【繼續狙擊傑出商人】自知之明/科豆 Scientific Papa
另,原來好多人都唔知科豆係生物學博士。唔通好似傑出商人咁亂寫資格咩,我哋係博士、醫生又話你知咩 😂
//當我同老婆嗌交去到一個點,我一定會先收聲,然後讓大家冷靜下,先會再傾番件事。事實上,要平息一件事,一定要有一方先收聲,而好多時道理都係老婆嗰邊(細細聲:呢句係搏老婆有睇我呢篇文而寫,事實係點,大家唔好估。),咁我當然係做好收聲個位,日子就可以 Happily Ever After,全因我有自知自明。嗌交,我又點贏到老婆?(細細聲:贏咗結果都係我輸,贏黎做乜?)
營商就是要賺錢,就好似子華神咁講:「搵食唧,犯法呀?」。在不犯法的大前提下,搵食去盡啲似乎都讓人覺得可接受。筆者確實都佩服售賣這個勳章的商人;從他對眾多質疑的回應中,我合理懷疑他是真心相信自己的產品的:如果連自己都唔信個產品,邊度仲會有人信?他理直氣壯的回應,用盡了自己所有對科學的認知,把自己產品有限的功能,用無盡的市場學知識做宣傳及捍衛他的宣傳信息。在從商的角度,他的確可敬,因為把無用嘅嘢變得有十分需求,的確是 Marketing 的最高境界!
科學是需要理據的。作為一個從事科研工作一段時間的人,在科學、道理及對抗強權嘅勇氣的角度上,我真心佩服文科生習醫的奇幻旅程,醫學治眼及山地媽。我認為父母真的有需要了解,一件聲稱可以殺死大部分病毒細菌而「註冊了 FDA 的 Class I medical device」究竟有冇用,因為佢有機會令父母放棄做其他預防傳染病的措施,反倒令小孩感染病毒細菌的風險有所增加。
「medical device class 2」的推薦目錄:
- 關於medical device class 2 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於medical device class 2 在 Like Magazine HK Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於medical device class 2 在 Illy Ariffin Blog : www.illyariffin.com Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於medical device class 2 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
medical device class 2 在 Like Magazine HK Facebook 的精選貼文
【Like Gift】理「賞」清新家居六連賞第一擊!送 #JONIX Cube 等離子空氣淨化器 (白色) (價值$5,980)
要打造健康家居,一部高質素嘅空氣淨化器絕對係必需品!而 #香港空氣淨化器中心 #HKAPC 提供多款產品,適合不同家庭使用!為興祝HKAPC快將成立15周年及members club 成立,今次首先送出意大利JONIX Cube等離子空氣淨化器(白色) Medical Device Class 1,想要就立即按以下玩法Like and Share喇!
1) 讚好 Like Magazine HK 及 香港空氣淨化器中心 HKAPC 空氣清新機 Air Cleaner Air Purifier Facebook 專頁
2) Like 及 Share 呢個 post,並於 HKAPC Facebook 專頁為它們評分及撰寫評論 / 對品牌嘅感覺 (不超過100字) - 記得set 做公開分享 / 評分先計數架!
3) 於帖子下回答題:「JONIX cube 等離子空氣淨化器配備了歐洲幾多級別嘅醫療設備認証 (Class___),獲意大利衛生局認可?」並tag(@)上至少 3 位同樣注重家居空氣嘅朋友
4) 填寫埋文章內嘅參加表格:http://goo.gl/HCaKnI
完成以上步驟,答啱問題,並於HKAPC Facebook 專頁評論得最動人*,HKAPC將選出當中嘅參加者拎走JONIX Cube (白色) (價值$5,980),名額共1個。HKAPC 仲準備咗多份禮品陸續送俾Like Magazine粉絲,記得Tag多啲朋友一齊玩呀!
同時所有參與六連賞活動嘅朋友而未被選中者均可選擇日後自動登記成為HKAPC Members Club會員,費用全免且即時獲得注入10分積分,並可於隨後每次六連賞之活動時每次注入累積,日後憑積分直接換取禮品、超市現金券、入油券或直接當現金購買HKAPC貨品等,確保人人有份永不落空!積分詳情將稍後於HKAPC members club內公布,記得昅實!
* 如評論含不雅字眼、粗言穢語、誹謗、不實的報導、違法、抄襲等不恰當的內容,有關專頁有權刪除留言及取消參賽者資格而無需另行通知。
medical device class 2 在 Illy Ariffin Blog : www.illyariffin.com Facebook 的最讚貼文
As promise!
In conjunction of Malaysia's 2nd National Eczema Awareness Month (NEZAM 2015). My blog is collaborating with Atopiclair to educate every parents out there to have more info on how to treat Excema. Which is why we are giving away 1 unit of “My Eczema Action Plan” worth RM 252
In the action plan kit you will get
1) 1 unit of Atopiclair Lotion 120ml RM78
2) 3 unit of Atopiclair Cream 40ml RM58
ATOPICLAIR® is a steroid-free, paraben-free and scent-free emollient cream available in pharmacies, either by prescription or over the counter.
ATOPICLAIR® is a class IIa medical device indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in adults and children over the age of 6 months.
ATOPICLAIR® possesses a threefold action against atopic dermatitis: it soothes itching rapidly,it restores the skin barrier function, in particular by moisturizing the skin it protects the skin and avoids the appearance of new episodes.
ATOPICLAIR® was tested in monotherapy treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in adults, children and infants aged 6 months and over. It was well-tolerated during these trials.
ATOPICLAIR® contains neither paraben nor scent.
ATOPICLAIR® can be used alone during remission phases, or in combination with dermocorticoids during inflammatory episodes. Ask your physician or pharmacist for advice
In return,
1) The brand would like to know the effectiveness of the product work on the winner.
2) A photo of mum/dad with child and *Menarini reserves the right to use the testimonial and photo given.
If you would would like to be join this, all you need to do is answer in the comment section below on “why you would like to try out Atopiclair”
For more info about the product do check out : http://www.atopiclair.com/
**The answer with the most like by 12am 5th June 2015, will be the winner. I will contact the winner within 7 days and new winner will be picked if no response from the earlier winner within the stipulated time period. Thank you and good luck!
medical device class 2 在 What's the Difference Between a Class I and Class II Medical ... 的相關結果
Class I devices present minimal harm to the patient and are generally simple in design. Class II devices, while typically non-invasive, pose a ... ... <看更多>
medical device class 2 在 FDA Medical Device Classes: Differences and Examples 的相關結果
The FDA defines Class II devices as “devices for which general controls are insufficient to provide reasonable assurance of the safety and ... ... <看更多>
medical device class 2 在 Classify Your Medical Device | FDA 的相關結果
Medical devices are assigned to one of three regulatory classes based on the ... The three classes are: Class I (General Controls), Class II ... ... <看更多>