🏝Waianae Coast 半日遊
上個星期夏威夷已經靜悄悄的開放了公園、海邊讓居民們去運動、游泳、散步(but還是不可以逗留、曬太陽sun bath、群聚),所以在家閉關快瘋掉的我們就決定來一個 road trip,而且是離家最遠40 miles的Waianae
⛰『Kaneana Cave』(https://goo.gl/maps/ZSbaNLCv1u5fBijt8)
去了之後我才知道這是一個local居民非常popular的景點,這個山洞位於快速道路旁邊,跟著地圖到了之後隨便找安全的路邊停車,然後小心地走過去(要過馬路真的要非常小心喔!)山洞的高度大約五層樓高、深度大約只有200 ft(60公尺) ,裡面有一點點黑可以用手機的手電筒打光,大約玩個15-20分鐘綽綽有餘
⛱『Makua Beach』
去玩Kaneana Cave之後再往北走800公尺就可以到Makua Beach,這個海邊最酷的地方就是它有一個 tide pool (潮池),就是有點像是綠島的心形潮池,它小小的只有2-3個“洞”可以讓你泡在裡面,但是超級世界安全喔!因為現在疫情期間很少人去,我們本來只敢在旁邊玩沙,還不敢靠近去check out the tide pool,後來看到一個小男孩很舒服地坐在裡面,我們就馬上跑過去探究竟,果然超讚讚讚讚👍的,娜菱整個一進去就出不來了,而且其中一個洞的深度剛剛好符合她的身高(47 inch=120cm),小菱則要小娜 or J大爺幫忙抱著,但是有階梯下去真的很安全,不會被海浪沖走,怪不得聽說以前平常的時候這裡可以『一位難求』大排長龍呢!BTW,這個海邊的沙超厚、超鬆軟非常的好,小孩一定超愛,海浪也算平靜,但是不擅游泳的人我不建議下水喔!因為這個海邊沒有救生員,水深也蠻深的喔!不過還是有很多人游泳、泡水,最好帶浮具(游泳圈、goodie baord)就很適合
👟非常建議大家先去Walmart 買一雙water shoes (約$5-7),避免腳被珊瑚刮傷(不穿也可以啦!就是要小心一點)
🗺跟著Google GPS過去很好找,你不會錯過的。Makua Beach就看我的地圖停在紅色圈圈(入口)的附近就好
🅿️人少的時候,建議先停在Kaneana cave附近走進山洞玩一下,再開車過去Makua Beach找地方停車,因為玩水玩完之後回到車上比較近也比較安全
記得帶齊海灘巾、換洗衣物、水、picnic food、✅零食、草蓆、海灘帽、太陽眼鏡、防曬乳....等等
🍣開車去Waianae的途中,喜歡吃握壽司的人,我非常推薦『Sushi Bay』(https://yelp.to/qTKq/hCjueobvk6),它也是歐胡島西邊的壽司排隊名店,最少提早半小時打電話預購再去拿喔!
現在疫情期間觀光客極少,local居民大部份也還在遵守 stay home order,我非常建議住在Oahu的朋友們最近趕快找時間去玩喔!要不然等以後恢復正常後,要去tide pool 玩要排隊啦!💢不過也要注意現在公園&海邊是「運動散步游泳為目的」,不是給大家去「娛樂」的,請大家多多在水裡游泳而不是在海灘上玩沙、曬太陽(海灘警察👮♀️會趕你走喔!)
📝大家可以save this post方便以後查詢喔!
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,980的網紅BeautywithFei,也在其Youtube影片中提到,發問前請詳閱資訊欄並維持禮貌,一起創造更好的網路禮儀環境 Any constructive criticism is welcome. Please make our Internet a better environment. 2018年,我度過了人生最爛臉的一個時期 差點要看人生第一次的皮膚...
「walmart bath」的推薦目錄:
- 關於walmart bath 在 安娜夏威夷 Hawaii Life Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於walmart bath 在 安娜夏威夷 Hawaii Life Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於walmart bath 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於walmart bath 在 BeautywithFei Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於walmart bath 在 KentoonVlog Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於walmart bath 在 mapleLIFE Youtube 的最佳解答
walmart bath 在 安娜夏威夷 Hawaii Life Facebook 的精選貼文
小娜生日當天正好是星期二,我們就小小的在家裡慶祝一下,娜姑姑特別訂製了『獨角獸杯子蛋糕 Unicorn Cupcake』,一個天價$6.50還好沒讓我失望,蛋糕體有點像Lava Chocolate Cake也不死甜,上面的Unicorn裝飾frosting也不是非常甜,連獨角、耳朵、珍珠、金粉都是可以吃的,非常不錯👍
🌐 https://www.flourplusbutter.com/
今年小娜的生日趴剛好辦在我們從台灣回來之後,還好我是個plan ahead的人,在台灣的時候我就開始物色趴踢要玩的遊戲以及Favor的東西,J大爺則是負責佈置品、餐飲menu、用具、大活動用品,我就大概分享一下我籌備趴踢的經驗
✅ 邀請卡我是用 🌐 https://www.evite.com/ :可以統計人數(大人、小孩)、地點、時間、注意事項
✏️我也有註明如果要攜帶(買)禮物,請帶educational toys or board games. 因為我實在不想再收到stuff animals or 一些無聊的玩具了😂😂
✅ 佈置品: Happy Birthday Banner、桌巾、主題大小盤子、杯子、叉子.... 由J大爺負責(購於Walmart )
✅ Food menu:也是J大爺決定,不過是娜爺爺主廚準備
✅ 大(動態)遊戲:我們最近一年慢慢添購了 Bounce House and water Slide (之前Sam’s Club🈶️賣)
✅ 小(靜態)遊戲:沙畫、萬花筒製作、太空泡泡,都是由台灣購買回來
✅ Party Favor 回禮:Disney Frozen鉛筆盒、彩色筆芯鉛筆、可換筆芯鉛筆、橡皮擦、貼紙、真魷味零食(以上全部台灣購買)+ LOL Bath Bomb (@Walmart)
✏️如果大家回台灣有興趣買一些像沙畫、貼紙、太空泡泡、小玩具回美的話,我很建議大家去『玩具批發店』逛逛喔!可以去估狗(城市)+(玩具批發店),娜姐住新莊,我們這次就到五股的玩具批發店逛,台南也有喔!我保證你逛到欲罷不能😆 小心行李會爆箱🤣🤣🤣
🌐 https://www.facebook.com/%E4%BD%B3%E7%99%BC%E7%8E%A9%E5%85%B7-411081365640279/
🌐 https://www.facebook.com/kunshantoy2710280/?rf=758045334284869
因為我們家其實蠻小的,不能辦大型趴踢,所以我們告訴小娜只能邀請十位小朋友來參加(包含朋友的兄弟姐妹)再加上娜菱就是12位小孩,以及父母親,所以當天大約有20-30個人擠在小小的車庫、前院以及家裡😆😆😆 所以小娜非常慎重地選了她在學校最好的朋友以及一起上中文課的朋友來玩
✅首先我們先把Bounce House充氣起來,誰先來就可以先玩
✅吃完飯後休息一下我們就進入重頭戲:『Water Slide滑水道』我們家(地)真的很小,為了要發揮得淋漓盡致,J大爺找了超久終於找到他非常滿意的滑水道剛剛好fit in our yard。有哪個小孩不愛玩水呢!😆😆
✅最後竟然🈶️piñata的出現耶!這是我們第一次讓小孩玩,我覺得它適合6歲以上,要不然還真有點危險而且會打到永遠打不破🤣🤣🤣 而裡面的糖果則是我在台灣菜市場買的『古早味糖果:乖乖軟糖、沙士糖、金幣巧克力....那種過年才會吃得到的糖果』🤣🤣🤣
整個趴踢大概3-4個小時完全沒冷場,實在太好玩了啦!下次可能要再等個2-3年,因為我的腦子已經沒什麼idea了😆😆 大家可以分享其他party好玩的遊戲嗎?
walmart bath 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最佳貼文
Good morning!
Ella Grace gets some pretty gnarly allergies that get her clogged up so we've been giving her a sinus flush/neti pot rinse since she was little when she needs it. I decided to record us doing one before bed since it's one of our most frequently asked tutorials! 😂🙈
Here are some benefits of a sinus flush/neti pot routine:
- Keeps nasal/sinus passages clear and free of irritants (prevents infections)
- Clears away mucus more effectively than a snot sucker (and we've tried lots!!!!!)
- Relieves sinus pressure by flushing out congestion
- Thins out mucus more effectively than a nasal spray so it can drain more easily
- Ayurvedic natural non-drug remedy
We worked up different stages before we got to the "big bottle" flush. I let Ella Grace mostly lead me and she was quite clear whenever she was ready for the next stage.
1. Infant (check w dr if below 6m) - swaddled and laying down on a changing mat w a cloth underneath to absorb. Tilt body to the side and flush so it runs out the other nostril not to the back of her throat. Use the small one-time saline ampoules or in small doses so baby has time to process and take a breath between. The first few times is tricky at first as they are still learning how it works so lots of soothing, reassuring, prepping, talking through, explaining, empathizing. I also count down (like in swim lessons) so when I get to 3, she starts understanding and instinctively holds her breath.
2. Struggling Toddler : When they are a bit older but still struggle when you have to do it. Use a bath towel to swaddle and gently but firmly hold down head w your forearm. This is done for their safety so you can be quick and they won't inhale the saline into their lungs and choke/cough. The key at this stage is to get them familiar with it
3. Toddler: The older they get, the more they are able to reason and understand so you can take off the towel swaddle if they are good at holding still and holding their breath when you flush. (Quick flushes and age-appropriate holding of breath!) I count down and prepare her and she knows what is coming without being afraid that I will just do a sneak attack or when she isn't ready.
4. Toddler standing up: Once they can stand up, tilt their head to the side and stay there, you can move on to the big bottle. At first, she was really ticklish and would giggle giggle when the bottle came near. She still does this occasionally and I just laugh with her and then count down. Be mindful that with the big bottle, each flush is longer so build in time for her to take breaths between. Don't forget the cloth! 🤦🏻♀️🙈
A couple things to note:
- Water MUST be filtered and boiled (and cooled down) or sterile. Never straight from the tap.
- Gravity does a majority of the work so tilting to the side really helps although the NeilMed bottle will also work upright.
- The idea is that the volume of saline going through the nasal/sinus passages helps to push out the junk so the key is pushing enough through but also keeping it short enough so they can take a breath between instead of inhaling while the saline is going through which causes them to get really upset when it goes down the wrong pipe!
- In a pinch or if traveling and you don't have supplies, you can either use sterile saline (used for flushing a wound or contact lens solution) w a sterile irrigation syringe or sterilized bulb aspirator bulb (snot sucker).
- Always discard leftovers and use a new batch of saline every time.
- We did this with the encouragement of our doctor because I also do it for my allergies and it helps tremendously in preventing a sinus infection and J does it when he gets a cold. If you have any medical concerns at all, please clear it w your doctor first!
- Never share bottles. We sterilize between flushes and label everyone's bottle so we don't mix them up. We also change our bottles every 3 months.
Tips for helping w the struggle
- Be empathetic. I talk about this in my Toddler Wars workshop but you use similar strategies in working together instead of against each other. Talk them through it, prepare them for it, explain what you are doing and why, be firm but don't bully, validate their concerns, be understanding and build trust.
- Let them have some control over the things that they can control. Do you want to do it before your bath or after? Do you want to help me squeeze? Will you let me know when you are ready? etc
- We praise a lot for being brave and we tell her we are proud she tried even if she cries or gets upset. We make a ridiculously big deal when she is finished and make it a point to ask if she feels better after.
- I think more so than anything, Ella Grace really feels the difference before and after a flush and that's why she enjoys it. Frequently, if she's stuffed up or having an allergy attack, she asks for a "flush please mama" and it both breaks my heart and makes me so proud. ❤️❤️❤️
We get our NeilMed Sinus Rinse supplies from m+ pharmacy. In America, they are available at most of the drugstores as well as Target and Walmart. In Singapore, they are available in Guardian.
Infants - NeilMed NasaDrops Saline on the Go single use ampules
Toddlers/Adults - NeilMed Sinus Rinse Kit (they actually make a smaller pediatric bottle but I haven't seen it in Malaysia 😅)
Refills - NeilMed Sinus Rinse Premixed Sachets
You don't necessarily have to use the premixed sachets but I find it very convenient and very gentle because it's pH balanced. Much easier than trying to figure out the math of the ratio of salt to water to baking soda without it stinging!
Happy to answer questions (and bonus video 😂) in comments! Share, like and follow Racheal Kwacz Workshops for more.
walmart bath 在 BeautywithFei Youtube 的精選貼文
Any constructive criticism is welcome. Please make our Internet a better environment.
想要跟菲菲分享任何彩妝或是生活都可以tag #beautywithfei
Love n Peace
影片中提到的有/Product mentioned
►Bifesta Brighten Up Cleansing Lotion // 300mL 225TWD
►Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil // 120mL 699TWD
►CeraVe Hydrating Face Cleanser // 500mL 16USD
►Pauls’s Choice RESIST Super-Light Wrinkle Defense SPF 30 // 30mL 33USD
►Paula’s Choice SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant // 118mL 26USD
►Lion Pair Acne Cream
►Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Body Scrub // Stress Relief 269g 16.5USD
►Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion // 500mL 11USD
►Pauls’s Choice Weightless Body Treatment 2% BHA // 210mL 23USD
►Alterna Haircare CAVIAR Anti-Aging® Replenishing Moisture Shampoo // 488mL 52USD
►Celeb Luxury Viral Colorwash // 244mL 35USD
This is not a sponsored video. All the products were purchased by myself.
My skin type is combination to dry
The foundation I use
Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation // 1W1
Shuemura Light Bulb Foundation // 774
Wet N Wild Photo Focus Foundation in // Soft Ivory
Revlon Color Stay Foundation // 150 Buff
Giorgio Armani Power Fabric // 02
Hourglass Vanish Stick Foundation // Bisque
Hi everyone my name is Fei. I’m a dancer and a YouTuber. You can follow my social media if you want to know more about me and my life. Please subscribe my channel and give me a thumbs up if you enjoy this video. Love n Peace❤️👼
Facebook:菲菲 Fei
Business Email:goo102383@gmail.com
walmart bath 在 KentoonVlog Youtube 的最佳貼文
Bed Bath & Beyondと言う店で10カ月ほど前に買った空気清浄機から焦げ臭い匂いが出るようになったので、返品してきました。他の店のリターンポリシーに関しても調べてみました。
Music by:
G7 X Mark II (メインカメラ)
DJI Mavic Pro (空撮用ドローン)
Foneso Bluetooth (スマホ自撮り棒/三脚)
Shoulderpod S1 プロフェッショナル用スマートフォングリップ
Pitaka アラミド繊維製iPhone用ケース
walmart bath 在 mapleLIFE Youtube 的最佳解答
Hey Everyone!!!! So for today, me & Matthew has day off together. Today was actually suppose to be a pointless day with me needing to get the expired Syrup refunded at Bed Bath & Beyond. Then, we just hang out at the mall for a bit. We did some shopping. Thanks for watching & supporting my Channel.