allocated meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

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It means that items are being gathered in the warehouse and are reserved. This is the status right before it ships. ... <看更多>
#1. ALLOCATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use in a particular way : The government is allocating £10 million for health education. [ + ...
#2. Allocate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ALLOCATE is to apportion for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things : distribute. How to use allocate in a ...
#3. Allocate definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
If one item or share of something is allocated to a particular person or for a particular purpose, it is given to that person or used for that purpose.
#4. allocate verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
allocate something (for something) A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library. ; allocate something (to somebody/something) They intend ...
#5. Allocate - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
To allocate is to set aside a certain amount of money for an expense. You usually hear about the government allocating funds for education or the military, ...
#6. Allocated Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Allocated definition, set apart for a particular purpose or recipient; assigned or allotted: No committee participating in this event shall receive more ...
#7. allocate | LDOCE
allocate meaning, definition, what is allocate: to use something for a particular purpos...: Learn more.
#8. allocate Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of ALLOCATE (verb): officially give something for specific purpose.
#9. Allocate Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
: to divide and give out (something) for a special reason or to particular people, companies, etc.
#10. 19 Synonyms & Antonyms for ALLOCATE - Thesaurus.com
Find 19 ways to say ALLOCATE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, ... See definition of allocate on Dictionary.com.
#11. allocated to you - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"allocated to you" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#12. allocate - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
KK[ˋælə͵ket]; DJ[ˋæləkeit]. 美式. vt. 分派;分配. Dr.eye 譯典通 · allocate · 查看更多. IPA[ˈæləkeɪt]. 美式. 英式. vt. 分配. 牛津中文字典. allocating.
#13. Allocation definition - AccountingTools
An allocation is the process of shifting overhead costs to cost objects, using a rational basis of allotment. Allocations are most commonly ...
#14. Allocated - definition of allocated by The Free Dictionary
1. To set apart for a special purpose; designate: allocate a room to be used for storage. 2. To distribute according to a ...
#15. Allocate meaning in Hindi - अलोकते मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
ALLOCATE MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · OTHER RELATED WORDS · Definition of Allocate · allocate in Word of the Day: · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms):.
#16. What is resource allocation? - TechTarget
Apps, Infrastructure and Operations · Project management; resource allocation. Definition. resource allocation.
#17. allocation - Wiktionary
NounEdit · The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources. · That which is allocated; allowance, entitlement. · (embryology) ...
#18. Allocated Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Allocated is defined as the act of having set aside something for a certain reason. · The definition of allocated is the act of having portioned out something ...
#19. Allocated Benefits Definition - Investopedia
Allocated benefits are a type of payment that comes from a defined-benefit retirement plan to provide guaranteed income to plan participants.
#20. Item Allocation Rates Definitions - U.S. Census Bureau
Item nonresponse is measured through the calculation of allocation rates which are published with the survey estimates. The Census Bureau ...
#21. How water allocations work - Murray-Darling Basin Authority
In a dry year, there is less rainfall, meaning water from the river may need to ... This means that the amount of water allocated to entitlement holders in ...
#22. Allocated Number Definition | Law Insider
Define Allocated Number. means any specific telephone or text number or code (such as a short code) to be entered by End-users, allocated to the Customer ...
#23. What is Over-Allocation? - Definition from Techopedia
This definition explains the meaning of Over-Allocation and why it matters. ... refers to situations where resources are allocated at excessive levels.
#24. allocated definition and meaning | AccountingCoach
allocated definition. Costs that have been divided up and assigned to periods, departments, products, etc. In depreciation it is the asset's cost that is ...
#25. Allocate Meaning - YouTube
Video shows what allocate means. To set aside for a purpose. To distribute according to a plan, generally followed by the adposition "to".
#26. allocated-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: resources allocated, funds allocated, budget allocated, resources are allocated, time allocated,在英语-中文情境中翻译"allocated"
#27. What is an Allocated Stock? Logistics Terms and Definitions
Find the definition of allocated stock in our extensive dictionary for Logistics Transport! In addition, you will find a broad list of more definitions.
#28. Budget Allocation: A Step-by-Step Guide - Finmark
It refers to the amount of spending allocated to each expenditure line, which in layman's terms basically means the amount of money you ...
#29. Optimum allocation ... - OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
Definition : In general, the allocation of numbers of sample units to various strata so as to maximise some desirable quantity such as ...
#30. Questions and Answers on Special Drawing Rights (SDRS)
SDRs are only allocated to IMF members that elect to participate in the SDR ... The SDR is an unconditional reserve asset, which means that the decision on ...
#31. time allocation - Eionet
time allocation. Definition. The act of assigning various hours of one's day, week or year to particular activities, especially those falling within the ...
#32. Allocation: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms - Dr. Paul M ...
In economics, the term refers primarily to the “allocation of resources,” the ... By which of the various available technological means and recipes are each ...
#33. How water is allocated - Water in New South Wales
This allocation is dependent on a range of factors including dam storage levels, river flows and catchment conditions. Available water determinations for ...
#34. SSBCI Allocation Agreement - Treasury Department
The. Contracted Entity may be the entity that operates the SSBCI program. Disbursement means a transfer of Allocated Funds by Treasury to the Participating ...
#35. Water and Sewer Submetering or Allocation
This page contains a description and explanation of submetered and allocated utility billing. The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) writes and adopts ...
#36. Allocation - Wikipedia
Allocation may refer to: Contents. 1 Computing; 2 Economics; 3 Telecommunication; 4 Other; 5 See also. ComputingEdit · Block allocation map · C++ allocators ...
#37. What Is Allocation in Accounting? - GoCardless
Allocation enables businesses to assign costs to multiple cost objects. Learn everything you need to know about the meaning of allocation in accounting.
#38. What Is Cost Allocation? (Definition, Method and Examples)
Discover what cost allocation means and how to implement relevant procedures so that you can better understand a business' financial ...
#39. Allocation | Insurance Glossary Definition - IRMI.com
Allocation — (1) The assignment to individual policies of the obligation to defend or indemnify an insured when injury or damage has occurred during a ...
#40. allocate在线翻译_英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词
#41. allocate meaning in Hindi - Shabdkosh
The word or phrase allocate refers to distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose. See allocate meaning in Hindi, allocate definition, ...
#42. Statistics Notes: Treatment allocation by minimisation - PMC
In almost all controlled trials treatments are allocated by randomisation. Blocking and stratification can be used to ensure balance between groups in size and ...
#43. Shelter Legal England - Local authority allocation schemes
For the many local authorities that no longer have their own housing stock a nomination to a PRSPSH will be the principal means of allocating ...
#44. What is the meaning of "statically allocated"? - Stack Overflow
Statically allocated means that the variable is allocated at compile-time, not at run-time. In C, this can be a global variable at the file ...
#45. Allocating Payments - Oracle Help Center
About Payment Allocation · BRM-initiated payments for credit card or direct debit accounts are automatically allocated during the collection process. · Externally ...
#46. Inventory Allocation 101: Definition, Methods, & Tips - ShipBob
Learn the ins and outs of inventory allocation, and how you can optimize inventory levels across your distribution network.
#47. Allocation status - IBM
The allocation status of an allocatable object is one of the following during program execution: Not currently allocated, which means that the object has ...
#48. Social Security Number Allocations
The same area, when shown more than once, means that certain numbers have been transferred from one State to another, or that an area has been divided for ...
#49. GLOSSARY Term Definition ALLOCATION ... - Sacramento State
A distribution of funds or an expenditure limit established for an organizational unit or function. ALL UNIVERSITY. EXPENSES (AUE). Budget that is allocated to ...
#50. Disabled Facilities Grant allocation methodology and means test
An evaluation by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) of the allocation of the Disabled Facilities Grant.
#51. What is Allocate? - Computer Hope
Computer dictionary definition of what allocate means, ... In computers, any limited resource may be allocated, such as RAM and disk space.
#52. Land Allocation Process - SSWM.info
Land acquisition commonly refers to the purchase of land, while land allocation means the allocation of state-owned land for a certain ...
#53. Understand CPU allocation in Amazon ECS
Note: This is also true for the container-level definition. For example, a defined cpu parameter on Amazon EC2 with the following configuration ...
#54. Allocation of Maternity Leave Credits Form
#55. Position allocation process | Office of Financial Management
Typically the allocation decision is made by the Human Resource (HR) ... For additional information see Y-Rate Definition, Causes, and Considerations.
#56. Tips | Internal Revenue Service
My Form W-2 shows allocated tips in box 8. I tip out 15% of all my tips to the busser and 5% to the bartender. Do I deduct the tipped-out ...
#57. allocate - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
definition in French Conjugación [ES] English synonyms Conjugator [EN] in context images Search History ⚙️Preferencias English version WR Apps: Android & ...
#58. Metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax (MCTMT ...
Net earnings from self-employment allocated to the MCTD means your net earnings ... You must allocate those net earnings for purposes of:
#59. Class allocation explained
Allocate Plus is based on information about your enrolled subjects and the venues ... the less likely you are to be allocated to that class.
#60. Access and allocation: how will there be fair and equitable ...
WHO, as the COVAX lead for allocation, proposes that protecting ... The definition of priority groups should be based on the most thorough ...
#61. Risk Allocation and Pricing Approaches - GOV.UK
Government contracts have a broad definition of 'Law' which extends to non-legislative but mandatory guidance to which the supplier must adhere. Contracts seek ...
#62. Allocating your hours after time entry - Replicon
Learn how to allocate (or distribute) hours you've recorded via punches or in/out times to tasks or activities in your Replicon timesheet.
#63. Public Distribution System (PDS) - NFSA
The operational responsibility including allocation within State, ... aged 60 years or more with no assured means of subsistence or societal support.
#64. Using unmanaged memory | Collections | 1.1.0 - Unity - Manual
... in this package are allocated from unmanaged memory, meaning their ... For example, a NativeArray that's Temp allocated in the main ...
#65. Definition and calculation of freshwater quantity over- allocation
Expression of water resource use limits (minimum flows and total allocations) at control points, including methods for unscaling (per unit catchment area, or as.
#66. Ash Collette - My order status says DC Allocated. What...
It means that items are being gathered in the warehouse and are reserved. This is the status right before it ships.
#67. Review and adjust your timetable - The University of Sydney
This means you are not currently allocated to this class but there are free places remaining. If you would like to allocate yourself to this class, select ' ...
#68. Step 3: Review/adjust your allocated timetable
Once class sorting and allocation is completed, you can review and adjust your ... This means that the class clashes with one of your other allocations.
#69. Resource Allocation: Definition & Types - StudySmarter
Resource Allocation Definition. Resource allocation is the distribution of finite resources to specified purposes selected from among several feasible ...
#70. Etymology, origin and meaning of allocate by etymonline
It is a twin of allow. Related: Allocated; allocating. English allocate as an adjective is attested from mid-15c. in legal use.
#71. Title I, Part A Program - Department of Education
Federal funds are currently allocated through four statutory formulas that are based primarily on census poverty estimates and the cost of ...
#72. Percent (%) Allocation fields - Microsoft Support
The Percent Allocation fields contain the percentage that represents the total amount of a resource's capacity being allocated to tasks.
#73. Definitions of Public Policy and the Law
In any society, governmental entities enact laws, make policies, and allocate resources. This is true at all levels. Public policy can be generally defined ...
#74. Defense Priorities & Allocations System Program (DPAS)
The Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) is used to prioritize national defense-related contracts/orders throughout the U.S. supply chain in ...
#75. Inventory Allocation Defined: Methods & Best Practices
When inventory “goes on” allocation, it means an item has been allocated for release from the warehouse but is still there.
#76. What is Asset Allocation? Definition of ... - The Economic Times
Definition : Asset allocation is an investment strategy by which an investor or a portfolio manager attempts to balance risk versus reward by adjusting the ...
#77. Allocation Relationship - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Every SysML allocation relationship has one “from” end and one or more “to” or arrow ... The use of the keyword «allocate» in the partition means that the ...
#78. Allocation | Practical Law - Thomson Reuters
Allocation. Related Content. Consigning of a case to a procedural track which determines the procedure for the case in court until trial ...
#79. What Is Resource Allocation? 12 Resource Allocation Tips for ...
When allocating resources, it can be for the project or ... Waiting until something has gone awry means you have to scramble to get it back ...
#80. Ad competition with dynamic allocation - Google Ad Manager ...
Learn how non-guaranteed ads compete with guaranteed adsDynamic allocation allows all non-guaranteed demand—Open Auction, Open Bidding, and remnant line ...
IMPORTANT NOTE Candidates who have been allocated seats in NIT+ system during the eight rounds of seat allocation (six of JoSAA-2022 and two of CSAB-2022 ...
#82. Allocation of cases and Sending to the Crown Court
Low-value shoplifting means where the aggregate value of the stolen goods does ... The court will allocate the case for trial (Crim PR rule ...
#83. Allocation of state education procedure
Definitions. Term. Definition. Additional semesters. Refers to extra and further semesters of state education ...
#84. Soft and hard allocation: understanding the difference
Here's our point of view on hard and soft allocation, and challenges within each. Very simply, hard allocation means the commitment between supply and demand ...
#85. Allocate and Deallocate Stock - ShipStation Help
Allocation is the process of reserving inventory units for your orders in the Awaiting Shipment status, so you are always certain you have ...
#86. Time Allocation - The Curtailment of Debate - OurCommons.ca
The time allocation rule allows for specific lengths of time to be set ... time allocation remains a means of bringing parties together to negotiate an ...
#87. 2 CFR Part 200 -- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost ...
Central service cost allocation plan means the documentation identifying, accumulating, and allocating or developing billing rates based on the allowable costs ...
#88. Airline seating allocations | Civil Aviation Authority
When booking tickets online, many airlines charge extra to choose a specific seat, meaning that people have to pay more to guarantee sitting with their ...
#89. Allocations - NHS England
Total annual budgets given to ICBs cover the majority of NHS spending. The allocations process uses a statistical formula to make geographic distribution fair ...
#90. What is Product Allocation and How Can It Benefit Fulfillment?
Although manual product allocation is possible for small eCommerce companies, most of today's online retailers allocate products by using inventory tracking ...
#91. Apportionment and allocation - Franchise Tax Board - CA.gov
How multi-state businesses apportion and allocate income to ... The California Supreme Court held that the definition of business income ...
#92. Social housing waiting lists - Citizens Information
This document describes how these houses are allocated and how the local authorities keep track of the number of households on the list.
#93. Allocation of Homes - Banding and Categories
Once you are on the Housing Register, and have had your housing needs assessment, you will be allocated a priority band and bedroom category.
#94. Allocation Definition / Meaning - Xotels
In the hotel industry, allocation describes the process of selecting a number of rooms and making them available for sale. A hotel manager may ...
#95. Fulfillment (Allocation and Shipping)
Allocation is the process of assigning physical product items from inventory to shipping orders and then fulfilling each shipping order from the appropriate ...
#96. Allocation of time motions - UK Parliament
In recent years these have been replaced by Programme motions which set out a more detailed timetable for each stage of a Government Bill in the Commons and are ...
#97. What does allocated mean? - Thrillist
It typically refers to bottlings that are particularly scarce, as in, “this bottle of mezcal is highly allocated, there are only 5,000 ...
allocated meaning 在 Allocate Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Video shows what allocate means. To set aside for a purpose. To distribute according to a plan, generally followed by the adposition "to". ... <看更多>