深了,大會還安排巴士 送長輩們往火車站。
“Thank you for the passion about history and the dedication in exposing the civilians to historical facts. We could not and should not allow any archives to disappear.”
“We are Hong Kong! You'll never walk alone!”
“Support this great project! I wish HK people with their family members, no matter where they are now can remember HK history. I need to buy a DVD some day for my children,grandchildren to watch and remember the place we came from.”
“Thank you for producing this movie, and have such brilliant idea to show it to the community. I look forward to seeing it. Also, I am very surprised to have tickets as gifts while donating. Another great idea! Thank you!!”
感謝為我們拍攝的超軍,編撰及剪輯首映片段的蕙儀 Joanna老師。看似浮光掠影,卻是逐格留情!
【支持眾籌】請前往FringeBacker 網頁 https://goo.gl/xZHzTF 支持我們。
#消失的檔案眾籌 #六七暴動 #反英抗暴 #羅恩惠 #香港1967
浮光the history 在 無國界·旅行·故事Travel Savvy Facebook 的最佳貼文
捷克•布拉格 Prague, Czech--English after Mandarin
This day we had an 8 hour walk. Prague in autumn is perfect for a stroll. Through walking you can then connect various coordinates in the city with your heart. We review tentatively all the present and past with my interpretation of all the anecdotes.
Alright, I have to admit that I'm falling for this special way of exploring a city with my soul. We follow a tour guide who carries a big smile all the time while she instills into your traveler's vein with the view at every corner you turn. Thus, you can call yourself an authentic Prague traveler.
Like all the events in your life, some matters occupy a special corner in your heart. And, of all the images flowing through my mind, the history of Jewish people and the struggle under the rein of the communist party stands out the most. In addition, Kafka's wildly running imagination has ignited my desire to read. I think I will find a book of Kafka to know more about this literary giant fed with the essence of Prague.
你也可以不需理會那些歷史帶來錯綜複雜的情緒,讓查理大橋的夕陽和夜景把身為旅人享受單純美好的特權還諸己身。跟著上千的遊客一起讚嘆那眼底的如詩如畫。然後今夜用味蕾來為布拉格做個總結,舉杯品嘗細水長流的美好意念。晚安,布拉格。 2016, 10月2日
Maybe you don't need the down mood caused by the complicated history of the city. Simply let the stunning sunset and night view of Prague give back the privilege of enjoying great sceneries as a traveler. Praise the poetic view underneath your eyes with thousands of others. And then, conclude Prague with your taste buds by raising your wine glass and toasting for the meandering goodness of the city. Good night, Prague.
October 2, 2016