Tho I have no idea what it’s saying, that our creation from Tokyo reaches there over the seas. Miss you guys! 🇮🇹 全然何て言ってるかわからないんだけど(笑)、海を超えて僕たちの作品が届いてるということが嬉しいです。GRAZIE!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
#Repost @comyvitalianfc
[TV] ⠀
E' stata una piacevole sorpresa vedere #MIYAVI citato nel servizio del #TG1 delle 20.00 di oggi (11.10.2020) 🎸😭🔝🔝 ⠀
Si stava parlando,citando anche i #BTS, di come i musicisti si stanno adeguando con la tecnologia per continuare ad interagire con i loro fan. La pandemia e lo stop dei tour ha dall'altro dato una spinta ai #live #virtuali e il nostro chi-artista giapponese preferito (da sempre pionere) non poteva non essere citato 😉⠀
Nel servizio ci sono scene del MV di #NeedForSpeed da #HOLYNIGHITS✝️ realizzato con la ripresa #volumetric capture e i vari live del #MIYAVIVirtual (l'ultimo dei quali registrato direttamente al @teamlab.planets ) ⠀
@miyavi_ishihara was mentioned in one of the main Italian TV newscast prime time ( 20.00 ) reportage that mentioned @bts.bighitofficial too; talking about how musicians are coping with #covid limitations using technology to stay connected and keep delivering emotions to fans all over the world. 🌎🌍🌏
newscast 在 李怡 Facebook 的最佳解答
Exchange for Support (Lee Yee)
There was one other major world event on Jul 1, apart from the promulgation of the National Security Law for Hong Kong. A referendum was held in Russia on the revision of the country’s Constitution.
In the Newscast on the night before last, CCTV broadcast a key feature about the telephone dialogue between Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin. Putin expressed firm support from Russia for China's efforts to maintain national security in Hong Kong. Xi mentioned the Russian constitutional amendment, endorsed by a majority vote in a referendum, which will allow Putin’s term as the president to last until 2036. Xi reaffirmed China’s firm support for Russia's commitment to a development direction that is appropriate for the nation.
Not a word was uttered by China on Russia’s celebration of its 160-year occupation of Vladivostok. Instead, the compliments on Putin’s uninterrupted re-election were dished out in exchange for Russia’s support for the National Security Law.
Although there are 53 countries on the United Nations Human Rights Commission (and reportedly 20 more) that support Hong Kong National Security Law, once all the names of these countries are unfolded, it is not hard to spot that none of them are countries that would likely attract Chinese nor Hong Kong people to invest, study, or live in. There is not a single great power amongst them. However, though opposition to the law has only been voiced out by 27 countries, all of them are influential with significant leverage on world affairs. Of course, among them the most adamant is the United States, which has withdrawn from the Human Rights Commission. Now that Russia is at last joining the Chinese bandwagon, the situation looks a little less awkward for China.
On July 1, the referendum on the constitutional amendments in Russia drew to a close. 78% of the voters supported the amendments, the most important one of which is the "removal of the upper limit of the presidential term in the ‘re-election’ clause”. That is to say, all the presidential terms before the amendment takes effect will be revoked. Everything will be back to zero. Putin's term of office will start all over again. According to the new constitution, Putin can be re-elected as the president until 2036. He will have stayed in the highest power for the longest in Russian history, even surpassing the reign of Peter the Great.
Like Xi Jinping, who forced through the National Security Law for Hong Kong, Putin did not receive any blessings from other major international powers for his feat. There was no strong opposition because after all it went through a referendum. The United States and the European Union, however, were skeptical about the voting process, questioning whether there was coercion of voters, or repeated voting.
Russia's deletion of the presidential re-election regulations is analogous to China's deletion of the presidential re-election regulations in the year before last. With both world powers ruled by lifetime leaders, concerns about such a situation have been raised in international public opinion.
Despite all the twists and turns throughout history, in China as well other countries, everything boiled down to power struggles that basically stemmed from succession schemes amongst the most powerful, which in turn came with a lifetime tenure amongst top leaders. A lifetime tenure for the most powerful led to absolute power that bred absolute corruption, which is the root cause of all political complexities in human society.
All the struggles in the royal courts originated from the inheritance of power. The potential heirs, not the sons, of an emperor were the focuses. There was no place for normal family intimacies amongst sons, daughters, siblings, wives and concubines. Family relationships were built on associations with the potential heirs. For the past 70 years in the Soviet Union, the severe suppression of the people by the dictatorship, and all the brutal struggles have all been due to the inheritance of power at the highest level. During Mao Zedong’s rule, every single one of the never ending political movements of class struggles could be traced back to the inheritance of power at the top. Ordinary people were the victims as a result.
After millennia in the dark ages, it was not until 1776 when the United States became independent that the problem of inheritance of power at the highest level was basically solved. Finally, people could vote to authorize the succession of power in a legal manner, without bloodshed and contention. A system was established to ensure the separation of the three powers, a multi-party system, freedom of news reporting, speech, religion, and association, etc. as checks and balances of the highest power so as to prevent absolute corruption that came with absolute power.
In 1800, there were only three democratic countries in the world. By 2015, the number of countries authorized by the peoples’ votes increased to 130. According to Churchill, ‘democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.’ In all those that have been tried, plebs were inevitably victimized in the power struggles.
Deng Xiaoping might also have understood that power inheritance is the root cause of all political complexities. That was why he laid down the system for naming the heir for the generation after the immediate next. This system achieved a certain period of social stability. What is the impact of abandoning this approach? Putting China aside, what we saw in Hong Kong was the changes in the period from the Causeway Bay Bookstore incident to the implementation of the Hong Kong version of National Security Law.
newscast 在 強尼金口筆譯教學日記 Facebook 的精選貼文
▌學習資源 ▌
師大翻譯所的語言學習寶庫 🔥
加以彙整而成 。
所以要沾光一下 😂😂😂
⭐️ B語言(英文為主)能力培養
📌 Netflix:其實Netflix不僅是個歐美劇平台,裡頭也有非常多值得一看的紀錄片和電影。最近Google Chrome上甚至出現了一套新的擴充應用工具——LLN(Language Learning with Netflix),小編覺得功能使用起來有些類似我們熟知的Voicetube,有興趣透過Netflix學語言的朋友們,不妨也可以下載來使用看看喔!
📌 TED:相信TED Talks也在許多人的口袋名單當中,在增進語言之餘,還能接觸到許多不同領域的知識 。此外,TED線上廣播——TED Radio Hour,也是一個很棒的學習工具。但小編個人私心最喜歡的其實是 TED Ideas,偏向用於讀寫能力的提升,裏頭有許多不同領域的文章,但大多與我們的日常生活息息相關,寫作筆法也相當簡明、流暢,很適合在通勤時讀上個一兩篇。
💡小提醒:TED 大部分的演講都經過排練,將贅語及不必要的資訊都過濾過,資訊相對密集,很適合作為學習英文的題材。但若要當口譯練習的題材,最好學習一段時間之後再開始使用。
📌 NPR:本所同學大力推薦NPR Hourly Newscast,不論是語速或是資訊密度,都很適合做聽力或口譯練習使用。此外,NPR官網上的其他頻道也都十分有趣。
📌 新聞、雜誌:New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, The Guardian, The Economists等網站上的文章,品質都很不錯,若對新聞翻譯或編譯有興趣的朋友們,更能透過這些網站學習撰寫英文報導的技巧。
⭐️ A語言(中文為主)能力養成
📌 島讀App:每天會推播一篇精選文章,常常會讀到或學到新東西。
📌 風傳媒、關鍵評論:彙整當前社會、政治熱門議題,提供時事分析與評論。
📌 報導者:深入剖析近期社會、政治議題,提供更全面、客觀的觀點。
📌 作家的社群網站:小編本身對文學很感興趣,所以有Follow許多作家的社群網站,時時能閱讀到作家日常隨筆。
📌 出版社或書商的社群網站:時報出版、博客來Okapi等發布的文章都大多挺有趣的文章,通常與文學有關,時不時也會出現一些與翻譯相關的主題,很適合對文學翻譯有興趣的朋友們關注。
㊙️ Visuwords:輸入特定字詞,該網站就會以心智圖列出所有相關的詞語,非常好用。
㊙️ Netspeak:做中進英時必查的網站,可以找到許多搭配詞跟使用頻率。
㊙️ Wordreference、Hinative:這兩個網站屬論壇類型,有非常多英語相關問題,基本上解答皆由母語人士提供,在不確定搭配詞或字詞差異時,非常好用。
🔍 政治、外交:The Hill (國會動態,如外交部質詢)、AIT 網站 (語域高,適合正式演說)、劉必榮國際新聞評論、Taiwan Watch 美國國會台灣觀測站等。
🔍 新聞編譯:英倫網、金融時報FT中文網雙語閱讀、民視英語新聞等(以上三個網站的新聞都以雙語呈現,官方譯文可供參考)
🔍 體育:Bleacher Report、BBC Sports等
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