- throwaway society: xã hội mà trong đó người ta sử dụng đồ đạc trong một thời gian ngắn sau đó vứt chúng đi, mua thứ đồ mới
vpurchase the latest version of things: mua phiên bản mới nhất
- encourage somebody to do something: khuyến khích ai đó làm gì
- to be in good condition and perfectly functional: trong tình trạng tốt và các chức năng hoạt động tốt
- overconsumption = excessive consumption: việc tiêu thụ quá mức
- overproduction = excessive production: việc sản xuất quá mức
- long-lived products = durable products = products that are made to last for a long period of time: những sản phẩm có tuổi thọ dài
- short-lived products = non-durable products = products that are made to last for a short period of time: những sản phẩm có tuổi thọ ngắn
- repurchase = buy again: mua lại
- repeat customers: những khách hàng sẽ mua hàng lại ở cửa hàng họ đã mua
- make a dent in your finance: làm giảm số tiền bạn đang có
- higher profit margins for manufacturers: lợi nhuận biên lớn hơn cho các nhà sản xuất
- tempt customers into buying the latest, novelty items: thu hút khách hàng mua những sản phẩm mới nhất
- disposable products: những sản phẩm dùng 1 lần rồi vứt đi
- solid waste generation rates: tỷ lệ thải ra chất thải rắn
- environmental degradation: sự suy khóa môi trường
- contaminate soil and water: làm ô nhiễm đất và nước
- increase consumer spending: tăng chi tiêu của khách hàng
- bad spending habits: thói quen tiêu xài xấu
- leftover food: đồ ăn thừa
- a new version with more features: phiên bản mới với nhiều tính năng hơn
- have a negative/detrimental/harmful effect on: có ảnh hưởng có hại lên...
- buy things that you do not really need: mua những thứ mà bạn không thực sự cần
- a waste of money: một sự lãng phí tiền của
- buy new things to relieve stress or anxiety: mua đồ mới để giải tỏa căng thẳng và lo âu
- overspend = spend beyond one's income: chi tiêu quá mức
- huge amounts of toxic waste: 1 lượng khổng lồ chất thải
- to be discharged into the environment: bị thải ra môi trường
- encourage people to reuse and recycle more: khuyến khích người dân tái chế và tái sử dụng nhiều hơn.
- get into serious debt: bị mắc nợ nghiêm trọng
These days people in some countries are living in a “throwaway” society which means people use things in a short time then throw them away. What are its causes and what impacts can it have?
Dịch đề: Ngày nay người dân ở một số quốc gia đang sống trong một “xã hội bỏ đi” nghĩa là người ta sử dụng đồ đạc trong một thời gian ngắn sau đó vứt chúng đi. Nguyên nhân và ảnh hưởng mà xã hội này gây ra?
The topic of “throwaway society” has been discussed in recent years. In this society, people tend to throw away their old items regardless of whether or not they still work and purchase the latest version of things. This essay will look at some primary reasons for this phenomenon and the adverse impacts that it could have on individuals and the environment.
There are several causes of the throwaway society and I think advertising could be the first culprit. Advertisements encourage people to purchase goods and services that they do not really need by delivering a message that possessing the latest version of an item could improve a person’s self-image, confidence and even social status. For example, many of today’s teenagers spend nearly $1,500 buying iPhone X to show that they are wealthy and fashionable even though their old phones are still in good condition and perfectly functional. Another cause is mass production of non-durable goods which are often used once and thrown away. These products are much cheaper and more convenient than durable ones, hence, attract a large number of customers.
Individuals living in the throwaway society could suffer a great deal. They could easily get into serious debt if they get into the habit of buying the latest, novelty items. Many teens are being burdened with thousands of dollars in credit card debt for their unnecessary purchases, which could lead to depression and anxiety. Environmental degradation is another problem facing the throwaway society. Due to excessive production of disposable goods, huge amounts of hazardous waste are being discharged into the environment, which directly contaminates soil and water.
In conclusion, there are various factors leading to the advent of our throwaway society and increasing consumer debt and environmental damage are the two major problems which result from this society.
(299 words, written by Nguyen Huyen)
PHẦN VÍ DỤ: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-throwaway-society-dich-tu-chi-tiet/
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#AOPEN #建碁
▲ 機器人能幫著賺錢、省錢、提高生產力,也助人們回歸人性
這樣的機器人未必具備人類外形。工業機器人就是在黑暗廠房(例如富士康最先進的廠房)或者配備了智能升降機倉庫里(例如我們投資的開源機器人Dorabot)從事勞務的機器;商用機器人的形式和用途就更多樣了:它們也許就是一排攝像頭(例如曠視科技的產品),或者是一家自動商店(例如F5未來商店)。自動駕駛車將有車的外形——除了那種低速貨運、功能固定的運輸工具,例如機場鋪設的自動車道,或者從停車場到商店、主題公園的運輸設備(例如UISEE馭勢科技);消費機器人也許會像一個揚聲器(例如亞馬遜的Echo)、一台電視機、一台吸塵器(例如Roomba)、一個教學玩具(例如奇幻工房的Dash Bot)或者一台用於家庭聯繫的平板電腦(例如小魚在家)。
Robots should make money, save money, increase productivity, or deliver entertainment—and let humans be human
Robots should make money, save money, increase productivity, or deliver entertainment—and let humans be human
The age of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics is upon us, but the current fad of emotional humanoid robots is not headed in the right direction.
First, let’s understand what robotics are based on:
AI algorithms which are very good at optimization of explicitly defined goals (but cannot create, and have no feelings)
Mechanical control which advances much slower than AI software algorithms
Sensors which are rapidly improving but are often still too expensive, too large, or too power-hungry
Given the above, it is ludicrous to think that human-like robots will roam our homes any time soon. When a robot looks like a person, talks like a person, and has features like a person, home users will have unattainable human-capability expectations. The disappointment alone will doom any company hoping to bring science fiction to the living room in the next decade, not to mention the price-sensitivity for consumer markets.
Robotics must begin with utilitarianism in mind—robots should make money, save money, increase productivity, or deliver entertainment. There will be industrial robots that build other robots in high-volume, manufactured with today’s technologies. There will be commercial robots that deliver economic value (such as replacing security, receptionists, and drivers). There will be consumer robots that mimic today’s appliances and toys, requiring no consumer education, and causing no human-capability expectation.
These robots won't look like a person. The industrial robot is a giant factory run in the dark by machines (like at Foxconn’s most advanced factories), or a warehouse with smart forklifts (like our investment Dorabot). The commercial robot comes in various forms and applications. It might look like an array of cameras (like our investment Megvii) or an automated store (like our investment F5 Future Store). The autonomous vehicle will look like a car, except will be first deployed in low-speed, freight, or fixed-function transport—such as in airport autonomous car-only lanes, or in transport from parking garages to shopping malls/theme parks (like our investment UISee). And the consumer robot may look like a speaker (like the Amazon Echo), a TV, a vacuum cleaner (like Roomba), an educational toy (like our investment Wonder Workshop Dash Bot), or a pad-on-steroids for family communications (like our investment Ainemo).
Will AI capabilities increase over time? Of course. Speech recognition will get better, computer vision will improve, SLAM will be improved to help the robot move around fluidly, and the robot will be able to translate languages, or have a dialog within limited domains. The robot may be able to read some of our emotions, or mimic certain human emotions. But this mimicking will go from laughable and entertaining to occasionally acceptable—and generally not genuine. For decades to come, robots by themselves will be unable to learn common sense reasoning, creativity, or planning. They also won't possess the self-awareness, feelings, and desires that humans do. This type of “general AI” does not exists, and there are no known engineering algorithms for it. I don’t expect to see those algorithms for decades, if ever.
Trying to make robots human-like is a natural temptation for robotics and AI scientists, and predicting humanoid robots comes naturally to science fiction writers. But we humans simply think differently from AI. We create and AI optimizes. We love and AI is stoic. We have common sense and AI learns patterns from big data in a singular domain. Simply stated, we are good at what AI is not, and AI is good at what we are not.
In the future, the human edge will be in creativity and social interaction. Therefore, we need to focus robotics development toward what they’re good at: repetitive tasks, optimization, and utilitarian value creation. We should also let people do what they’re good at: innovation, creation, human-to-human interaction, and performing services.
I am an advocate of making utilitarian robots, and encouraging people to go into service jobs. I am not an advocate of making humanoid service robots—it is too hard today, and will not meet people’s expectations; therefore they will likely fail. Whether or not my analysis is correct, we need to be reminded that in the next decade AI will replace a massive number of manual-labor, repetitive, and analytical jobs. We have a human responsibility to help create societal service jobs—not dream or plan a society in which all jobs come with a sign “humans need not apply.”