還有一個主要作用,代QT宣布,正式同荷里活大淫魔Harvey Weinstein劃清界線。他的Miramax,是QT頭八齣戲的發行。你可以話,因為有Harvey,QT才可以放膽(兼有錢)去拍他想拍的電影。
【The A-Z of QT】
Quentin Tarantino令我想起90年代的美好時光。
迷QT的同學在宿舍房門貼上《Reservoir Dog》海報,我就瘋狂地租LD來學睇戲,跟住一齊興起去讀編劇班,放學後再去當年還位處海防道的HMV買研究QT的書……然後95年暑假,我們磨了一個有關殺手的劇本出來,再拉埋願意為藝術犧牲的義氣同學,在一個夏夜,搞足成晚,拍咗幾分鐘的戲。
A——A Band Apart
QT於1991年跟Lawrence Bender合組的電影公司,名字來自法國導演尚盧.高達(Jean-Luc Godard)1964年作品《Bande à part》。公司logo原形,則是《Reservoir Dog》中,成班人著晒黑色老西準備做世界的經典一幕。
B——Lawrence Bender
QT多年戰友,監製了對方大部分電影。QT在80年代寫的第一個劇本《My Best Friend's Birthday》,就是在Lawrence Bender鼓勵下而催生。他也在QT電影做過串星。《Pulp Fiction》裡John Travolta和Samuel L. Jackson咪去咗一個單位幫大佬奪回那個神秘的喼,窩藏單位內的其中一條友便是了。
C——Canned Music
D——Django Unchained
一如之前多部作品皆有reference,《Django Unchained》也參考了不少西部片,卻並非美國貨,反而是由意大利人在上世紀60年代大量製作的Spaghetti Western——低成本,不會千里迢迢成crew人飛去美國西部,而只會在西班牙和意大利搵笪地方,扮成美國。對比美國的本格西部片,Spaghetti Western更暴力,提供了更離經叛道的娛樂性。
影響QT最深的是1966年的《Django》。Sergio Corbucci執導的這部意大利粉西部片,暴力程度勁到在英國長年禁止發行(直至1993年才解禁);主角Franco Nero更獲邀在《Django Unchained》客串——這個「1966年版Django」,被安排在酒吧內問「21世紀版Django」Jamie Foxx個名點讀。
E——Eli Roth
應該是QT最睇好的導演。QT親自監製了Eli Roth的兩齣超暴力Torture Porn《Hostel》,也讓他幫手拍《Inglourious Basterds》的戲中戲《Nation's Pride》(即戲裡用來向納粹歌功頌德、激勵軍隊士氣的那齣黑白片)——還有,Eli Roth更擔演了最後拍住Brad Pitt炸死納粹的一名死士。
F——Foot Fetish
先撇除他本人有沒有這門癖好,在他電影中女性腳部的確往往被放大描寫——必備的像特寫女角步行時的腳部動作,激烈一點的像《Inglourious Basterds》裡,Diane Kruger演的那名德國女演員暨間諜因丟失了一隻高踭鞋,被Christoph Waltz發現而揭穿身份——其中一幕便是Christoph Waltz命令Diane Kruger遞出腳,讓他替她穿上那隻丟失了的高踭鞋。美腿,成為了致命元素。
但更勁是《Death Proof》,中場一幕炒車,Sydney Tamiia Poitier成條右腿被炒斷,QT更用心地用慢鏡呈現這條已開主人的腿,是怎樣像一pat爛肉般跌在地上。
G——Grindhouse / Genre
2007年的《Grindhouse》是大野心project。為展示、回溯過去專播B片的Grindhouse的美好時光,QT和老死Robert Rodriguez用上高成本各拍了一齣扮低成本的類型電影,放埋一齊播,而且仲學足Grindhouse做法,在片與片之間攝入trailer,這些trailer仲特登搵人去拍。Robert Rodriguez的《Planet Terror》,由頭暴力到尾打到尾,塞到你飽,但睇完若有所失;QT的《玩命.飛車.殺人狂》,玩的類型是Slasher Film,叫得做有官能刺激的其實只得中間和最尾那場,其餘時間就是對白對白和對白(有些無聊有些則在借啲意品評昔日飛車片),但奇在,你會滿足(但問心,若單獨看的確有點冗長)。
H——Harvey Keitel
最初QT只打算以3萬元美金拍攝首部獨立電影,後來Harvey Keitel加入,了解晒成個project後,答應出任監製,再由他出面找資金,最後成功籌集百萬資金(但相對一部「正常」荷里活電影這筆數只是濕濕碎),讓QT完成了他的首作《Reservoir Dog》。QT擁有後來的電影成就,除了要多謝佢自己,也要多謝Harvey Keitel。
I——Inglourious Basterds
《Inglourious Basterds》前的QT,玩類型玩自己喜歡的電影人和事,每一部電影都是認真而帶住玩樂心去完成的。
《Inglourious Basterds》裡的QT,也有玩類型和自己心愛的東西,卻首次接觸歷史,接觸一個大題目——歷史是怎樣完成的?在歷史的推演過程裡,又有多少「裡子」參與其中?以及有幾多不為人道的哪渣嘢發生咗?
至於由Brad Pitt領軍的那群爛仔,用刀在納粹兵額頭劃上納粹的「逆十字」,很暴力,卻也是一個記下歷史的方法。你在人生某過程做過傷天害理的事,隨時間流逝一切都會煙消雲散,唯有用這麼一個暴力方法鑿個嘜喺你額頭,才能永遠keep住。這才是《Inglourious Basterds》的核心命題。我最喜愛的QT作品。
J——Jackie Brown
當年在香港上映時不知由誰起了一個《危險關係》的名字,擺明是想人自行link到《危險人物》。但如果你是抱著看另一齣《危險人物》的心情去看《Jackie Brown》(Sorry我真的好憎嗰個中文戲名),你應該會好憤怒。
《Jackie Brown》改編自美國小說家Elmore Leonard的《Rum Punch》,但作為最core的女主角卻被QT一嘢改為黑人,他想把電影拍成一齣90年代的Blaxploitation,這樣,便大條道理起用在70年代拍下大量Blaxploitation的紅星、他的偶像Pam Grier主演。
相對大玩敘事結構和電影類型的《Pulp Fiction》,《Jackie Brown》冇咁花巧,即使人物眾多,但QT集中描寫的由頭到尾都是Robert Forster和Pam Grier,這對萍水相逢、年齡同樣有番咁上下的男女——Blaxploitation只是外在形式包裝,QT真正想講的是這對男女之間沒結果的一段情。這算是愛情成份最重的QT電影。
K——Kill Bill
《Kill Bill》是《Jackie Brown》整整六年後的QT作品。七年間,他有個很多計劃,但冇一樣落實;依然有拍戲,但竟然是走去客串拍電視劇……
《Kill Bill》是QT的一次重新起步。不像過往三部幾電影一概以long take文戲為主(「三部幾」中的「幾」是指《Four Rooms》中的單元《The Man from Hollywood》,啲long take直情長到令你誤以為睇緊悶爆舞台劇),這次要涉獵的是動作——日本武士片的一對一決鬥、西部片沙塵滾滾裡的速度對決,還有咱們邵氏武俠片的盤腸大戰。
分成上下兩集的《Kill Bill》,上集集中於復仇的過程、動作;下集重點是解謎,一個曾經殺人如麻的女人,怎樣在人生的重要一刻彰顯母性。你會發現,QT對女性心理原來摸得好透澈。
L——Samuel L. Jackson
有些演員,不止一次出現在QT電影裡,而出現得最多的是Samuel L. Jackson。
M——Mira Sorvino
對於Mira Sorvino大家可能已經好陌生,但在90年代她曾經是最被睇好的女演員,更憑Woody Allen的1995年電影《Mighty Aphrodite》(無敵愛美神)攞過奧斯卡最佳女配角。也曾演過周潤發勇闖荷里活首作《血仍未冷》。後來,唔知點解地,逐漸由一線退下來,近年集中演出低成本獨立製作。另,Mira已經嫁咗人。
在美國卻是個極端敏感的字眼(記得《虎膽龍威3》嗎?Bruce Willis一開始便被壞人要求掛住一塊寫上這個字的木牌走入哈林區,瞬即便被黑人圍住咁兇)。
這麼一個敏感字眼卻經常出現在QT電影裡。美國黑人導演Spike Lee尤其反感,說不明白好端端的一個白種人為甚麼要keep住動用這個侮辱性字眼;而對於描述黑奴的《Django Unchained》更講到明不會睇——他的祖先故事絕不應該成為甚麼Spaghetti Western。
但作為QT御用的黑人演員Samuel L. Jackson,對於Nigger被大量使用,不覺不妥。
QT至今只攞過一次奧斯卡,1995年憑《Pulp Fiction》獲頒最佳原著劇本。咁當然,攞幾多個小金人,同個人電影成就不成正比。
P——Postmodern / Pulp Fiction
對於《Pulp Fiction》的讚美和研究已經太多,唯一想說是,在《Pulp Fiction》(和《Reservoir Dog》)前,荷里活電影製作模式只有A和B,但QT卻用行動證明了還有C——把類型大膽拼貼,把古老題材翻新,把故事結構撈亂重組,甚至把再低俗的題材擺上藝術殿堂,而最終成果必需是:擁有高度娛樂性。
《Django Unchained》之後QT有甚麼拍攝計劃?
1.《Double V Vega》:《Reservoir Dog》的Mr. Blonde和《Pulp Fiction》的Vincent本是同根生,QT多年前話有意拍齣戲講這對暴力兄弟。
2.《Kill Bill: Vol.3》:交代女主角Beatrix Kiddo十年後的生活。QT答案一直是:可能會拍,可能唔會拍。
3.Another Bond Film:應該唔會。QT話,他最想拍的從來只有《皇家賭場》,但已經俾人拍咗。
R——Robert Rodriguez
另一位長年戰友,同樣在90年代拍下首作並開始發展。對比起來,Robert Rodriguez產量多而雜,好睇是好睇,唯獨欠了QT那種鑽探電影的視野和野心。
Yes,就是那齣讓奇洛李維斯和平頭裝紅起來的《Speed》。在《Reservoir Dog》成功過後,QT曾獲電影公司力邀執導《Speed》,但他婉拒了,選擇去拍《Pulp Fiction》(另,他仲推埋執導《Men in Black》的邀請)。人生交叉點:如果當日他心急想紅而去了拍A級動作片,他可能只會成為另一個工匠,而不是導演。
T——True Romance
Tony Scott執導,負責劇本的正是QT。男主角Christian Slater生日,巧遇性感女主角Patricia Arquette,而她其實是妓女,是好朋友送給男主角的生日禮物,結果愛得暴烈並走上亡命之途……
戲的原型來自QT早在1984年便開始搞的《My Best Friend's Birthday》,斥資5千元美金,同朋友用了四年完成,QT自編自導自演。這齣長70分鐘的黑白片,因一場大火燒淨三十幾分鐘。從未作公開發行。
U——Uma Thurman
最受QT重用的女演員,重用到被傳二人有路。QT說,Uma Thurman對他很重要,是他的靈感女神。感情方面,則是柏拉圖式的。咁即係點吖?
事實是也有一個導演說QT根本不明白暴力真諦——Oliver Stone,將QT的《Natural Born Killers》劇本肆意改晒的黑手,說自己打過越戰見過死人,QT的暴力不過是閂埋房門生安白造出來鬧著玩的。
仲有,暴力色情是雙生兒,但截至《Inglourious Basterds》,QT電影從來沒有出現過女星露點。
W——Wong Kar-Wai
1995年,QT跟Miramax合組Rolling Thunder Pictures,以其名義在美國發行一些他欣賞的海外電影,其中一齣便是王家衛的《重慶森林》。當時王家衛更應QT之邀到洛杉磯出席講座,過程與感受記錄在《四齣王家衛,洛杉磯。》這本書裡。將書裡說話對照番兩位導演日後的路途,有種難言感受。
X,羅馬數字中的10。去年是QT出道20周年,為隆重其事(和掠水),推出了《Tarantino XX: 8-Film Collection》這個blu-ray boxset,除收錄由《Reservoir Dog》到《Inglourious Basterds》的8部戲,另有兩隻碟的bonus feature,主要是影評人在為QT歌功頌德……
QT沒進過任何電影學校沒受過所謂電影訓練。未做導演前一直在加州Manhattan Beach的一間租帶舖Video Archives打工,期間吞噬了大量一般人看不起眼的「好電影」,作為日後拍片的database。
Z——Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.
我真係諗唔到"Z"應該講乜,想來想去只想到《Pulp Fiction》那個強姦犯Zed。當Bruce Willis殺了Zed後,駕著Zed的電單車返屋企接女友著草,天真女友不知大禍臨頭還在猛問架電單車是誰的,這時候Bruce Willis便說:"Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead."我想講的其實是,QT寫的對白真的好易入腦,想這篇嘢的時候,我個腦便不停在loop他不同電影中的不同經典對白,經典在對白並不是甚麼微言大義,反而大都很無聊,但又幽默而真實。
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Alumine Five of Stenheim
Stenheim is a relatively late entrant to the high-end speaker field. It was founded in 2010 by a collective of mainly ex-Goldmund engineers, and its products have inherited an unmistakable aesthetic and, to a lesser extent, sonic DNA, although it was a significantly evolved character that was to emerge in the shape of the debut model, the compact, two-way Alumine Two. It’s a developmental divergence that has continued and, if anything, accelerated with the emergence of each subsequent product. The latest Stenheim speakers, developed under the auspices of new owner Jean-Pascal Panchard, definitely have their own, unambiguous identity, both visually and musically.
I’ve been seriously looking forward to the arrival of the Alumine Five. Previous experience with the brand has included impressive exposure to the various versions of the enormous and enormously impressive Ultime Reference models, as well as a brief but highly rewarding flirtation with the stand-mounted Alumine Two in my own system. The possibility of combining the sense of musical articulation, enthusiasm and communication I experienced from the Alumine Two, with more than a hint of the clarity, scale and authority so effortlessly delivered by the Reference models, all in a package that, if not exactly affordable, at least isn’t completely out of the question, makes the Alumine Five a distinctly interesting proposition.
Yet, confronted with the Alumine Five in the flesh, there’s little to hint at the extraordinary promise lurking within. Resolutely rectangular in true Stenheim style, the Five’s aluminum cabinet, with its plate-to-plate construction, stands just 48" tall, 15" deep and presents a broad 11" face to the world, dimensions based on golden-ratio numbers. The front baffle is split by a physical break between the upper midrange-treble enclosure and the lower bass cabinet, independently ported by the laminated full-width slots above and below, a physical separation that is mirrored by the contrasting inlaid strips that help visually break up the one-piece side panels. The regular lines, smooth surfaces, flawless matte finish and lack of visible fixings could easily result in a bland, almost featureless appearance. But those trim strips and the offset midrange and treble drivers do just enough to give the Five a subtle hint of individual style without resorting to the sort of gauche and ostentatious flourishes that so often pass as design.
The result is a refreshingly clean, classical appearance that will blend seamlessly with a range of different decors. Despite the lack of grilles (although they are available as an option, does anybody really spend this kind of money on a speaker and then compromise the performance by fitting covers?), the beautifully profiled baffle and absence of visible fixings makes for a genuinely neat, finished appearance that matches the superb surface finish on the cabinet. The end result just looks right, in a way that makes you wonder why you’d want grilles anyway.
The first hint of its potent sonic capabilities comes when you try to pick it up. Each comparatively compact cabinet tips the scales at 220 pounds. That’s a grunt-inducing, two-man lift. Now, take a look at the figures for bandwidth and sensitivity, and an in-room response that digs down as far as 28Hz combined with 94dB efficiency should raise your eyebrows, especially given the compact cabinet dimensions. Which brings us to the first experiential disconnect: boxes this size shouldn’t produce this much bass or do it so easily. Nor should they weigh so much -- although therein lies the clue to this particular conundrum. When it comes to bass extension, it’s not the external dimensions of the box that matter, but its internal volume. Just like the Crystal Cable Minissimo, a thin-wall cabinet makes for a much larger internal volume than the external dimensions might suggest -- especially if we apply the expectations of more conventional wood-based construction. Throw in the sheer weight of the aluminum panels and the combination of mass and physical dimensions would subconsciously suggest massively thick walls -- and a correspondingly limited internal volume. Instead, what we have here is a deceptively large volume, which, combined with the inertia of the heavy cabinet and the mechanical stability provided by the material, makes for an effective mechanical reference for driver movement, meaning that more of the energy your amplifier sticks into the speaker comes out as sound and (at least in theory) it will be more precisely rendered.
So far, not very much that’s new. It’s not like Stenheim (or Magico, or YG Acoustics) has exclusivity when it comes to aluminum cabinets. But what does make Stenheim different is the unique material they use in damping their cabinet panels. Of course, the separate enclosures and the internal baffles they demand make for an inherently heavily braced structure, but look inside a dismantled Alumine Five and you’ll find strategically placed pads stuck to the cabinet walls. These three-layer, self-adhesive pads combine a heavy damping layer (adjacent to the cabinet wall itself) with added foam and impervious layers, allowing the low-volume pads to influence both the mechanical behavior of the cabinet itself and the enclosed volume. It’s an interesting solution because it manages to overcome the weakness so often audible in simple, braced aluminum cabinets (the all-too-recognizable resonant signature of the material itself) while maximizing the benefits (large volume and rigidity) by obviating the need to stuff the internal space full of wadding or long-haired wool. In fact, if the Stenheims were stood behind a sonically transparent curtain, you’d be hard-pressed to recognize the music as emanating from an aluminum cabinet at all. The absence of the bleached, grainy or lean colorations, the lack of sterile, mechanistic reproduction, is one big half of the Stenheim story, living, breathing proof that it’s not what you use but how you use it that counts.
The other half is down to the drive units, and after the cabinets, those come as quite a surprise, both the lineup and the chosen materials. In stark contrast to the use of the latest, precision CNC techniques, complex damping pads and finishing options, the Alumine Five's drivers are as traditional as they come, with a coated silk-dome tweeter and pulp or laminated paper midrange and bass drivers. The cone drivers use textile double-roll surrounds and massive magnets more normally found in pro-audio applications, and while Stenheim doesn’t build its own drivers, the company works closely with its chosen supplier (PHL, definitely not one of the usual suspects) to specify the electrical parameters, mechanical characteristics and precise details of the surface coating.
The use of such lightweight cone materials and large motors aids the system efficiency, while a hybrid second-order/Linkwitz-Riley crossover, the result of extended listening and evolution, ensures phase coherence and excellent out-of-band attenuation and makes for easy non-reactive load characteristics, despite the three-way topology. The other aspect of the driver lineup that might be considered slightly unusual is the use of a large-diameter (6 1/2") midrange unit -- although less so since Vandersteen’s patent on the approach lapsed some years ago, resulting in a rash of companies suddenly exploring the possibilities of the topology.
Perhaps more important, in the case of the Alumine Five, it means that you are getting the tweeter and midrange drivers from the Ultime Reference series speakers, teamed here with a pair of 10" woofers but without the benefit of a super tweeter. Even so, Stenheim quotes bandwidth out to 35kHz, which should suffice for most purposes. The review speakers arrived with the optional second set of terminals installed, allowing for biwiring or, more significantly, biamping, an upgrade opportunity that makes this an option you should take. If, in the meantime, you are single-wiring the speakers, make sure you factor in a set of jumpers that match your speaker cables: the Alumine Five's overall sense of musical coherence makes the benefits especially obvious. Likewise, good wiring practice is essential, both in terms of cable dressing and diagonal connection (red to midrange/treble, black to bass, with jumpers arranged accordingly).
Aside from the speaker's substantial weight, the parallel sides and flat surfaces of the four-square cabinet make setting up the Fives an absolute joy. Precise, repeatable, angular adjustments are easily achieved, while changes in attitude are just as straightforward, helped by the beautifully profiled stainless-steel spiked feet and deeply cupped footers. Both the cones and their locking rings have nice, large ports to take the supplied pry bars, but it’s worth greasing the threads before installation. One other thing to watch out for: the spikes are seriously (refreshingly) sharp -- sharp enough to penetrate a thick rug and score the floor below, so be careful where you stand the speakers once the feet are installed. Final positioning disposed the speakers on a broad front with minimal toe-in. When it came to dialing in their considerable musical energy, the most critical factor proved to be height off the ground, with tiny adjustments of the spikes making profound differences to the weight and pace of the presentation. Likewise, equal weighting of the four spikes was crucial to a proper sense of grounded weight and dynamic authority.
Price: $60,000 per pair.
Warranty: Five years parts and labor.
(Source: The Audio Beat)
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1. 我是經歷過那個年代的樂迷,誠然Bowie的1987年專輯《Never Let Me Down》確實聽得不是味兒,刻意做出一些但求押韻的流行曲出來如〈Day-In Day-Out〉。
2. 當年聽Tin Machine,那真的是一個驚喜,因為從未聽過如此「重型」的Bowie。
3. 80年代尾是一個講求反璞歸真的年代,如甚麼neo-psychedelic新迷幻、folk revival、world music甚至是以「哈哈笑」為標記與重用Roland TB-303 / TR-808的acid house,Bowie重投garage rock樂隊形態的Tin Machine也是同一回事。
4. Tin Machine玩John Lennon的〈Working Class Hero〉,是多麼有火。
【Bowie反商業的side project】
30年前David Bowie的搖滾樂隊Tin Machine你聽過未?在組band背後當時Bowie對80年代尾樂壇有甚麼不是味兒?他又如何作出背道而馳反擊? bit.ly/2JVzgzb
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