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關於masterclass中文的評價, 明周文化 MP Weekly

【Masterclass(片三)】周耀輝:用心寫,讓粵語歌繼續活潑生存​ ​「我哋嘅粵語歌,永遠都唔會『碎』。」在歌詞創作班今年的畢業作品演唱會,聽完學生的創作表演,周耀輝不經意說出這句豪語壯語,遙...

The Rolex Yacht-Master II is the ultimate regatta chronograph. The countdown duration for the start can be adapted to each race. Once launched, the chronograph can be synchronized on the fly to match the official regatta countdown. This allows the skipper to position their yacht to cross the start line at the perfect moment. Farr 40 Class #Rolex #YachtMasterII on.rolex.com/NewYachtMaster-II

The Rolex Yacht-Master II is the ultimate regatta ...