近年越式牛肉湯粉店大行其道,清甜的牛骨湯配上香滑的河粉,柔軟的牛肉片,還有爽口的芽菜及洋蔥,絕對是一碗暖入心的comfort food!不說不知,看似簡單的清湯,原來內有玄機,除了牛肉還會加入不同的香料同煮,如肉桂條、草果、八角、洋蔥及芫茜頭等,所以每次吃完都有種暖和的感覺,就是因為牛肉及香料的溫性屬性。除此以外,上菜時會也同時供應九層塔、辣椒、芫茜,以及越式香草如刺芹,都是性味辛溫的香料。因此別以為清湯湯粉應人人合適,其實本身有偏熱症狀,又或是陰虛火旺人士就忍一忍口了。
九層塔 — 又稱金不換或泰式羅勒。性溫味辛,可疏風解表、化濕和胃、行氣活血。適合感冒頭痛、滯食及消化不良人士食用。
芫茜 — 又名胡菜、香菜,性溫味辛,具發汗透疹、消食下氣之功效,適合患風寒感冒人士適量食用,亦適合食慾不振、胃呆腹脹者食用。
辣椒 — 性熱味辛,可溫中散寒,亦有開胃之效。因受寒而引起的感冒、女性虛寒型痛經及胃寒型胃痛、食慾不振皆適宜。
洋蔥 — 性溫,具祛風發汗、行氣化痰、降血壓、降血脂功效,特別適合風寒感冒患者食用。
刺芹 — 又稱為「鵝蒂」或「假芫茜」,因味道如芫茜相似而得名,多用於泰越菜色中。刺芹性味辛溫,有疏風除熱、利氣健胃的功效,對於食滯腹脹、腸胃炎腹瀉都有緩解之效。
Spice filled pho noodle soup
In recent years, the Vietnamese beef pho restaurants have gotten popular. The sweet beef bone soup, smooth pho noodles, tender beef slices, refreshing sprouts and onions is a warm combination of comfort food. In fact, this simple soup has many mysteries in it. In addition to beef, it is made with different spices such as cinnamon sticks, cardamom, star anise, onion and cilantro root. If you will feel warm after eating pho, it is due to the warm-natured beef and spices. Basil, chili pepper, cilantro, Vietnamese herbs such as parsley are served along with pho, and they are warm in nature and spicy in taste. Therefore, do not think that soup and pho are suitable for everyone. In fact, it is not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms or yin deficiency with excessive fire.
Basil- warm in nature and spicy in taste. It can dispel wind and promote perspiration, dispel dampness and nourish stomach, promote qi and blood circulation. It is suitable for those with cold/flu headache and indigestion.
Cilantro- warm in nature and spicy in taste. It can promote sweating, relieve rashes, and aid digestion. Suitable for those with cold-wind flus, as well as those with poor appetite and abdominal bloating.
Chili pepper- hot in nature and spicy in taste, can warm the body, dispel cold and stimulate appetite. It is suitable for those with cold/flu from catching cold, cold-related menstrual pain, stomach pain due to cold in stomach, and poor appetite.
Onion- warm in nature, can dispel wind and promote perspiration, promote qi circulation and relieve phlegm, lower blood pressure and blood Iipids. It is especially suitable for those with cold-wind flu.
Parsley- also known as the “fake cilantro” because the taste is similar to cilantro, and is mostly used in Thai and Vietnamese dishes. Parsley is warm in nature and spicy in taste. It can dispel wind, clear heat, strengthen qi and stomach. It can alleviate food stagnation, stomach flu and diarrhea.
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