immune system造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

用immune system造句和"immune system"的例句: 1. In some ways the immune system may be compared to a totalitarian state .在某些方面,可以把免疫系統比作一個 ...
5 天前 — Moreover, the successful development and long-term survival of cysticerci in mice may also be related to the immune response. 來自Cambridge ...
immune system 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 英英释义. Noun: a system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects ...
例如:The immune system is like a shell, protecting our body from disease. 免疫系統就像殼一樣保護我們的身體不生病。 We are immune to advertising ...
2. Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now. 我们的免疫系统正在杀死数以十亿计的细菌。 《牛津词典》. 3. His immune system ...
#6. 用innate immune system造句子,“innate immune system”造句- 造句 ...
用innate immune system造句子,“innate immune system”造句. 2017-01-18 1.52W. Chymotrypsin inhibitors (CIs) in insect haemolymph play a major function of ...
#7. 時事英文》疫苗開放混打?英文怎麼說? - EnglishOK - 工商時報
immune (adj)「免疫的」除了接名詞,如immune system(免疫 ... (adj) 也有「豁免的、免除的」意思,如「外交豁免權」就是diplomatic immunity。
immune system造句. 万圣节. [] happy halloween万圣节快乐1,And an old troll wish you a happy halloween! 以及淘气的老侏儒都在祝你万圣节快乐!,2.
#9. immune造句- qhfx
immune system造句 1、Yoga can enhance the body's immune system. 2、Artificial immune system is a novel information processing system inspired by immune.
#10. 用immune造句 - 乐学英语
The lung possesses its own local immune responsive system . 肺本身就具有局部免疫反应系统。 Be immune from crruption . 拒腐蚀,永不沾。
#11. immune system造句- 欧创网
immune system造句 1、Yoga can enhance the body'simmune system. 2、Artificialimmune systemis a novel information processing system inspired byimmune sy.
#12. immunogenic翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
1. relating to or producing an immune response ... immunogenic response免疫原應答 ... for recognition of antigens by the immune system are provided.
#13. 學英文/從變種病毒variant學8個關鍵單字 - LINE TODAY
immune system 就是免疫系統的英文,immunity (n.) 則是免疫力的意思,這兩個說法可以交替使用。immunization (n.) 是免疫接種的意思,指的是接種疫苗 ...
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impair the quality造句- 用impair the quality造句大全 ... impair造句- 问一问. 5分钟内回复平台认证保障 ... immune system造句- 用immune system造句大全.
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immune system 就是免疫系統的英文,immunity (n.) 則是免疫力的意思,這兩個說法可以交替使用。immunization (n.) 是免疫接種的意思,指的是接種疫苗 ...
#16. lymphocyte 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典
Lymphocyte function in the cellular immune system features both afferent (receptor) and efferent (effector) components. 细胞免疫系统的传入(受体)和传出( ...
#17. immune - 例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词大全
英语单词大全为您提供2022 最新英文单词immune的解释,immune相关词组,immune是什么意思,immune的用法,immune的意思,immune的例句,immune的中文意思,immune用法 ...
#18. system造句 - 天天知识网
system 造句 / 例句1. Thesystemwas down all morning. 系统整个上午都无法运行。 《牛津词典》 2. Trust is implicit in thesystem. 信任是这种体制里内含的。
#19. adaptive immune system造句 - 文语站
How does the adaptive immune system interact with the innate immune system? Not all adaptive immune systems use the immunoglobulin fold as the ...
#20. 為什麼流感會要了你的命!--5個方面的知識。 (Why The Flu ...
This means staying healthy, sleeping well, exercising, and strengthening our immune system. ... 連假收假亂造句
#21. Delta入侵台灣!變種病毒不僅來勢洶洶,還有3大特性…
immune system 就是免疫系統的英文,immunity(n.)則是免疫力的意思,這2個說法可以交替使用。immunization(n.)是免疫接種的意思,指的是接種疫苗後 ...
#22. 用“nervous system”造句大全,nervous system造句精選- 國語站
"Meditation practice helps to calm my nervous system and allows the immune system to function with less interference," she says.
#23. immune造句- pctantao
immune 造句,免疫造句_用免疫造句大全(5-300个句子) - 造句网(在线造句,虽然新冠疫苗的产能和可 ... immune system造句1、Yoga can enhance the body's immune system.
#24. immunology是什么意思- 英语词典 - 新东方在线
n.the branch of medical science that studies the body's immune system ... Immunity of erythrocyte is one important part of clinical immunology.
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本站住宿推薦20%OFF 住宿折扣 · "compromise"是什么意思| compromise醫學中文 · compromise 在英語| compromise醫學中文 · compromise 是什麽意思,中文意思| 妥协| ...
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741Hz, Cleanse Infections & Dissolve Toxins, Aura Cleanse, Boost Immune System, Meditation. Music for Body and Spirit - Meditation Music.
#27. immune是什么意思 - 英语词典
中文翻译与英英解释 · adj. · relating to the condition of immunity; "the immune system" · (usually followed by `to'') not affected by a given influence; "immune to ...
#28. 病毒- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
^ (英文) Bertoletti A, Gehring A. Immune response and tolerance during chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatol. Res. 2007,. 37 Suppl 3: S331–8. PMID ...
#29. 用system造句带翻译
用system造句带翻译. We live in a pace called the solar system. ... 在教育体系中引入更多的选择和多样性3,Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system.
#30. AZ疫苗接種開打,相關的英文懶人包為你準備好了! - 巨匠美語
immune system (n.) 免疫系統 antibody for …(n.) 對….的抗體 vaccine (n.)疫苗/ get a vaccine 接種疫苗 vaccinate (v.) 接種疫苗(通常用被動用法be ...
#31. 单词回顾| 他们都是如何用“norm”和“characterize”造句的?
而且丧失的应该是细胞的免疫力,而不是免疫系统,所以“the immune system”改为“body's cellular immunity”可能更准确一点。
#32. immune,immune的英文意思和翻译,immune的音标读音,用法 ...
1 . This discovery led on to studies of the immune system. 此发现使人们开始对免疫系统进行研究。 来自柯林斯例句. 2 . Members of the Bundestag are ...
#33. 你打了公費流感疫苗嗎?來認識「疫苗」相關的英文單字
The vaccines will run out before the influenza season comes. 流感疫苗在流感季節來臨前就已經被用完了。 6. Immune system (n.) 免疫系統. Immune為 ...
#34. 免疫系統怎麼讀_拼音 - 古詩詞庫
1 免疫系統. 1.1 先天性免疫(innate immune system); 1.2 後天性免疫(adaptive immune system); 1.3 *引用相關文獻*. 免疫系統. 免疫系統為人體抵抗外來病菌最重要的 ...
#35. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年(解答顯示檔)
A group of scientists recently created a system that[ ]brain waves into words ... (A)ree from(B)immune to(C)exempt from(D)make from(E)keep from
#36. 系統英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
系統英文造句練習. The car's power system is quite sophisticated. 這輛車子的動力系統相當精密。 Media reports Google will develop a new operating ...
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Lists. organ system造句, organ system造句, 用organ system造句, organ system ... of cochlear duct spiral sulcus + Test prep MCAT Organ systems Immune system.
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每次去外婆家,她就會( ),煮出一道道色香味俱全的好菜讓我們吃. Image: 大顯身手. 手忙腳亂. 哥哥每次參加Science Olympia,總是( )匆匆忙忙得出門. Image: 手忙腳亂.
#39. Immunitas: The Protection and Negation of Life Esposito
Just as the human body's immune system protects the organism from deadly incursions by viruses and other ... 【國小國語字詞句集合】世一-字詞造句應用100.
#40. 大考中心字彙表LEVEL 1 (1080 words) a/an [æ n] art. 一able ...
function [ˋfʌŋkʃən] n. 功能 further [ˋfɝðɚ] adj. adv. ... system [ˋsɪstəm] n.系統;制度[C] tablet [ˋtæblɪt] n. ... (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).
#41. immune systems-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: That means their immune systems are compromised.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"immune systems"
#42. immune system的中文意思- 英汉词典
Your immune system consists of all the organs and processes in your body which protect you from illness and infection. #英英释义回顶部. noun. a system ( ...
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今天我想在这里总结一下我们造句经常会出现的问题以及相应的解决方案: 1. ... and minerals but also play a key role in improving immune system.
#44. 威武的詞語意思及造句
威武的詞語意思及造句 ... drug can cure any disease except our own internal healing power of the immune system inherited from our loved Father mighty God.
#45. 病能的意思是什么 - 51词典
病能造句 ... 英文Interferon should increase the disease-resistant capacity of airframe through enhancing the effectiveness of immune system.
#46. intervene翻译为:阻碍;出面;插嘴;介
They might mean to test their will to intervene . 当然也可能是意在测试他们的干涉意愿。 Is it possible to intervene in this process and make your immune system ...
#47. malfunction的用法_学习英语网
学习英语网为大家提供malfunction的例句,malfunction造句,malfunction的用法等英语单词的在线查询 ... Type I diabetes is caused by an immune system malfunction.
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nervous system”可以造什么句,nervous system造句 ... to calm my nervous system and allows the immune system to function with less interference," she says.
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Active plant defense system is comparable to the immune system of the vertebrate, although cells and compounds are fundamentally different.
#50. 用system造句带翻译
用system造句带翻译. We live in a pace called the solar system. ... 引入更多的选择和多样性3,Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system.
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by prohibit造句 at 2022-04-17 14:24:32 ... 更多造句: 123 如何用occupy造句,用occupy造句,occupy in a sentence,用occupy造句和occupy的例句由查查汉语词典提.
#52. immune造句 - mspp
immune造句,免疫的意思和精选造句,随着人体衰老,免疫功能会随着下降,会导致身体炎症滋生,圣胞儿干细胞在 ... The immune system is our main defence against disease.
#53. 怎麼用prostate cance造句 - 國文屋
The Food and Drug Administration last April finally approved Provenge, a prostate cancer vaccine that stimulates the body's own immune system to ...
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4.7 (18 reviews). Last downloaded on. The Immune System and Vaccines KS2 PowerPoint ... Last downloaded on. 谁,在哪里,什么时候,做什么造句练习.
#55. tum-tums是什麼意思
本tums的造句和例句: 1. ... Autoimmune disorders are a spectrum of diseases caused by impaired self-tolerance of the immune system.
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This is evidence that our immune system really doesn't function so well when we age. 51.衰老发生在我们每个人身上,通常被认为是生命中自然的 ...
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Boost immune system 中文. 海洋的深度. 平凡的世界作者. 萬寧口罩2 月9 日. 我獨自升級動畫. ... 莫逆之交的造句. 天母創意市集2019. 李居明大迷信.
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1 天前 — 用"expansion"造句. ... and the composition of the intestinal microbiota has a profound effect on immune system function throughout the body.
#59. immune造句- codewdw
immune system造句 1、Yoga can enhance the body's immune system. 2、Artificial immune system is a novel information processing system inspired by immune.
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3 syllables. new enjoying mathematics class 5 pdf; another word for seriously; derek special outtakes Apr 21; In: giraffe immune system By: ...
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There are three basic ways to keep the immune system strong which I call the ... used in a sentence and examples? qigong造句, qigong造句, 用qigong造句, ...
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'immune system'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
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immune 造句,下面这些单词如何造句啊?charm .immune.vanish.diminish.s,[英语词汇] 免疫的英语 ... immune system造句1、Yoga can enhance the body's immune system.
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immune 造句,immune是什么意思_immune中文翻译,含义,读音发音,用法,造,目前,超级简报已上线 ... immune system造句1、Yoga can enhance the body's immune system.
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2022年4月11日 — Boost immune system 中文. 103 系運転台. 銀種火売却. 齐木楠雄的灾难第一季dailymotion. ... 活到老學到老造句. ポケモン森ソード. 柯南零的日常.
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741Hz, Cleanse Infections & Dissolve Toxins, Aura Cleanse, Boost Immune System, Meditation. Music for Body and Spirit - Meditation Music. ... <看更多>