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Opinion|The Police is duty-bound to enforce the law resolutely
HK Current
2020.10.06 11:05
By Athena Kung
According to the statement made by the US Department of State on 3rd of October 2020 (local time), the arrests made by the Hong Kong Police on 1st of October 2020 were criticized by the Department as malicious ones. It has been alleged by the US Department of State that the Hong Kong Police merely enforces the law for the aim of achieving political goals, which amounts to serious violation of Hong Kong's rule of law and thus strongly attack individual's human rights as well as Hong Kong people's freedom of expression, procession and assembly. The Central Government was commented by the US Department of State as being given up the undertaking of "One country, Two systems" completely. Obviously, such allegations against both the Central Government and HKSAR made by US Government were very serious. To examine whether such comments were fair ones, we have to carefully consider if the allegations really have any valid legal basis or foundation.
According to both the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, Cap. 383, Laws of Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as "the BORO“) and and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (hereinafter referred to as the "ICCPR "), the freedoms of expression, procession and assembly were not absolute, and might be subject to restrictions as prescribed by law. Article 16 and 17 of the BORO relates to the freedom of opinion and expression and right of peaceful assembly which can be enjoyed by Hong Kong people:
"Article 16
Freedom of opinion and expression
(1) Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
(2) Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
(3) The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph (2) of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary—
(a) for respect of the rights or reputations of others; or
(b) for the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
[cf. ICCPR Art. 19]
Article 17
Right of peaceful assembly
The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
[cf. ICCPR Art. 21]"
Thus, freedom of expression, procession and assembly in Hong Kong are not absolute. On the other hand, such rights are subject to restrictions as prescribed by law in the interests of public order, public safety and the interests of others, and so on.
Besides, Section 10(a) to (e) of the Police Force Ordinance, Cap 232, Laws of Hong Kong has clearly stated inter alia that:
"10. The duties of the police force shall be to take lawful measures for—
(a) preserving the public peace;
(b) preventing and detecting crimes and offences;
(c) preventing injury to life and property;
(d) apprehending all persons whom it is lawful to apprehend and for whose apprehension sufficient grounds exists;
(e) regulating processions and assemblies in public places or places of public resort;
What has really occurred in Hong Kong in various districts on 1st of October 2020?
(1) At around 1400 hours, a group of people gathered and yelled along Great George Street in Causeway Bay, which might have constituted offences related to unauthorised assemblies under the Public Order Ordinance, Cap 245, Laws of Hong Kong and offences related to prohibited group gatherings under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation, Cap 599G, Laws of Hong Kong. Even though the Police had given multiple warnings at the scene and raised the blue flag requesting participants to leave the scene, at around 1500 hours, a large group of protesters still remained at the same place. Some of them even commenced to chant the slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” over and over again. Thus, they were suspected of inciting or abetting others to commit acts of secession, which might constitute relevant offences under the HKSAR National Security Law. Afterwards, some protesters even spilled onto the road and breached public peace.
(2) At around 1500 hours, 2 men in the vicinity of Tin Ma Court in Wong Tai Sin hurled some petrol bombs and large objects at Lung Cheung Road. Having attended the scene, the police noticed that traces of the road being charred, as well as fences and traffic cones left on it. After investigation, the Police found that even though a large amount of vehicles were travelling along the road at the time of the incident, fortunately, no vehicle was hit by the petrol bombs and objects successfully. In any event, the rioters’ such heinous acts had severely endangered road users and breached public peace.
(3) The Police intercepted a man at Stewart Road in Wanchai at about 1600 hours and found him in possession of a foldable sharp knife which was at the same size of a business card. The 23-year-old man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon, as there stood a strong likelihood that he might intend to use the said item to injure members of the public or police officers.
(4) At around 1500 hours, the Police set up a roadblock along a section of the Tuen Mun Road near Summit Terrace in Tsuen Wan to intercept suspicious vehicles, and found extendable sticks, a helmet, face masks and a large amount of promotional leaflets inside a private car with an expired vehicle licence. Some of the leaflets contained slogans suspected of calling for “Hong Kong independence” written on them. The 35-year-old male driver of the car was arrested on suspicion of various offences including “Possession of Instrument Fit for Unlawful Purpose”, “Driving an Unlicenced Vehicle” and “Driving Without Third Party Insurance”.
(5) At around 1630 hours, the Police stopped and searched a man in the vicinity of Tonnochy Road and Lockhart Road in Causeway Bay, and found items including a cutter, a spanner, plastic straps and a pair of gloves in his backpack. The 20-year-old man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of possession of offensive weapons.
(6) After nightfall, protesters continued to gather in different districts. To ensure public safety, the Police have enforced the law resolutely according to the situations arising in different districts. At 2200 hours, not less than 86 persons have been arrested in multiple districts. Among them, 74 persons including four District Councillors were arrested on suspicion of taking part in unauthorised assemblies in Causeway Bay, while the rest were arrested on suspicion of committing offences including possession of offensive weapon, failing to produce proof of identity, possession of forged identity card, disorderly conduct in a public place and driving an unlicenced vehicle. Besides, 20 persons were given fixed penalty notices for suspectedly breaching the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation.
Actually, the Police is duty-bound to enforce the law resolutely. On the facts, all arrests taken place on 1st of October 2020 were absolutely lawful and necessary to maintain law and order in the society and protect the life and property of all Hong Kong residents. Undoubtedly, the US officials have all along been adopting "double standards" in expressing utterly irresponsible remarks on law enforcement actions in the HKSAR. Everyone is equal before the law. So long as there is evidence supporting that someone has violated the law, no matter what his or her status or background is, he or she must face the legal consequence. Being a law enforcement agency, the Police must take action whenever they come across any unlawful acts in strict accordance with the laws in force. All cases must be handled in a fair, just and impartial manner by the Police in accordance with the law, which is the only and real reason as to why the Police arrested the 86 odd people on 1st of October 2020. To conclude, all criticizms made by the US towards the Hong Kong Police, HKSAR Government and Central Government were all unfair without any legal or concrete support at all.
It appears that the US government has always been refusing to accept the truth that the HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the PRC") and a local administrative region which enjoys a high degree of autonomy, as contrary to absolute autonomy, and comes directly under the Central People's Government. Hong Kong affairs are internal matters of the PRC. The system in Hong Kong is not "Two countries, Two systems". Hong Kong will never be an independent country with a pro-American government formed by the Opposition Camp in Hong Kong. Any foreign governments like the US must at once stop scaremongering and interfering in any form in Hong Kong's affairs. The "Colour Revolution" promoted by the US in Hong Kong should be terminated in no time.
The author is Barrister-at-law.
The views don't necessarily reflect those of Orange News.
責編: CK Li
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到, マッハでMT中です、 ありがとう、 Kawasaki ninja 250R is the motorcycle which Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it f...
「in conformity with」的推薦目錄:
in conformity with 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的最佳貼文
I was an obedient daughter throughout childhood and middle school. In high school, I became a rebel. I told myself I would never live my parents’ life.
But a rebellion against what your parents want will only give you the opposite of it, not what you really want. Rebellion is conformity in the mirror.
You need to choose your path without reference to anything but what’s inside your heart. ✨
Your heart speaks to you in gentle whispers, you need to be quiet to hear it. This means to step away from the noise of the world, and to quiet your chattering mind.
When I was 24, I finally knew to ask myself:
“If I were the only living person on earth. What would I want to do with my life?”
The answer came quietly in my heart: “Write”. Hearing that whisper was my first step to come back home to who I truly am and the life I truly want. 💛
Your heart is the perfect human's instinct that never lies to your deepest desire, I suggest you follow its compass to where it leads you, and it's never too late to take a full new step ahead. 🙏
Read my recent blog post on the 3 things that I wish someone told me during my 20s here 👉
in conformity with 在 李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan Facebook 的最讚貼文
(支聯會2020年8月19日聲明 Statement by Hong Kong Alliance, 19 August 2020 )
以齡記出版的《高中新世紀通識:現代中國》為例,原版列出「維權運動」的原因時,提及當局「認為維權運動造成社會動盪,因此我們大多以打壓的方式處理,例如拘禁維權人士、封鎖網上相關言論等…」,修訂後改為「維權運動可能造成社會動盪,民眾應以理性的方式和我們反映問題及表達不滿,例如通過國家信訪局網站作出申訴…」。 可是事實上,上訪者多遭遇截訪、關押甚至酷刑,受屈者即使循司法程序尋求公義,亦經常遭到有關當局的滋擾和逼迫,造成更大和更多的冤案,如此的修訂資料無疑是文過飾非,為當局的惡行塗脂抹粉。
該書在修訂「六四事件」資料時的手法同樣拙劣不堪。 原版提及觸發事件的「貪污問題」和「官倒現象」等起因,以及過程中的「軍隊清場」和「武力鎮壓」等解說如今完全被刪除,甚至「六四事件」字眼也被抹掉,修改為「造成民眾普遍不滿,更削弱政府管治效能,威脅中國社會穩定」云云,閃爍其詞,簡直完全抹煞事件始末的客觀和準確陳述。這樣的修訂手法不僅是偏向性混淆事實,更有意掩飾,不惜篡改真相,將血跡斑斑的「六四」屠殺慘劇,避重就輕的寫成維穩篇章,其政治意圖昭然若揭,卻是有違教育專業原則。
須知歷史教學是認識和探究的學習過程,有關教學材料的整理、編製和鋪陳須持平公正,盡量展示和引述正反兩方面資料,從而引導學生以多角度討論、思考和判斷。 歷史教學並不是政治宣傳,而歷史教材因此絕對不是以「政治正確」掛帥,經修改以凸顯黨國政策和正面形象。 極權國家慣常以操控的教育手段「修改」歷史,從而「捏塑」人民的歷史記憶,「箝制」人民的思想,以配合其管治策略。 香港人,特別是香港教育界,必須有所警覺。
為此,支聯會抗議教育局的審核教科書機制淪為政治審查工具,並強烈譴責掩飾真相的歷史教材修訂。 歷史絕對不容當權者肆意抹煞,支聯會當前運作的「六四紀念館」,以及籌建中的網上「六四記憶。人權博物館」,正是要好好保存有關的寶貴和真確歷史資料,讓史實和記憶傳承下去。
(Statement by Hong Kong Alliance, 19 August 2020)
Hong Kong Alliance strongly condemns the Education Bureau for distorting history
Stop erasing the truth of the Tiananmen Massacre
Media have reported that after Liberal Studies textbooks were sent to the Education Bureau for review through a ‘voluntary submission scheme’, publishers have cooperated with the so-called ‘optimization comments’ policy, downplaying, whitewashing, distorting, and even deleting many teaching materials deemed ‘sensitive’ in the Modern China unit, including the ‘human rights movement’ and ‘June 4 incident’.
For example, take ‘High School New Century Liberal Studies: Modern China’ published by Ling Kee. The original version says the authorities ‘believe the human rights movement has caused social unrest, so they mostly deal with it in repressive ways such as detaining human rights defenders, blocking relevant online comments, etc’. This was revised to ‘[the] human rights movement might cause social unrest. [The] public should report problems and express dissatisfaction with [the authorities] in a rational manner, for example, by making a complaint through the website of the National Public Complaints and Proposals Administration…’ However in reality, petitioners are often intercepted, imprisoned and even tortured. Even if the aggrieved seek justice through judicial procedures, they are often harassed and persecuted by the relevant authorities, resulting in more injustice. Such revised information is undoubtedly a whitewash to cover up the authorities' evil deeds.
Revisions of information pertaining to the ‘June 4th incident’ in the book are also problematic. While the original version gave ‘corruption’ and ‘official profiteering’ as triggers of mass protests in 1989 and made reference to ‘clearance by the army’ and ‘suppression by force’, this has all been deleted in the revision. Even the words ‘June 4th incident’ have been erased. Instead, the proests are described as having ‘caused public dissatisfaction, weakened governance effectiveness, and threatened the stability of Chinese society’, which is evasive and completely obliterates the objective and accurate account of the incident. Such revisions are not only biased, obscuring the facts, but they even try to conceal and distort the truth. The blood-stained tragedy of Tiananmen Massacre becomes a chapter on stability maintenance. The political intentions are obvious. They violate the principles of education.
It is important to note that history teaching is a learning process of recognition and inquiry. The collation, compilation and presentation of teaching materials should be balanced and fair, presenting and citing both pros and cons, so as to guide students to discuss, think and judge for themselves from multiple perspectives. History teaching is not political propaganda. History textbooks should therefore definitely not be modified to highlight party-state policy and improve its image. Totalitarian countries often use control over education as a means to ‘modify’ history, thereby molding people's historical memory and suppressing people's thinking in conformity with their governance strategy. Hong Kong people, especially the Hong Kong education sector, must be vigilant.
Therefore, Hong Kong Alliance protests that the Education Bureau’s textbook review mechanism has become a tool for political vetting, and strongly condemns revisions of history textbooks that conceal the truth. History must not be arbitrarily erased by those in power. The goals of the currently operating June 4 Museum and Online Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Museum under development by Hong Kong Alliance are precisely to preserve the relevant precious and true historical materials so that historical facts and memories can be preserved and passed on.
#教育局 #政治審查 #歷史 #六四真相 #六四屠殺 #通識科 #篡改歷史 #六四紀念館 #六四記憶人權博物館
in conformity with 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Kawasaki ninja 250R is the motorcycle which Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it from April, 2008 and sells. I describe it with Ninja 250R in the text as follows.
The engine put on summary Ninja 250R is four two water-cooled stroke parallel cylinder DOHC of 248cc, and basic design is the series having a long of the breath to continue from GPX250R or ZZR250 ceaselessly, but the improvement crosses cylinder head circumference or カムチェーンテンショナ very much in the many divergences. It is fuel injection for the carburetor to have become the one of the biggest changes from an old model(FI) It is の adoption. Similarly some says that rather it is easy to have come to treat the output value and the torque of the engine by benefits newly-designed, to depend such as the improvement of the throttle response by the FI deployment or the optimization of the gear ratio for influence by carried catalyzer or the conformity to the noise regulation that will become severer in future although it is inferior *NONIF than ZZR250 equipped with an engine of the affiliation line because I support an emission control.
The Kawasaki eliminator (ELIMINATOR) is a motorcycle Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it, and to sell. The name is still a meaning called "the thing to remove".
It is the machine that it is different from a conventional cruiser, and it was developed a drag racer in a concept while other companies adopt the style that resembled a cruiser made in Harley davit loss company.
This drug style is inherited in V-MAX of Yamaha to appear later, X4 of Honda.
ELIMINATOR250 was released in 1987. As for the design, a high rank is similar, and the engine misappropriates two parallel cylinders of GPX250R.
View L(Buell) It is the brand of a motorcycle produced in は, the United States of America.
GSF1200 was released in 1995. It is the vehicle which did depth of the torque of the low rotary level for selling and is equipped with a strong engine showing the greatest torque at 4,000 rounds per minute. It was exported by a car name of Bandit1200 abroad. I receive a model change again in 2000, and, across lightning 1200 released as a model change in the country, it will be released as bandit 1200. In addition, there are the half cowl specifications of model number "S" together, too. In addition, in GSF1200S, there was the rare ABS deployment car model to a two-wheeled vehicle in those days.
Yamaha / YZF-R1 (Y Z F - are one) is a large-sized motorcycle of four article for export markets stroke 998cc that Yamaha Motor released in 1998 (a motorcycle).
A concept
It was released as the super sports model who became the opposition car model of Honda / CBR900RR in 1998.
Really newly-designed, an engine and the frame were developed to plan differentiation with FZR1000 and the YZF1000R sander ace, and, since FZR1000, a handstand front fork was adopted after a long absence by a liter model of Yamaha. The engine output of the best class, a sharp design became the topic to weight at the same level as a medium-sized car in those days, and it was it with the instigator of the super sports boom.
In addition, the improvement that it is influence, and the CBR900RR series that was a monumental achievement as the super sports machine (the following SS and abbreviation) so far is large of this vehicle will be demanded, and GSX-R1000 which it is improved, and is a boa up version of GSX-R750 from the sea bass which gave a shock in first generation GSX-R will be born, and the companies stimulate it, and ZX-9R will enter into SS from sports tourer from Kawasaki for the SS age of civil strife to still continue.

in conformity with 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2008 カワサキ ニンジャNinja 250R スズキバンデット1200S カワサキエルミネーター ヤマハ YZF-R1 ビューエル
ELIMINATOR250V Buell Bandit1200S
Kawasaki ninja 250R is the motorcycle which Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it from April, 2008 and sells. I describe it with Ninja 250R in the text as follows.
The engine put on summary Ninja 250R is four two water-cooled stroke parallel cylinder DOHC of 248cc, and basic design is the series having a long of the breath to continue from GPX250R or ZZR250 ceaselessly, but the improvement crosses cylinder head circumference or カムチェーンテンショナ very much in the many divergences. It is fuel injection for the carburetor to have become the one of the biggest changes from an old model(FI) It is の adoption. Similarly some says that rather it is easy to have come to treat the output value and the torque of the engine by benefits newly-designed, to depend such as the improvement of the throttle response by the FI deployment or the optimization of the gear ratio for influence by carried catalyzer or the conformity to the noise regulation that will become severer in future although it is inferior *NONIF than ZZR250 equipped with an engine of the affiliation line because I support an emission control.
The Kawasaki eliminator (ELIMINATOR) is a motorcycle Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it, and to sell. The name is still a meaning called "the thing to remove".
It is the machine that it is different from a conventional cruiser, and it was developed a drag racer in a concept while other companies adopt the style that resembled a cruiser made in Harley davit loss company.
This drug style is inherited in V-MAX of Yamaha to appear later, X4 of Honda.
ELIMINATOR250 was released in 1987. As for the design, a high rank is similar, and the engine misappropriates two parallel cylinders of GPX250R.
View L(Buell) It is the brand of a motorcycle produced in は, the United States of America.
GSF1200 was released in 1995. It is the vehicle which did depth of the torque of the low rotary level for selling and is equipped with a strong engine showing the greatest torque at 4,000 rounds per minute. It was exported by a car name of Bandit1200 abroad. I receive a model change again in 2000, and, across lightning 1200 released as a model change in the country, it will be released as bandit 1200. In addition, there are the half cowl specifications of model number "S" together, too. In addition, in GSF1200S, there was the rare ABS deployment car model to a two-wheeled vehicle in those days.
Yamaha / YZF-R1 (Y Z F - are one) is a large-sized motorcycle of four article for export markets stroke 998cc that Yamaha Motor released in 1998 (a motorcycle).
A concept
It was released as the super sports model who became the opposition car model of Honda / CBR900RR in 1998.
Really newly-designed, an engine and the frame were developed to plan differentiation with FZR1000 and the YZF1000R sander ace, and, since FZR1000, a handstand front fork was adopted after a long absence by a liter model of Yamaha. The engine output of the best class, a sharp design became the topic to weight at the same level as a medium-sized car in those days, and it was it with the instigator of the super sports boom.
In addition, the improvement that it is influence, and the CBR900RR series that was a monumental achievement as the super sports machine (the following SS and abbreviation) so far is large of this vehicle will be demanded, and GSX-R1000 which it is improved, and is a boa up version of GSX-R750 from the sea bass which gave a shock in first generation GSX-R will be born, and the companies stimulate it, and ZX-9R will enter into SS from sports tourer from Kawasaki for the SS age of civil strife to still continue.

in conformity with 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Kawasaki ninja 250R is the motorcycle which Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it from April, 2008 and sells. I describe it with Ninja 250R in the text as follows.
The engine put on summary Ninja 250R is four two water-cooled stroke parallel cylinder DOHC of 248cc, and basic design is the series having a long of the breath to continue from GPX250R or ZZR250 ceaselessly, but the improvement crosses cylinder head circumference or カムチェーンテンショナ very much in the many divergences. It is fuel injection for the carburetor to have become the one of the biggest changes from an old model(FI) It is の adoption. Similarly some says that rather it is easy to have come to treat the output value and the torque of the engine by benefits newly-designed, to depend such as the improvement of the throttle response by the FI deployment or the optimization of the gear ratio for influence by carried catalyzer or the conformity to the noise regulation that will become severer in future although it is inferior *NONIF than ZZR250 equipped with an engine of the affiliation line because I support an emission control.
The Kawasaki eliminator (ELIMINATOR) is a motorcycle Kawasaki Heavy Industries produces it, and to sell. The name is still a meaning called "the thing to remove".
It is the machine that it is different from a conventional cruiser, and it was developed a drag racer in a concept while other companies adopt the style that resembled a cruiser made in Harley davit loss company.
This drug style is inherited in V-MAX of Yamaha to appear later, X4 of Honda.
ELIMINATOR250 was released in 1987. As for the design, a high rank is similar, and the engine misappropriates two parallel cylinders of GPX250R.
View L(Buell) It is the brand of a motorcycle produced in は, the United States of America.
GSF1200 was released in 1995. It is the vehicle which did depth of the torque of the low rotary level for selling and is equipped with a strong engine showing the greatest torque at 4,000 rounds per minute. It was exported by a car name of Bandit1200 abroad. I receive a model change again in 2000, and, across lightning 1200 released as a model change in the country, it will be released as bandit 1200. In addition, there are the half cowl specifications of model number "S" together, too. In addition, in GSF1200S, there was the rare ABS deployment car model to a two-wheeled vehicle in those days.
Yamaha / YZF-R1 (Y Z F - are one) is a large-sized motorcycle of four article for export markets stroke 998cc that Yamaha Motor released in 1998 (a motorcycle).
A concept
It was released as the super sports model who became the opposition car model of Honda / CBR900RR in 1998.
Really newly-designed, an engine and the frame were developed to plan differentiation with FZR1000 and the YZF1000R sander ace, and, since FZR1000, a handstand front fork was adopted after a long absence by a liter model of Yamaha. The engine output of the best class, a sharp design became the topic to weight at the same level as a medium-sized car in those days, and it was it with the instigator of the super sports boom.
In addition, the improvement that it is influence, and the CBR900RR series that was a monumental achievement as the super sports machine (the following SS and abbreviation) so far is large of this vehicle will be demanded, and GSX-R1000 which it is improved, and is a boa up version of GSX-R750 from the sea bass which gave a shock in first generation GSX-R will be born, and the companies stimulate it, and ZX-9R will enter into SS from sports tourer from Kawasaki for the SS age of civil strife to still continue.