travelogue meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

2 people like this. Travelogue 旅行, profile picture. Travelogue 旅行. It is water front. Sunny Bay named Yim O 隂澳before in Chinese meaning shade bay. ... <看更多>
#1. travelogue | definition in the Cambridge English-Chinese ...
2022年9月14日 — travelogue - definition, audio pronunciation and more for travelogue: a film or book about travelling to or in a particular place: See more ...
#2. Travelogue definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Travelogue definition: A travelogue is a talk or film about travel or about a particular person's travels. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#3. travelogue noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
a film, broadcast or piece of writing about travelTopics TV, radio and newsc2. Word Originearly 20th cent.: from travel, on the pattern of monologue.
#4. Travelogue Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
TRAVELOGUE meaning: a speech, movie, or piece of writing about someone's experiences while traveling.
#5. Travelogue Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
travelogue a film or illustrated lecture on traveling · Trafalgar a naval battle in 1805 off the southwest coast of Spain · traveller a person who changes ...
#6. travelogue Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of TRAVELOGUE (noun): film or book describing experiences while travelling.
#7. Travelogue Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Travelogue definition, a lecture, slide show, or motion picture describing travels. See more.
#8. What is a Travelogue? - Travel Writing World
A travelogue is a truthful account of an individual's experiences traveling, usually told in the past tense and in the first person. The word ...
Supposedly a blend of travel + monologue, coined by Elias Burton Holmes. PronunciationEdit. (UK) IPA ...
#10. travelogue - Longman Dictionary
travelogue meaning, definition, what is travelogue: a film or piece of writing that describe...: Learn more.
#11. Travelogues: Meaning, List, Uses & Purpose, Writing
A travelogue can be used to inform the reader about a traveller's experiences on a journey. It can be used to provide information about the people, culture, or ...
#12. Travelogue - Wikipedia
Travel literature, a record of the experiences of an author travelling · Travel documentary, a documentary film or television program that describes travel in ...
#13. definition of travelogue by The Free Dictionary
n. 1. a. A lecture about travel, often accompanied by a film, a video, or slides. b. A narrated film or video about travel.
#14. travelogue: Meaning and Definition of - Infoplease
Breadcrumb. Home >; Dictionary >; Index T. travelogue: Meaning and Definition of. Find definitions for: trav•e•logue. Pronunciation: (trav'u-lôg", -log"), ...
#15. Meanings of travelogue in Hindi - Shabdkosh
travelogue (ट्रैवलाग / ट्रैवलॉग) meaning in Hindi, What is travelogue in Hindi? See pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, ...
#16. travelogue - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
n. 旅行紀錄片; 遊記; 旅行見聞講座. 牛津中文字典. travelogue.
#17. travelogue - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"travelogue" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#18. Travelogue meaning in Hindi - ट्रेवेलोगउए मतलब हिंदी में
TRAVELOGUE MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · OTHER RELATED WORDS · Definition of Travelogue · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms): · Information provided about ...
#19. travelogue - Translation into Arabic - examples English
Translations in context of "travelogue" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: Last night on the telly, there was this travelogue picture.
#20. Etymology, origin and meaning of travelogue by etymonline
travelogue (n.) ... "a talk on travel," 1903, a hybrid word coined by U.S. traveler Burton Holmes (1870-1958) from travel + Greek-derived -logue, abstracted from ...
#21. travelogue - Translation and Meaning in All English Arabic ...
Meaning of travelogue, Definition of Word travelogue in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#22. travelogue - meaning in Urdu - Rekhta Dictionary
See Urdu words and phrases for travelogue in Rekhta English to Urdu Dictionary. ... of meanings, sounds, idioms and proverbs with poetic demonstrations.
#23. Best 6 Definitions of Travelogue - YourDictionary
Travelogue definition · A narrated film or video about travel. · A lecture about travel, often accompanied by a film, a video, or slides. · A lecture on travels, ...
#24. travelogue - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
definition in French Conjugación [ES] English synonyms Conjugator [EN] in context images Search History ⚙️Preferencias English version WR Apps: Android & ...
#25. Adding Layers of Meaning to a Travelogue - Esri
Adding layers of meaning to a travelogue. MappingAugust 17, 2020. Allen Carroll. My friends and colleagues know that when I return from a vacation, ...
#26. travelogue 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#27. travelogue - 觀光影片 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 新聞傳播學名詞, travelogue, 觀光影片. 以觀光影片 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙.
#28. Travelogue Meaning - YouTube
Video shows what travelogue means. A description of someone's travels, given in the form of narrative, public lecture, slide show or motion ...
#29. Travelogue Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब) - Prayogshala
Travelogue Meaning in Detail. travelogue (noun) = a film or illustrated lecture on traveling. Synonyms: travelogue, travelog. Other words to learn.
#30. Ugandan Travelogue - 博客來
書名:Ugandan Travelogue,語言:英文,ISBN:9780981079769,頁數:66,作者:Kakonge, Ma Donna Kay,出版日期:2009/02/16,類別:旅遊.
#31. travelogue - definition and meaning - Wordnik
travelogue : A lecture about travel, often accompanied by a film, a video, or slides.
#32. Travelogue: Defined.ai at ICASSP 2022 – Part 1: My Time in ...
Travelogue : Defined.ai at ICASSP 2022 – Part 1: My Time in Singapore. 22 Aug 2022. 7 min read. At the end of last May, the Defined.ai team participated in ...
#33. English to Filipino Meaning of travelogue
This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Filipino to English translation, English to Filipino translation. It has more than 500,000 word meaning and is ...
#34. travelogue synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Related terms for 'travelogue': annual report, blue book, certificate, charter, company report, concept statement, confidentiality agreement.
#35. Print Journalism: Travelogue
As the world today has taken shape of a virtual global village, with better and faster means of mobility, travelling is becoming ...
#36. TRAVELOGUE - Translation in Malay - bab.la
Translation for 'travelogue' in the free English-Malay dictionary and many other ... Travelogues are defined as nonfiction films that use a place as their ...
#37. travelogue - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词词典
travelogue 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 詳盡釋義. n. (名詞). 旅行紀錄片[亦作travelog]; 旅行見聞講演 ...
Key words: definition, classification, travelogue, prose work, Vidoe Podgorec. 1. An attempt to define the term. The comparative, through the ...
#39. travelogue in Marathi मराठी - KHANDBAHALE.COM
travelogue meaning in Marathi is a translation of travelogue in Marathi dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word travelogue.
#40. travelogue Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com
Phrases, Idioms & A. prep. travelogue /noun/ ভ্রমণের পূর্ণবিবরণ; ফিল্ম ইত্যাদি ...
#41. Travelogue Meaning In Urdu - Dictionary - UrduPoint.com
The other meanings are Sayahat Par Taqreer Ya Film Ki Numaish and Sayahat Ka Byaan. Travelogue is an noun according to parts of speech. It finds its origins in ...
#42. Travelogue_百度百科
Travelogue 为国内唯一一档全英文旅游节目。节目在CGTN英语频道播出,主持人为Tianran He(何天然)、Min-Zhui Lee。 中文名: 旅游指南; 外文名: Travelogue.
#43. travelogue中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
travelogue 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 旅行見聞講演。英漢詞典提供【travelogue】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#44. Travelogue day2 - New Ways of Seeing | Amazing AOMORI
Dancers wear costumes called haneto and chant "rassera" (the origin of WA RASSE) a local dialect for the more orthodox Japanese "irasshai"—meaning both ...
#45. TRAVELOGUE meaning in Hindi - PastTenses
This site provides total 2 Hindi meaning for travelogue. PastTenses is best for checking Hindi translation of English terms. Translate travelogue in Hindi.
#46. travelogue翻译为:旅行纪录片;旅行广播- 听力课堂在线翻译
travelogue 的中文意思:旅行纪录片;旅行广播,点击查看详细解释:travelogue的中文翻译、travelogue的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握travelogue这个 ...
#47. travelogue meaning in Chinese - Ichacha
travelogue in Chinese : :旅行见闻讲演…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.
#48. What is another word for travelogue? - WordHippo
Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to English ...
#49. Chapter I A Definitional Quandary: Travel, Travelogue, Travel ...
accounts whereas this is possible in the case of travel writing. This meaning of travelogue owes itself to American traveller Burton Holmes (1870-1958).
#50. Definition and synonyms of travelogue in the English dictionary
«Travelogue» Meaning of travelogue in the English dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for travelogue and translation of travelogue to 25 languages.
#51. YatraVritaant (Travelogue ) Meaning In Hindi
Travelogue in hindi language. What is meaning of Travelogue in Hindi dictionary? Travelogue ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Travelogue का हिन्दी में ...
#52. What is the Meaning Of Travelogue - Brainly.in
Answer: hey mate. here r some meanings for travelogue. a piece of writing about travel. 2 : a talk or lecture on travel usually accompanied ...
#53. 雖然經常在欣澳上落,卻從未到她的海旁打卡。今日算是開齋了!
2 people like this. Travelogue 旅行, profile picture. Travelogue 旅行. It is water front. Sunny Bay named Yim O 隂澳before in Chinese meaning shade bay.
#54. Travelogues: The Fully Emerged and Innovative Literary Genre
Travel literature meaning travel writing can be classified in several ways according to its linkage. The travelogue – meaning literary ...
#55. Travelogue - Urban Dictionary
"Have you ever heard Travelogue? ... Get the Travelogue mug. ... least one guy with a Casanova complex who'd regale the others with his penis travelogues.
#56. Europeans Encounter the World in Travelogues, 1450–1900
What constitutes a "travelogue" – in terms of content, materiality, authorship, and production context – has been defined very differently ...
#57. Travelogue - KoreanLII
Travelogue (여행다큐, 여행기/旅行記) means a record of the author's experiences of travelling and exotic customs and culture, or a documentary film or ...
#58. Graphic Travelogues - Goethe-Institut Indien
Graphic Travelogues are dedicated to this form. ... Graphic Travelogues collects old treasures, creates new ones and presents ... For Seekers Of Meaning
#59. travelogue 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
travelogue 旅行見聞講演. ... travelogue n 1: a film or illustrated lecture on traveling [syn: {travelogue}, {travelog}] 來源(3): Internet Dictionary Project ...
#60. 3.30 Travelogue - De Gruyter
3.30 Travelogue. Michaela Holdenried. Definition. Travel literature is a collective term for representations of actual or fictional travels.
#61. Multilevel Visualization of Travelogue Trajectory Data - MDPI
The tourist movement patterns in travelogues can help others when planning trips, ... The trajectory of a single travelogue means that there is only one ...
#62. A Musical Travelogue | VPM
And when I say alternative, I mean, it's not filled with classical Portuguese music but rather with bands and combinations that are just a tad ...
#63. travelogue Meaning in Bengali
travelogue Bengali Meaning - ভ্রমণের পূর্ণবিবরণ; ... travelogue শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ ; Edictionarybd.com is an English & Bangla ...
#64. Travelogue Urdu Meaning with Definition - Wordinn Urdu
Travelogue in Detail. 1) Travelogue, Travelog : سفر نامہ : (noun) a film or illustrated lecture on traveling. English Learning ...
#65. A Policy Travelogue: Tracing Welfare Reform in Aotearoa/New ...
A Policy Travelogue: Tracing Welfare Reform in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Canada ... and architect of cultural meaning, as well as a site of power struggles.
#66. Travelogue Meaning in Hindi
Travelogue Meaning in Hindi. अंग्रेजी शब्द यहां टाइप करें और खोजें. travelogue. यात्रावृत्त Edit.
#67. Travelogue 'We Came, We Saw, We Left' Attempts To ... - WBUR
Travelogue 'We Came, We Saw, We Left' Attempts To Squeeze Meaning Out Of A Year Of Family Travel. January 25, 2021. Michael Patrick Brady.
#68. What does travelogue mean? - Definitions.net
travelogue noun. A description of someone's travels, given in the form of narrative, public lecture, slide show or motion picture. · Etymology: Supposedly from ...
#69. A 19th century travelogue chronicles a world on the cusp of ...
They wrote popular travelogues describing the cultures and ideas they ... space: what did it mean to be Iranian in the modern sense?
#70. How to Write a Travelogue | AcademicHelp.net
Free writing tips, hints and guidelines how to write a travelogue. Use this post and ask advice from our experts to write the best one ...
#71. Invisible Classes: An Imaginary Dialogue and Travelogue
Dialogue and Travelogue. Justin Thurman ... for attending school, perhaps the sole meaning of life. ... "What do you mean 'What does it mean'?" she asked.
#72. Overtourism Doesn't Mean You Have to Avoid Venice
Overtourism Doesn't Mean You Have to Avoid Venice: Travelogue Podcast. Places around the world may be telling tourists to stay away, ...
#73. Travelogue meaning in English | Nepali to English Dictionary
Get English meaning of word 'travelogue'. Know Travelogue in English. Get the translation of travelogue in English language. Know the answer of question: ...
#74. What Types of Travelogues Can You Make?
Some formats are hardcopy other new means are digital. They all have pros and cons depending on how you wish to communicate your travel experience.
#75. Travel Literature | Travelogue | Definition, Examples, Books
Travel Literature Definition ... Travel literature is a kind of travel writing having some significance and literary values. An individual's ...
#76. travelogue meaning in Tamil - Tezpatrika
Know travelogue meaning in tamil. travelogue word meaning with their sentences, usage, snynonyms, antonyms and related word meaning.
#77. 不用出走異國也可「遠行」,好好認識自己身處的地方吧! - 點讀
Travelogue |不用出走異國也可「遠行」,好好認識自己身處的地方吧! text/杜佳· photo/iStock · 2021-10-08. 遠行的意思,是指到遙遠的他方。曾出版經典散文集《湖濱 ...
A broad definition in this context by the noted Malayalam writer Rajan is ... and musings of travelogue writer very much resembles with the literary form.
#79. A physics travelogue | Nature
Quantum theory raised questions about the meaning of physical reality that remain unresolved today. And of late, Roger Newton suggests, Plato is ...
#80. 8 Tips For Writing an Excellent Travelogue | FreelanceWriting
Mention the Ways and Means to Reach the Destination. You have done your job of enticing the reader to visit the place with your travel writing. But, if the ...
#81. How to Write a Travelogue (Tips for Aspiring Travel Bloggers)
A travelogue is a diary of a person's journey to another place. It is both a narrative story describing personal experiences and a written ...
#82. A Linguistic Understanding of the Poetic Travelogue Niraat ...
This article focuses on the relationship between language and the meaning of Niraat London, which was characterized and structured according ...
#83. travelogue meaning in kannada - Kitkatwords
यात्रावृत्त. One of the most famous travelogues in history is by marco polo. Tags: travelogue meaning in kannada, travelogue ka matalab kannada ...
#84. Travel and Travelogues: Quest and Conquest (Tunis)
The travelogue, travel book and adventure book refer to a ... makes a shift from “seeing” to “witnessing” which means that they “see a ...
#85. Travelogue: CD 和黑膠唱片 - Amazon.com
"Travelogue" is a travel to the future. I can't believe the sound of the band and the tension of the album. They were a step ahead with this album, ...
#86. Travelogue as a Literary Genre by Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.
The travelogue – meaning literary exposition of travel experience – may conveniently be classified again as (a) fantasy described or given as exposition of ...
#87. travelogue 中文意思是什麼
China travelogue site, a digital expedition, well done. -新的,正擴展中。 In his travelogue, marco polo said that when he came to yangzhou he felt as if ...
#88. 遊記旅館(Travelogue Guest House)評價 - Agoda.com
.Hello! Thanks for your support and hope to see you again! 已於2022年8月21日星期日回應. 翻譯成中文.
#89. travelogue - Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी मतलब)
Hindi meaning of travelogue. travelogue / यात्रावृत;. Next : hatchet. Nearby Words: trabeate trabeation trabecular trabeculate trace trace ...
#90. Ihab Hassan's Travelogue to Japan and Paracriticism
In the same vein as the autobiography, Hassan writes a travelogue to Japan entitled ... authors intention and the meaning of zen from the empty page.
#91. travelogue翻译- 旅行纪录片-新东方在线英语词典
travelogue 是什么意思?travelogue怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词travelogue的释义、travelogue的音标和发音、travelogue的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近 ...
#92. travelogue - English to Tamil Meaning | Dictionary
travelogue. translation and definition "travelogue", tamil lexicon. Word, Tamil Definition. travelogue, பயண நுல்.
#93. travelogue meaning in Hindi - Hindlish
travelogue meaning in Hindi with examples: यात्रा विवरण यात्रा-विवरण यात्रावृत्त सफ ... click for more detailed meaning ...
#94. How to pronounce travelogue | HowToPronounce.com
Meanings for travelogue ... A literacy or film genre that portrays the experiences of a traveler. a film or illustrated lecture on traveling. Add a meaning Cancel ...
#95. English to Bangla Meaning of travelogue - bdword.com
English to Bangla Meaning :: travelogue. Travelogue : ... Show English Meaning ... Published: 26 Sep,2022; Modifiers: Definition, Types & Examples
#96. The Travelogue of a Visionary: Unveiling the Values of Vision
Meaning of life Humans and their ideologies define the philosophical perspectives on the meaning oflife. Iflife were meaningless, we would lose any ...
travelogue meaning 在 Travelogue Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Video shows what travelogue means. A description of someone's travels, given in the form of narrative, public lecture, slide show or motion ... ... <看更多>