這次與 Art Fund合作的博物館企劃,第二站來到倫敦花園博物館(Garden Museum),座落泰晤士河南岸,博物館由十一世紀的聖瑪麗教堂發展而成,本身就是古蹟,從館內的彩繪窗也看得見教堂的痕跡,也是全世界第一座以園藝史為主題的博物館。
The second museum of our journey with Art Fund is the Garden Museum!
Located on the south bank of the Thames, the Garden Museum is the very first museum about the history of gardening in the world and the only one in Britain. It provides us with a ticket to step into the history and development of gardens and gardening in the UK.
Unlike many other museums which have exhibitions gathered over thousands of years across the world, the Garden Museum only tells a simple story of gardening. And that is also the charm of it and the reason why I am really fond of this museum.
Not only is the museum informative, but it is also immersive! Stepping into the garden and Café of the museum, it’s like a hidden Garden of Eden that creates a perfect tranquillity in the middle of hustle and bustle. It is a great refreshment to take a sip of coffee and enjoy the garden after the exploration of the museum.
Always bring your Student Art Pass to get a 50% off. It’s now available for £5! Let’s go #MuseumTripping !
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,マッハマスター単独ツーリング IN紀伊半島 さて、白浜到着、以前「ゼロパーク」という公園がありました、 呉の大和ミュージアムに展示されている、「ゼロ戦63型」が置いてあった場所です ゼロパーク跡地、 六二型 公開 終戦間際に琵琶湖へ不時着水し湖底に沈んでいた機体を1974年(昭和49年)に引き上げ...
「museum of great britain」的推薦目錄:
museum of great britain 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的精選貼文
41. 迪士尼之泉 (佛羅里達州)
緊挨著華特•迪士尼世界的迪士尼市中心,現已經過重新設計拓展,成了迪士尼之泉(Disney Springs),變成一個主要面向成年人的、出人意料的美食目的地。裡克•貝利斯(Rick Bayless)、森本正治(Masaharu Morimoto)、沃爾夫岡•帕克(Wolfgang Puck)和阿爾特•史密斯(Art Smith)都在這裡開了餐廳,喬治•米利歐蒂斯(George Miliotes)也將在2018年春天推出一個葡萄酒吧,它將是該州唯一一家由侍酒大師主理的葡萄酒吧。這裡還有精品店、一家藍調之屋(House of Blues),以及許多參加派對的機會,這一切讓成年人前往迪士尼有了新理由。
42. 默熱沃 (法國)
由皮埃爾-伊萬•羅切(Pierre-Yves Rochon)設計的默熱沃四季酒店(Four Seasons Megève)總共有55間客房,裡面裝點著酒店所有者羅思柴爾德女男爵(Baroness Rothschild)的藝術收藏,從酒店大門可滑雪到上山纜車,前往滑雪場,適合全家人出遊。酒店的房間不大,但四壁都鑲著胡桃木板,配有燒木柴的壁爐,由專門打理壁爐的人負責添柴和清掃,一家居酒屋風格的餐廳提供清酒和日式酒吧小吃,客人還可享受酒店新推出的直升機滑雪遊。默熱沃正在對滑雪設施進行投資,到2020年將達到9400萬美元,用於包括若干輛高檔新纜車車廂,兩個全新的青少年雪道滑雪區,以及一條兩英里長的穿越森林的新雪橇滑道——這是上薩瓦省的首條——所有這些都將在2017/18滑雪季與遊客見面。
43. 昌迪加爾 (印度)
雖然印度北部的昌迪加爾不在大多數遊客的行程上,但這座擁有寬廣林蔭道、大片綠地和值得注意的建築的大都市,終於受到應得的重視。由知名瑞士裔法籍建築師勒•柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)設計的政府辦公樓群——國會建築群(Capitol Complex)已於2016年被納入聯合國教科文組織的世界遺產名錄;2017年,另一位知名建築師皮埃爾•讓納雷(Pierre Jeanneret)的故居,變成了一家致力於紀念他對這座城市的貢獻的博物館。主城區外也有新發展:位於在8000英畝森林之中的奢華度假村、昌迪加爾的歐貝羅伊沙可維拉斯(The Oberoi Sukhvilas)已在最近開張,其中包括一個大型水療中心,為來者提供各種各樣的養生項目。這個度假村本身有望成為一個旅遊景點。
44. 西雅圖 (華盛頓州)
西雅圖的面貌將在2018年有大的變化。太空針塔(Space Needle)的翻修已經進行了多年,包括上面的旋轉餐廳,這家餐廳的地板將換成玻璃的,並定於今年春天開業。在市中心,由NBBJ設計的巨球狀亞馬遜公司總部將於2018年初向遊客開放,球體內種了數百個物種的植物。美國太平洋西北部地區最大的酒店、45層樓的西雅圖凱悅酒店(Hyatt Regency Seattle)將於今秋開業。此外,北歐傳統博物館(Nordic Heritage Museum)將搬進一棟由Mithun事務所設計的新建築,新館位於歷史上的斯堪地那維亞人社區巴拉德(Ballard),新館弧線形大廳的設計靈感來自挪威兩岸峭壁間的峽灣。
45. 羅托魯瓦 (紐西蘭)
含有硫磺的間歇泉,以及富含礦物質的溫泉,讓羅托魯瓦的空氣中瀰漫著特有的味道。這座城市是紐西蘭北島毛利文化的中心。首屆泥巴狂歡節(Mudtopia Festival)於去年12月拉開帷幕,活動內容包括在泥巴中比賽和泥巴按摩,今後每年都會舉辦一次,以慶祝該市得天獨厚的地熱資源。在羅托魯瓦的法卡雷瓦雷瓦森林(Whakarewarewa Forest),大自然以新形式呈現在人們眼前。那裡由紅木林中21條懸索橋組成的紅木森林空中步道(Redwood Treewalk),推出了一個叫紅木森林夜燈遊(Redwoods Nightlights)的項目。天黑後,三十件出自設計師戴維•特魯布里奇(David Trubridge)之手的奇妙燈光裝置,給壯美的森林襯托了浪漫氣氛。
46. 伊普爾 (比利時)
2018年11月11日,歐洲各地都將慶祝第一次世界大戰結束100週年。位於弗拉芒大區的伊普爾是舉辦慶祝活動的主要地點,這裡見證了一戰期間幾場最血腥的戰役——該市的法蘭德斯戰場博物館(In Flanders Fields Museum)有對這段歷史的理解深刻的記錄。紀念停戰日的活動將包括音樂會、罌粟花遊行,以及在紀念失蹤將士的門寧門演奏動人軍樂《最後崗位》(Last Post)的典禮。
47. 丹吉爾 (摩洛哥)
摩洛哥北部的這座港口城市繼續走向復興,這裡有新近重建的濱水區和碼頭,一個經過擴建的遊輪港,以及預計今年開通的非洲首條高速鐵路,高鐵將把丹吉爾與卡薩布蘭卡和拉巴特連接起來。距此約50英里的塔姆達灣(Tamuday Bay)的海濱也變得愈發時尚,那裡新近落成了一家麗思卡爾頓度假酒店(Ritz-Carlton Resort),Banyan Tree度假村不久前也已在那裡開業。
48. 杜埃羅河岸 (西班牙)
雖說屈居里奧哈之下,但杜埃羅(Duero)河畔的這片地區(經此流入葡萄牙境內後,這條河就是杜羅河[Douro]了)出產的美酒深受葡萄酒行家喜愛,比如普羅多思(Protos)——產自由理查德•羅傑斯(Richard Rogers)設計的酒莊——以及阿爾蘇阿卡(Arzuaga)。很容易從巴利亞多利德市來到杜埃羅河岸(巴利亞多利德位於馬德里以北,兩者間有一小時的高鐵車程),這裡的Abadia Retuerta Le Domaine酒店被很多人認為是全西班牙最好的酒店之一。此外,不要錯過佩尼亞菲耶爾城堡(Peñafiel Castle)的葡萄酒博物館,以及國家雕塑博物館(National Sculpture Museum)——它堪稱西班牙雕塑界的普拉多(Prado)。
49. 蒙哥馬利 (阿拉巴馬州)
蒙哥馬利有數十座頌揚南部聯邦的紀念館。一座將於今年4月與觀眾見面的紀念館,則要為奴隸制和種族偏見的受害者代言。由非營利組織「平等正義倡議」(Equal Justice Initiative)創辦的和平與正義國家紀念館(National Memorial for Peace and Justice),佇立在一個山頂上,俯瞰著這座城市,它將包含800根懸空的柱子,上面刻著4000多名受害者的名字。另外800根柱子將平放在旁邊的花園裡,它們是給每個發生過用私刑處死人的縣製作的,直到這些縣前來認領,並將其豎立在自己的土地上。
50. 南蒂羅爾 (義大利)
南蒂羅爾是義大利的一個說德語的自治區,通往其首府博爾扎諾主要機場的航班,於2015年被全部取消,以順應民意——此前有人就應否讓該機場繼續運轉做過民意調查。南蒂羅爾人沒有哀嘆旅遊業的損失,而是從澄澈的天空和遊客人數減少上得到了好處,這裡已成為一個養生勝地。新開的設施包括:西霍夫天然度假村(Seehof Nature Retreat),這個環湖度假村裡有套房和桑拿房,湖邊長滿了蘋果樹;還有蒙特木屋酒店(Montchalet),位於奧爾蒂塞伊,有16間套房,配備適於冥想的漂浮床。一些老字號酒店,比如位於著名的「鐵徑」(Via Ferrata)登山道上的阿爾彭皇家酒店(Hotel Alpenroyal)也進行了升級,新建了一個面積為5.4萬平方英尺的養生區,配有散發著乾草香的桑拿浴室,還有藥草蒸氣浴室和溫泉池。2017年底,這裡還舉辦了新的上阿迪傑葡萄酒峰會(Alto Adige Wine Summit),以展示鮮為人知的當地葡萄酒品種。
51. 英國
前衛且極富創造力的布裡斯托力爭在2018年博得另一個名號:文化重鎮。英國最古老的仍在運營的劇院布裡斯托老威克(Bristol Old Vic)將推出一個有188個座位的實驗劇場。聖喬治音樂廳(St. George’s Bristol)正在增建一個現代化的演奏空間。用以紀念偉大工程師伊桑巴德•金德姆•布魯內爾(Isambard Kingdom Brunel)的取名「成為布魯內爾」(Being Brunel)的新博物館,即將在他的傑作——大不列顛號(SS Great Britain)遠洋班輪周圍亮相。此外,大西部鐵路公司(Great Western Railway)將在2018年推出更寬敞的列車,倫敦與布裡斯托之間的火車也將在2019年初從每小時兩趟增加到四趟,更便於遊客從倫敦來這裡。
52. 琅勃拉邦 (寮國)
museum of great britain 在 芬蘭.媽媽的日常 Facebook 的精選貼文
由於芬蘭明日(12月6日) 便踏入一百年獨立日,這兩天全球至少有三十個國家五十個景點以芬蘭國旗顏色藍白色,用燈照明地標的方法送上祝賀 <3
Netherlands, Alkmaar - Stadskantine Alkmaar
Argentina, Buenos Aires - Usina del Arte
Australia, Adelaide - Adelaide Town Hall
Australia, Brisbane - Story Bridge and Victoria Bridge bridges
Australia, Canberra - Telstra Tower Tower, Old Parliament House, Malcolm Fraser Bridge, Science and Technology Center Kycon (Parkes)
Australia, Hobart - Railway Roundabout Fountain, Elizabeth Street Mall, and Kennedy Lane Tourism Precinct
Australia, Perth - Council House Building and Trafalgar Bridge Bridge
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - Christ statue
Bulgaria, Sofia - National Palace of Culture
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa - Judge a lion statue in front of the Ethiopian National Theater
Ireland, Dublin - Dublin Mayor's Office Mansion House
Iceland, Reykjavik - Harp
Great Britain, Newcastle - Millenium Bridge Bridge
Italy, Rome - Colosseum
Austria, Vienna - Riesenrad Ferris wheel
Canada - Niagara Falls
Kazakhstan, Astana - Bridges across the Esil River, St. Regis Hotel
Greece, Athens - Arch of Hadrian
Cyprus, Nicosia - White Walls Building
Latvia, Jelgava - Railway bridge
Latvia, Riga - City Hall tower in the old center, the railway bridge over the Daugava river
Mexico, México - Angel of Independence (Ángel de la Independencia)
Mozambique, Maputo Fortaleza Fortress
Norway, Oslo - Holmenkollen jumper
Portugal, Lisbon - Belém Tower (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
Poland, Warsaw - Cultural Palace
Sweden, Stockholm - Globe
Serbia, Belgrade - Ada Bridge, Palace Albania building
Switzerland, Montreux - Mannerheim Monument
Czech Republic, Prague - The Dancing House designed by Frank Gehry
Ukraine, Kiev - Embassy of Finland in Finland
Hungary, Budapest - Elisabet bridge
Russia, Lumivaara - Lumivaara Church
Russia, Moscow - Embassy of Finland in Finland
Russia, Petrozavodsk - National Theater
Russia, St. Petersburg - Ethnographic Museum
Estonia, Tallinn - Stenbock House (Tallinn Administrative Building)
Estonia, Tartu - Vanemuine Theater, Vincennes and Arcades
museum of great britain 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
六二型 公開 終戦間際に琵琶湖へ不時着水し湖底に沈んでいた機体を1974年(昭和49年)に引き上げて復元したもので、2002年(平成14年)までは嵐山美術館(零パーク)に展示されていた(尾翼番号210-118B)
Mach mastering single touring IN Kii peninsula
Well, it arrived Shirahama, and there was a park "0 parks" before.
The place where "0 war 63 types" had been put was exhibited in a Japanese museum in Kure, and had been exhibited in the Ranzan museum (0 parks) until 2002(2002) by the one that unexpected splashed down to Biwako, improved the airframe that had sunk in the bottom of a lake in 0 park site and 62 type end of the war of opening to the public verge to have in 1974(1974), and had restored it. (tail number 210-118B)
0 Shikican ..height.. fighter () is a fighter on a leading warship of the Dainichi this Imperial Navy (Hereafter, it is written as naval forces). 「0 wars(And. , saying that "0 wars")It is known by abbreviating" (Hereafter, it is written as 0 wars). It was operated partly of the war in daytime to the end of the war of Pacific War 1 up front by a substantial, ..carrier-borne fighter (Hereafter, it is written as Can'icsa).. final model by the development delay of angry winds that were the succession machines as the main force fighter. Because the fighter in the union country had been overwhelmed when empty fighting about the great war initial, it was feared from a pilot of the union country at that time in the name of "0 fighters". The development origin is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Licenses are produced by the Nakashima airplane, and the more than halves of the number of total production are made of inside islands. In general, it is counted as an excellence machine of the great war period with United States P-51, Bf109 of Germany, and the Spit fire etc. of Britain.
museum of great britain 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
夢の超特急 ひかり号 新幹線
0 dream superexpress Hikari Shinkansen factions
Shinkansen (Shin psoriasis) is a name that the first route of Japan National Railways (Japanese National Railways) is Tokaido Shinkansen that started the business driving on October 1, 1964(1964), and indicates the vehicle used for the high-speed railway route and it the JR group operates now and the entire relating railway transportation system.
0 Shinkansen faction train (0 Shin psoriasis) is Shinkansen train of the founder developed when Tokaido Shinkansen opens a business 1964.
3,216 cars (It simply converted into 16 car organization and 201 obligations) in total were manufactured from 1964 to 1986 as for 38 extending next, and doing the improvement repeatedly as a vehicle for Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen (The first car manufactures 224 cars). However, the maximum values of both on the register numbers are 2,338 cars of 1976(Two cars are the reservation cars) at the same time all together because of scheduling 0 factions that became superannuated on the way to be replaced by 0 faction car made of new and having changed (following description) of 3,216 cars.
It has externals with smart and the charm of the first shape and blue and the white paint division with roundness that takes the example in the aircraft. It was a vehicle where the image of initial Shinkansen was established, and it was familiar long from people as existence that symbolized the era of high growth in Japan of postwar days. It was often introduced by writing, that is, "Head part ...... where the passenger plane was made to think" in the book etc. until about 1980(1980).
It is the 8th (1965) railway fan club blue ribbon prize winning car, and neither an all-time high great car in the railway in Japan nor the criticized railway fan are few, too.
It was recognized with YS-11 etc. as a machine inheritance in August, 2007.
The majority are driving only the Sanyo Shinkansen section already in entering in the 21st century disused car and at the time of of 2007 and 1 that all car disused car disposal is decided by November, 2008. However, historical value is a lot high, and the popular vehicle used because of the movie and the drama taking a picture, etc.
One first car car (22-141) is being donated to the National Railway Museum of the Britain york by West Japan Railway (JR West Japan) in 2001. Vehicle (21-5035) where remodeling had been received as an architectural limit measurement car was introduced to Taiwan (Republic of China) excluding this.
It had been only called, "Shinkansen train" (It was due to Shin psoriasis) before that since it was about 1980 to have come to be called, "0 factions" when 200 factions for Tohoku and Jouetsu Shinkansen had been completed. It has been named, "000 factions" according to the document.