Frenectomy can look scary right? ?
But in dentistry, labial (“upper lip”) frenum is often reduced to a certain level, because a low labial frenum attachment can cause Median Diastema (Space in between your front teeth). It can also lead to gum diseases (gingivitis) if the position of frenum is so near to the gums and is in the way where your toothbrush should be.
Even if you’ve got your braces done, the chance of Median Diastema relapse is high with a low maxillary frenum attachment. This means that your teeth are “returning back” to their old position before braces, or in this case, the spacing in between the front teeth “comes back” again!
This is because the frenum is constantly “pulling” the tissue in between your teeth when you engage it, for example, when you smile.
A frenectomy is able to help reshape your frenum up to the proper level, thus eliminating the chances of orthodontic relapse and gum diseases. ?