哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
pc avg 我們身邊的狼 人中之狼 與狼同行 第一章 信仰 The Wolf Among Us 文字劇情冒險
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Episode 1: Faith
Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors
Episode 3: A Crooked Mile
Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing
Episode 5: Cry Wolf
Note that the plot descriptions below may change based on player choices made in the game.
Bigby, the Sheriff of Fabletown, saves a young prostitute from an intoxicated Woodsman, and makes sure she can safely return home. He is shocked the next day to learn that her head has been found outside his apartment building, the Woodlands. He and Snow White discover her true identity is that of Faith from the fable Allerleirauh, having turned to prostitution to help pay for her and her husband Prince Lawrence living costs. They find that the Tweedles, Dee and Dum, sneaking around Faith's apartment, fleeing on sight. Snow returns to the Business Office while Bigby looks for more clues. When he returns back to the Woodlands, he sees that the mundy police is out in force and has sealed off the area. Sneaking past the barrier for a closer look, he is shocked to find Snow's head, much like Faith's, sitting on the steps to the apartment building.