曾獲兩次坎城金棕櫚殊榮的英國左翼名導肯.洛區(Ken Loach)在一次訪談當中被要求給年輕影人一些建議。別於多數人會先從電影開始提,他卻說道:「看書,接著了解這世界發生什麼事,然後參與政治、傾聽、辯論、與人會面、觀察他們的際遇、檢視他們的論點、提問,最後找到問題所在。」
有別於許多導演是先信仰了電影,才思考自己要拍攝什麼樣的作品。對於肯.洛區而言,電影卻終究只是一個傳達其政治理念的載體。好比坎城影展歡慶六十週年時,曾邀請各國名導拍攝短片,集結成《浮光掠影:每個人心中的電影院 To Each His Own Cinema》(2007)。其他人都在歌頌電影院的美好經驗,他在自己執導的部分卻得出了「反電影」的結論(或者至少是「反主流電影」的)。
在他的短片《快樂結局 Happy Ending》之中,一個藍領工人帶著兒子去戲院排隊買票,怎料商業院線上映的片子全是老調重彈之作,父子越看越沒勁。最後父親說,乾脆不看電影了,「去看足球賽吧!」
許多導演每拍一部作品就在苦惱下一部能有什麼新的招,但肯.洛區不同,從他早期的代表作《鷹與男孩 Kes》(1969)到五十年後的《抱歉我們錯過你了 Sorry We Missed You》(2019),其實形式風格沒有太大落差,也皆旨在關心庶民疾苦,為了不讓觀眾看到明星而出戲(他形容這些明星身上有著「不現實的光澤」),他大多數作品也只找非職業演員出演。若說有什麼明顯的轉變,就是肯.洛區近年的作品越趨悲觀,也反映了他對當代社會的看法。
在坎城折桂的《我是布萊克 I, Daniel Blake》(2016)與《抱歉我們錯過你了》的背景都在英國紐卡索,故事都在描繪勞工的慘況,也涉及對官僚主義的批判、指控社會福利制度的失能。不過肯.洛區的角度仍然是回歸到對人的觀察,他相信只有當我們去凝視這些人的處境的時候,才會感受到環境對他們所造成的戕害。
《抱歉我們錯過你了》的概念是對零工經濟(gig economy)的檢視。許多人以為成為自僱者,從此生活能更彈性,自己可以作為自己的老闆。殊不知你只是換了一個形式繼續為他人作嫁,而且實際上工作量增加更多、薪資更低,而且又無應有的勞工權益保障。對肯.洛區而言,這儼然是資方發明的新剝削策略,而有數百萬英國人正深陷在類似的陷阱之中。
肯.洛區 連結: https://bit.ly/3q2wBX2
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「to each his own cinema」的推薦目錄:
to each his own cinema 在 鴨頭 嘉人 Facebook 的最佳貼文
というわけで、本日の二日酔いが片付き次第、準備に取り掛かって、「コスプレ撮影会 第2弾」を秒速で実現します。お楽しみに。
あと、ご報告としましては、クラウドファンディング「SILKHAT」内で募集しております『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』の受講者が3100名を突破しました。
実は『コスプレ撮影会』にしても、『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』にしても、どちらも映画『えんとつ町のプペル』の販促活動なんです。
『コスプレ撮影会』には前売りチケットが5枚、『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』にはオンライン前売り券が3枚ついてきます。
ドブ板営業は得意なので、そんなのは望むところですが、ただ、当初は、『コスプレ撮影会』も、『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』もやる予定ではなかったんです。
コロナで映画館を回るイベントができなくなって、その代わりの打ち手として出した、たとえば今回の『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』には前売りチケットが3枚付いていて、今の時点で3100名の受講者が決まっています。
一方、『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』は、90分程度です。
そんなこんなで、「『西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座【上級編】~』に是非」という告知をブチ込んでみるわけですが、勿論、僕の講演会だけじゃなくてね、他にもたくさんの人から知識を吸収した方がいいと思います。
[the right choice of mentor]
Yesterday was a rough day.
In the morning, the music video for the opening theme song (@HYDE) of the movie ′′ a no-Cho ′′ has been released, but at the same time, the customer is of course, and the side of the people involved is also the wa...... all kinds of contacts I got it.
In a nutshell, it's outrageous!" so people who are engaged in entertainment can't keep it hehehehe.
At Night, the emergency meeting (called drinking party) was held, and the staff went to Hana-San, and made a future operation.
We may also be able to offer you some interesting things that will make you stunned.
In the end, I ran around at work from morning to night, but the only ′′ Ha-ish thing ′′ that I did is the ′′ photoshoot ′′ that I did in the afternoon.
It's a limited 200-Group (Cosplay) photoshoot that you can take a commemorative photo with nishino, who did a serious costume of but there were so many people who came to the family, and it was really fun. I'm sorry.
I've been in Corona, and I've lost a real event, but it's a ′′ photoshoot ′′ and I'm going to separate the customer's gathering time from the stage of selling tickets, and I'm going to have a 1-group 1 pairs, so you can avoid nectar.
It's a limited number of people, so of course, you can also disinfect &'m all at the reception.
I thought it was good to have a real event in this shape, and this morning, I heard that the salon said, ′′ by the way, even if it's not Halloween, there's a demand for a cosplay photoshoot like this time?" I want to go I gave you a lot of voices called!"
So, as soon as today's hangover is over, I'm going to get ready, and I'm going to have a ′′ Cosplay Photoshoot no. 2 ′′ in a second. Look forward to it.
Later, we are looking for a crowdfunding ′′ Silkhat ′′ in the crowdfunding ′′ Silkhat ′′ ′′ ′′ Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition ~" we have breached 3100 participants I'm sorry.
(* join here ↓)
This is the title, and ryo nishino is a meeting to talk about with his own marketing cases.
A MUST-see for managers and personal business operators. I'm going to talk about a ton without a waste.
Thank you for your support.
This is how today's chase is a story that leads to the ′′ Status report ′′ that I told you about the opening......
In fact, even if it's a ′′ Cosplay photoshoot," it's a promotional activity for the movie ′′ a town of the town ′′ even if it's a ′′ Cosplay Photoshoot ~"
′′ Cosplay photoshoot ′′ has 5 advance tickets," ryo nishino online lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition ~" we have 3 online advance tickets.
It's the so-called ′′ ticket with special gift," but this is a movie, and it's a common method, and it's a ′′ DEMON SLAYER ′′ and it's a book for 450 million people, and it might be ′′ Pokemon," that's it There is, isn't it?
Everyone is taking another to carry their feet to the cinema for a lot of people.
A small team like us doesn't have a lot of perks to be put on, and when it comes to perks, it's going to be the main thing that nishino is going to work.
I'm good at the gutter business, so i want that, but at first, I'm going to have a ′′ Cosplay photoshoot ′′ and ′′ Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition ~" I'm not planning to do it too I did.
At First, I went on a pilgrimage to the cinema across the country, and I was planning to talk about the story of the movie ′′ a in the town ′′ at each movie theater, and I was planning to sell tickets at the exit...... in corona The plan has all been blank.
The cinema is going to go around 50 places, and if you sell 200 tickets at the exit of each cinema, there are 200 x 50 places, and there are 1 million advance tickets there I was making money.
It's been a blank in Corona, but think about it well.
I couldn't do an event to go around the movie theater in Corona, and I put it out as a replacement hand, for example, this time, ′′ Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition ~" I have 3 advance tickets for the ′′ Advanced Edition It's attached and 3100 participants are decided at the moment.
At this point, 9300 advance tickets are selling.
It takes 1 years to go around the cinema.
Meanwhile," Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition] ~" is about 90 minutes.
The policy of ′′ instead of being able to do it in corona ′′ is hitting a lot of other things, and if there is no corona, the advance tickets for the movie ′′ a town ′′ are now I didn't sell 1 minutes of it.
What you want to say is a cliche, but it is not very important to have a problem, and it is important how to deal with the problem.
And the power to deal with it is not ′′ genius inspiration ′′ but ′′ knowledge,"
Crowdfunding, online salon, without the knowledge of those handling, the option of coping is reduced.
The deficiency of the option is ′′ impatience ′′ and impatience gives birth to a judgement mistake, so it is ′′ knowledge ′′ that you need to do it.
In this phase, ′′ talent ′′ doesn't stand for anything.
This is how I'm going to blow up the announcement of ′′ Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition] ′′ come on ~" but of course, it's not just my lecture, but I'm going to have a good time. I think it's better to absorb knowledge from a lot of people.
So," I think it's going to be a problem where to choose someone who teaches me that kind of thing?" but this is my choice, but," now I'm selling it I think the one who has things is good.
The line of ′′ selling things ′′ is not what the person says ′′ this is only selling," the 3th person recognizes ′′ selling ′′ Here it is.
When you say it yourself, you can't get enough of the numbers.
Self-proclaimed numbers are better not to be a reference number.
Later, the knowledge of those who don't currently have progressive hit goods is a bit slow because it's a quote from the knowledge of those who don't currently have progressive hit goods.
I don't get too useless.
Yesterday, I came to Mr. Tanaka, a representative of the glasses brand owndays, on the ′′ snack nishino ′′ that was streaming on Youtube, but tanaka's story is ′′ the story of the site that produces the hit business ′′ I'm going to study so much.
I think it's best to learn from that kind of active player.
Today we talked about the theme of ′′ the right choice of mentor ′′
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓
▼ Instagram version is here ↓
Released on December 25, 2020!
The movie in a town ′′
▼ Buy Online Bangabandhu (with perks) here ↓
▼ here is the screening hall
to each his own cinema 在 林作 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Black Panther 導演悼念 Chadwick Bosemen 極度真摯的一封信。極度令人感動。What a great man. Calm, assured, always studying. Just like me.
Before sharing my thoughts on the passing of the great Chadwick Boseman, I first offer my condolences to his family who meant so very much to him. To his wife, Simone, especially.
I inherited Marvel and the Russo Brothers' casting choice of T'Challa. It is something that I will forever be grateful for. The first time I saw Chad's performance as T'Challa, it was in an unfinished cut of Captain America: Civil War. I was deciding whether or not directing Black Panther was the right choice for me. I'll never forget, sitting in an editorial suite on the Disney Lot and watching his scenes. His first with Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, then, with the South African cinema titan, John Kani as T'Challa's father, King T'Chaka. It was at that moment I knew I wanted to make this movie. After Scarlett's character leaves them, Chad and John began conversing in a language I had never heard before. It sounded familiar, full of the same clicks and smacks that young black children would make in the States. The same clicks that we would often be chided for being disrespectful or improper. But, it had a musicality to it that felt ancient, powerful, and African.
In my meeting after watching the film, I asked Nate Moore, one of the producers of the film, about the language. "Did you guys make it up?" Nate replied, "That's Xhosa, John Kani's native language. He and Chad decided to do the scene like that on set, and we rolled with it." I thought to myself, "He just learned lines in another language, that day?" I couldn't conceive how difficult that must have been, and even though I hadn't met Chad, I was already in awe of his capacity as actor.
I learned later that there was much conversation over how T'Challa would sound in the film. The decision to have Xhosa be the official language of Wakanda was solidified by Chad, a native of South Carolina, because he was able to learn his lines in Xhosa, there on the spot. He also advocated for his character to speak with an African accent, so that he could present T'Challa to audiences as an African king, whose dialect had not been conquered by the West.
I finally met Chad in person in early 2016, once I signed onto the film. He snuck past journalists that were congregated for a press junket I was doing for "Creed," and met with me in the green room. We talked about our lives, my time playing football in college, and his time at Howard studying to be a director, about our collective vision for T'Challa and Wakanda. We spoke about the irony of how his former Howard classmate Ta-Nehisi Coates was writing T'Challa's current arc with Marvel Comics. And how Chad knew Howard student Prince Jones, who's murder by a police officer inspired Coates' memoir Between The World and Me.
I noticed then that Chad was an anomaly. He was calm. Assured. Constantly studying. But also kind, comforting, had the warmest laugh in the world, and eyes that seen much beyond his years, but could still sparkle like a child seeing something for the first time.
That was the first of many conversations. He was a special person. We would often speak about heritage and what it means to be African. When preparing for the film, he would ponder every decision, every choice, not just for how it would reflect on himself, but how those choices could reverberate. "They not ready for this, what we are doing…" "This is Star Wars, this is Lord of the Rings, but for us… and bigger!" He would say this to me while we were struggling to finish a dramatic scene, stretching into double overtime. Or while he was covered in body paint, doing his own stunts. Or crashing into frigid water, and foam landing pads. I would nod and smile, but I didn't believe him. I had no idea if the film would work. I wasn't sure I knew what I was doing. But I look back and realize that Chad knew something we all didn't. He was playing the long game. All while putting in the work. And work he did.
He would come to auditions for supporting roles, which is not common for lead actors in big budget movies. He was there for several M'Baku auditions. In Winston Duke's, he turned a chemistry read into a wrestling match. Winston broke his bracelet. In Letitia Wright's audition for Shuri, she pierced his royal poise with her signature humour, and would bring about a smile to T'Challa's face that was 100% Chad.
While filming the movie, we would meet at the office or at my rental home in Atlanta, to discuss lines and different ways to add depth to each scene. We talked costumes, military practices. He said to me "Wakandans have to dance during the coronations. If they just stand there with spears, what separates them from Romans?" In early drafts of the script. Eric Killmonger's character would ask T'Challa to be buried in Wakanda. Chad challenged that and asked, "What if Killmonger asked to be buried somewhere else?"
Chad deeply valued his privacy, and I wasn't privy to the details of his illness. After his family released their statement, I realised that he was living with his illness the entire time I knew him. Because he was a caretaker, a leader, and a man of faith, dignity and pride, he shielded his collaborators from his suffering. He lived a beautiful life. And he made great art. Day after day, year after year. That was who he was. He was an epic firework display. I will tell stories about being there for some of the brilliant sparks 'till the end of my days. What an incredible mark he's left for us.
I haven't grieved a loss this acute before. I spent the last year preparing, imagining and writing words for him to say, that we weren't destined to see. It leaves me broken knowing that I won't be able to watch another close-up of him in the monitor again or walk up to him and ask for another take.
It hurts more to know that we can't have another conversation, or Facetime, or text message exchange. He would send vegetarian recipes and eating regimens for my family and me to follow during the pandemic. He would check in on me and my loved ones, even as he dealt with the scourge of cancer.
In African cultures, we often refer to loved ones that have passed on as ancestors. Sometimes you are genetically related. Sometimes you are not. I had the privilege of directing scenes of Chad's character, T'Challa, communicating with the ancestors of Wakanda. We were in Atlanta, in an abandoned warehouse, with bluescreens, and massive movie lights, but Chad's performance made it feel real. I think it was because from the time that I met him, the ancestors spoke through him.
It's no secret to me now how he was able to skilfully portray some of our most notable ones. I had no doubt that he would live on and continue to bless us with more. But it is with a heavy heart and a sense of deep gratitude to have ever been in his presence, that I have to reckon with the fact that Chad is an ancestor now. And I know that he will watch over us, until we meet again.