1. 嚇得我丫,以為全部接摺埋,變大灣區航空。
2. 我明白起題嘅嘢要搶要簡,但你話唔係呃收視我真係唔多信。正常人睇到都會覺得係摺埋倫敦,紐約同華盛頓。(1950 edit:睇真啲,人地有寫select airport,明顯係我問題)
3. 原來只係摺埋Gatwick(但飛Heathrow),摺埋Newark(但有JFK).
4. 不過另外仲有馬爾代夫就全摺。同埋有一期因航搞過Brussels,Dublin而家都摺。我記得呢兩度係同一期開的,仲有Düsseldorf(*),埃汾至愛 – 我以為唔摺,原來係一早死咗。嗰時我都諗,「有乜人坐?」。咁但人地開得總評估過嘅,Düsseldorf商務客去展覽喎,Dublin就歐洲科企之都喎。Brussels?「歐洲總部掛」。或者去食薯條食青口,唔通去睇原子塔咩(**)
5. (又我當然真係飛過Düsseldorf,但係由倫敦飛。但睇返相先發現嗰次根本係香港出發倫敦轉機。唔知時間唔啱定貴定乜,總之係寧願轉機都冇坐國泰直航,定嗰時根本未有?睇返應該國泰剛剛開)
6. 拿,正題已講完,剩低嗰啲全部離題兼冇公共性,不過經驗都係呢堆嘢先多人睇。
7. Gatwick嚟講,我當然坐過。第一次去德國就係Gatwick飛不來梅,夠晒偏門,應該唔係好多人知道不來梅有個機場,仲要飛國際線,而明明漢堡就隔離。
8. 而雖然都講過,但重複講多次。我年代,倫敦有5個國際機場(係5個機場,唔係Heathrow 5個Terminal),當年未有Southend.而呢5個機場,我居然坐過4個,都係個創舉,可惜當年冇貪得意去埋Luton坐Easy Jet.
9. 咁,Heathrow不用講,Gatwick樓上講咗。仲有窮撚英國學生必定識嘅Stansted,老年咁遠,但廉航集中地。我嗰時啲鬼仔同學直頭早一晚坐巴士入去機場訓。Luton冇坐過
10. 仲有一個係乜?就堅咯,就係City Airport.當年仲在耆英證券,有trip出,做Roadshow,巡迴演唱會。咁同埋個跟歐洲客嘅英國鬼佬同事。黃昏完成倫敦站,即時就入機場,飛……慕尼黑(安聯嘛)。你知啲德國佬忽忽地的,8:00 (定7:30?)meeting,朝早啦,去到佢office喎。真係當年後生先頂得順。
11. 咁因為咁安排,自然就夜晚飛去慕尼黑。而安排嘅同事當然亦都有common sense,唔會飛Heathrow(固然可以坐Heathrow Express,但都會搞你好耐),就飛London City Airport
12. 然後點?然後梗係出事。居然係我一個香港朋友話我知,「老細,你班機cancel咗喎」—應該係多得我乜都打卡擺上網,佢發現我坐佢公司班機。
13. 咁但,去到一半啦,唔通即時改Heathrow咩。結果都係入咗機場,當然係取消咗(唔通會翻生咩)。航空公司話可以安排你去Gatwick坐,我同事(梗係以夷制夷)梗係唔制。最後點?理論一輪,變咗坐尾班機,半夜十二點。我幾懷疑係佢唔夠客兩班客煮埋一碗水。「拿坐啲細機場就有呢種風險」
14. 最後?咪同呀鬼佬吹足成晚(水)。食劣食(英國人嘛,仲要機場)。由1997講起咁咯。
15. 然後?然後幸好冇delay,咪去到慕尼黑去到酒店都半夜兩點—然後第二朝8點定7點半會(德國人嘛)。都唔記得講,客個office仲要在慕尼黑外圍(而我唔知慕尼黑有乜外圍,新天鵝堡?條友做國王的?)。所以好似6點鐘就叫床,呼。勁?未算。之後搞完呢件King Ludwig,再踩入機場,飛法蘭克福!德意志銀行喎(好似)。然後即晚返咗倫敦。真係訓醒唔記得自己在邊。
16. 咁呢啲出trip嘅日子,就係廢老回憶啦。雖則累同忙,但亦十分過癮。最重要係當年體力仲支持到。仲有得坐長途商務,空姐啲面口都唔同啲,我擺隻勞蘇在位同佢影相空姐都仲話好得意,而唔係仆街變態怪叔叔咪阻住阿姐開工,就算講都只係心中講。最重要係啲miles落自己袋(聽聞而家啲公司唔得了)—我飛嗰一次 倫敦-香港商務,已經夠分上銀波蘿。都自high咗幾日。
(*)我懷疑除咗某啲行業嘅人,有幾多人識Düsseldorf。當年學德文(在香港啦),本Themen Neu第一課就講Düsseldorf ist international,證明德國人同個世界果然脫節。雖然又不能話錯,Düsseldorf真係多外國人,特別係日本人。另外,Düsseldorf另一景點當然係Esprit旗艦店!我去過!真係去過!Esprit開撚到愛沙尼亞呀,幾勁。又講真,我係相當鍾意Düsseldorf的。有人問有乜嘢睇?就係冇嘢睇(當然你可以去Esprit旗艦店)。就係貪佢冇乜嘢睇。佢係一個大城市,但冇旅遊景點,變咗啲配套好,但又唔會太多人,十分舒服的。而當年我去係…….睇歐聯。Düsseldorf都踢歐聯?冇。但隔離嗰隊有。咁總冇理由去慕遜加柏住下話(但最後,我真係走去住咗晚)。
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Instagram @ivanliresearch.七成金融(短打)兩成嘢食一成其他嘢。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅Something Shelley,也在其Youtube影片中提到,✨請點開資訊欄 ✨ ✔️FAQ 👉🏻VLOG相機:Canon G7X Mark ii 👉🏻室內相機:Canon Rebel T6i with EF-S 18-55mm 👉🏻腳架:Joby Gorillapod 1K 👉🏻剪接軟體:FCPX 👉🏻Ring Light:Neewer 18" on Am...
jfk terminal 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最讚貼文
今天去JFK送機,抽空去Terminal 5的TWA Hotel看看。整個旅館的航站大廳幾乎沒有人煙,只有非常零星的住客和工作人員。在50年代爵士樂聲下,充滿未來感的建築實在太美,卻也散發出空曠的落寞。
jfk terminal 在 許文昌 Man-cheong Facebook 的精選貼文
Of course there are celebrities, who have demands. Every time a certain action star is back, the team knows he won’t leave until he’s eaten three specially prepared hamburgers. A former Charlie’s Angel used to get so cranky waiting for her Red Bull, it’s now always available where she can grab it. Most—but not all—of these requests are catered to within private rooms nested like Russian dolls inside the lounges.
The most VIP way through LAX isn’t at LAX at all, but via a separate terminal on the far side of the runway. The Private Suite is a members-only club that costs $4,500 per year, plus a minimum of $2,700 per flight. (An offshoot is in the works at JFK.) If that’s your thing, it’s a good deal: Each stay includes $2,000 in minibar amenities, plus massages, manicures, haircuts, and car service straight to the aircraft. And yet, the average member spends one measly hour in their personal suite.
That’s because the biggest value proposition is time saved—security here is a car-door-to-plane-door affair, much like flying private. And since the whole operation is pre-TSA, passengers can get delivery service from Nobu or a one-on-one session with their personal tailor.
So who buys in? About 50% of the members are business execs; the others are celebs escaping the paparazzi. Meghan Markle’s mom used the facility en route to the royal wedding, and Jamie Foxx is a fan, too.
At least some of that inflation is due to the high costs of operating in an airport. Consider the limited storage space and that all goods need to fit through security, which means retailers can’t buy in bulk. Add the high cost of labor—airport employees get compensated for parking, as well as a daily hour of extra commuting time I personally endured to and from the off-site employee lot—and the $6 bottle of water starts to make more sense. But even with all those added costs, most franchises report that their LAX outposts are their brand’s most profitable locations.
jfk terminal 在 Something Shelley Youtube 的精選貼文
✨請點開資訊欄 ✨
👉🏻VLOG相機:Canon G7X Mark ii
👉🏻室內相機:Canon Rebel T6i with EF-S 18-55mm
👉🏻腳架:Joby Gorillapod 1K
👉🏻Ring Light:Neewer 18" on Amazon
The Peach Box(影片中戴的澳洲飾品品牌)
Discount Code「somethingshelley」for 15% OFF
Day 1
6:30AM 抵達JFK
Arlo Nomad 飯店(地點位於Midtown非常方便,空間不大但足夠,整體還算不錯,下次願意再住)
Jack's Wife Freda早午餐(比較健康不油膩的餐點,吃完很舒適,只是排隊時間較長所以要預留時間排隊)
Boba Guys (個人不推薦😂)
Lombardi's Pizza (普通)
Acne Studios毛帽
Day 2
自由女神(Bowling Green Station)
華爾街 - Charging Bull
Luke's Lobster (龍蝦三明治 - 還不錯,麵包好吃)
Brooklyn Bridge
Dumbo (拍照聖地)
Williamsburgh Bedford South逛街
Peter Luger 聽說會有一段時間專門開放打電話訂位的,記得提早兩個星期左右訂位
Salt + Charcoal (好吃!)
Mr. Purple Bar(有夜景)
Speak Easy Bar - Attaboy (調酒非常好喝,很有特色!大推~~)
Pocha 32 韓國料理
Day 3
Sobaya (海膽蕎麥麵 - 好吃~~~麵很Q彈)
Cha An Teahouse(日式甜點)
Kung Fu Tea功伕茶(比Boba Guys好喝)
Lady M (吃起來跟台灣一樣~我喜歡 不會覺得太奶油太膩)
Grand Central Terminal中央車站(Gossip Girl經典場景必去)
Empire State Building看紐約夜景(還不錯但非常冷,票價也不便宜,可去可不去看個人)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/somethingshelley/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/somethingshelley/
Sigma Beauty https://www.sigmabeauty.com/
Daniel Wellington https://www.danielwellington.com/tw/
15 % OFF : SHELLEYLIN (至九月底)
💌Business Inquiries:
FTC: This video is PARTIALLY sponsored by The Peach Box! Some of the links and codes are affiliated but everything is based on my honest opinion!

jfk terminal 在 Walking John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
JFK Airport Terminal 7 is a passenger terminal located at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. Formerly, the terminal was ... ... <看更多>