課次:翰林版B6 U3
使用app: Nearpod
space、money、knowledge of keeping a dog、the size of the dog、family agreement這幾個選項讓學生討論,各組討論三個最需要考量的理由並解釋原因。
Main-task 1:預測課文,請學生看著課本的圖片,使用本課所學的生字來預測課文的發展,為了讓學生能順利預測課文,老師詢問以下問題:
1. What was the boy looking at?
2. Where were these puppies?
3. Did the boy want to keep a dog?
4. What might his mom say?
5. What did the boy see near the pipe?
6. How was the puppy?
7. What did the boy need to do if he adopted the puppy?
Main-task 2:觀看課文影片後,完成閱讀測驗,分成兩種類型的測驗:封閉式的選擇題和開放性的問答題,使用Nearpod的quiz和open-ended question功能來測驗學生的閱讀理解程度,問題呈列如下:
1. What did Oliver see on his way home?
2. Why did Oliver want to keep a dog?
3. What did Oliver’s mom worry about if Oliver want to keep a dog?
4. Did Oliver’s mom agree to keep a dog?
5. How many days did Oliver need to wait to adopt the dog?
1. Describe the dog that Oliver want to keep.
2. What would Oliver do if he adopted the dog?
Post-task:Will Oliver be a good owner? 課文中沒有將Oliver的實際情況講明白,例如他的上課時間和居住環境等,我將這些細節詳細敘述,讓學生依據pre-task時我們所討論的養狗注意須知,來判斷Oliver是否能當個好飼主,學生在分析過後,需要寫下三個理由來支持他們的論點。
1. 此次的課程設計只設計了四個教學活動,並不是懶惰,而是發現需要思考和分享的教學活動,其實需要花不少時間,雖然我只設計了四個活動,但會需要學生用到聽說讀寫的能力,符合新課綱的B2素養。
2. 我覺得這樣的課程是進行生命教育的一個很好的時機,生命教育所包含的內容很廣泛,我在此次課程中我想要告訴學生的是,面對生命我們要尊重且負責,因此不是你喜歡或覺得可愛,就可以毫無理性,能不能把寵物照顧好是需要條件的,因此在決定飼養前都要謹慎評估,才是對生命最大的尊重。
Title of the Lesson: Hanlin B6 U3 Keeping a Dog
APP: Nearpod
Teaching Time: 90 mins
Teaching Procedure:
1. T asks Ss to think about what they need to consider when keeping a dog.
2. T provides with several options for Ss to talk with their group members. For example, owners need to think about time, space, money, knowledge of keeping a dog, the size of the dog and family agreement. Each group has to choose three options and explain the reasons.
Main task 1:
1. Ss predict the story. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and use the vocabularies to tell the story.
2. In order to help students predict the story, T can ask following questions.
(1) What was the boy looking at?
(2) Where were these puppies?
(3) Did the boy want to keep a dog?
(4) What might his mom say?
(5) What did the boy see near the pipe?
(6) How was the puppy?
(7) What did the boy need to do if he adopted the puppy?
Main-task 2:
1. After the video, Ss are asked to finish the reading comprehension test. The test is divided into two parts: multiple choices and open-ended questions. T uses APP Nearpod to test Ss.
2. The questions of the test are as following.
☆Multiple Choices
(1) What did Oliver see on his way home?
(2) Why did Oliver want to keep a dog?
(3) What did Oliver’s mom worry about if Oliver want to keep a dog?
(4) Did Oliver’s mom agree to keep a dog?
(5) How many days did Oliver need to wait to adopt the dog?
☆Open-ended Question
(1) Describe the dog that Oliver want to keep.
(2) What would Oliver do if he adopted the dog?
1. In fact, the author doesn’t give the readers enough information about Oliver. For example, does Oliver have time to walk the dog? Does he know how to take care of the dog? Therefore, Ss need to discuss with their group members whether Oliver will be a good owner or not.
2. T gives Ss a worksheet about Oliver’s time schedule and personal information. Ss can decide if Oliver can be a good owner. After the discussion, Ss also need to write down three reasons to support their statement.
3. Ss share their ideas with other Ss.
1. I only designed four teaching activities for this lesson. I found it took a lot of time for Ss to think and share their ideas with other people. Ss can also use four skills to practice their English.
2. I think it’s a wonderful chance for teachers to carry on life education. What I tried to share with my students is that we must respect every single life. On the other hand, we must try our best to take the responsibility to take care of our pets. When it comes to keeping a pet, we need to be careful. Therefore, we need to think it through before acting.
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課次:翰林版B6 U2
使用app: Quizlet、Nearpod
Pre-task 1:使用Quizlet Live,複習本篇文章所用到的單字。
Pre-task 2:What does stress mean to you? 使用Nearpod的Collaborate 留言板功能,學生寫下自己對壓力的看法為何,再請學生口頭分享。
Main-task 1:預測課文,請學生看著課本的圖片,使用本課所學的生字來預測課文的發展,為了讓學生能順利預測課文,老師詢問以下問題:
1. Where were these people?
2. What were the girls doing?
3. Did the boy focus on his study?
4. What did he think about?
5. What did he feel?
6. What’s the woman’s job?
7. Why there was a doctor here?
8. What did the doctor try to tell us?
Main-task 2:觀看課文影片後,完成閱讀測驗,都是open question,有六個題目,前三個用口頭回答,後三個使用Nearpod裡的open-ended question功能請學生回答,問題如下:
1. What did Jerry do in the classroom?
2. Why was Jerry stressed out?
3. Did Jerry know how to deal with stress?
4. Is stress always bad?
5. Can stress affect our bodies?
Main-task 3:Mind map。請學生再次閱讀文章後,完成心智圖,並將答案寫在學習單上。
Post-task:Let’s discuss。深入討論作者寫下的句子,寫成短文。學生探討的問題如下:
1. What did the writer mean “Stress is neither good nor bad” ?
2. Is stress good or bad? Give us an example.
what is nearpod 在 Miss M's language teaching salon Facebook 的最佳解答
課次:翰林版B5U8 She Is the Girl Who Helps the Homeless
使用app: Keynote、Seesaw、備忘錄
Pre-task 1:Vocabulary: Read Aloud 大聲唸出這些單字(英文與中文),然後與三個同學分享。
Pre-task 2:Pre-task 2 Preview 閱讀文章標題,每段開頭,轉折連接詞,圖片,進行文章預測。
Main-task 1:回到課文,學生閱讀文章,觀看文章動畫。
Main-task 2:Timeline for Hailey’s Act of Kindness: Hailey的善行時間軸,寫下她在幾歲的時候開始行善,並寫下她做了什麼事,用另一個顏色的筆畫下她的心情曲線。
Post-task 1: Q&A: 每組想一個Wh-問句,打在備忘錄上,與他組交換問題並回答。
1. How old is Hailey?
2. What did Hailey do to help the homeless?
3. How do you feel about Hailey's kindness?
Post-task 2:Visit Hailey’s Harvest and Give Her Some Feedback: 拜訪Hailey的粉絲專頁
1. 在時間軸上的創作,我同時使用了數位的和紙本的方式,當然在紙本上你可以看到學生的創意和獨特的表現方式,但需要花很多的時間,在Keynote的製作上,因為是學生第一次使用,其實學生所花的時間還是很多,所以目前我還看不出來到底那種方式比較有利,還要再等我研究之後才能決定。
2. 原本Q&A活動我是計畫使用airdrop的方式進行交換,但在課堂進行時,我會發現我的檔案無法順利傳到某些學生的iPad上,也會發現有些學生的iPad號碼沒有出現在airdrop上,導致學生之間無法互傳,Sango跟我解釋,airpdrop容易受到網路等因素干擾,因此放在平台上讓學生下載然後作業,還是比較保險的做法。另外學生第一次使用airdrop功能時,一定會想要亂傳一些圖片,老師在這之前要事先宣導預防,若學生還是違規,則進行相關措施處置,才能讓iPad使用回歸教學用途。
3. 經過此次教學後,我決定還是要跟Nearpod續約,我覺得Nearpod可以整合各種教學媒材,進行教學、交流和測驗,提供教學很多的便利,唯一的缺點是沒有錄音功能,否則就完美,一年120美金還算可以接受,因此我決定拿出信用卡閉著眼睛刷了。