...Continue ReadingI found a very good question.
And a lot of people are addicted to this.
"when you reach the lowest point of life"
" what do you do?"
Actually, I've written this before.
2 years ago
Someone once asked me
Why did you dare to set a million goals at that time?
Why don't you graduate and work on the line?
Why do you dare to go to work and sell without skills?
I honestly say
I don't want to go to work for sale.
Not in the head at all
I want to go to work on the line.
Just like friends
But apply for a job, no one will take it.
Actually, I can wait like a friend.
But my house is going to be bad. So what?
Just not enough money to treat myself
It has to find a life changing level.
If I get 1 million means
All problems end
Really that age
The goal is not clear.
But it's a crisis. Let me have a target.
"I don't do it, I will die"
It's like someone who caught your head, pressed in the water
There are 2 ways.
Haha. I won't move to survive.
Lol die damn there
Most people without crisis
There are 3 ways.
Lol chilling floating in the water
There is a rubber loop that won't die.
Haha. When will I get bored?
See sunlight or rain
If you want to get out of the water, try.
3. Have seen successful people
Put yourself in the atmosphere of success
Until I have energy. I will get up to do it.
"but frankly, very little to have number 3"
" but I believe deep down all brothers and sisters in
This society of possibilities
Definitely the number 3
Because otherwise you don't wake up
What are you eating every 6 am?
What villagers say they are lazy to read.
Or raving.
Because you believe deep down
One day you will succeed
That's why you're in the atmosphere.
With a successful person like this "
Back to this story....
Do you know what this says?
Humans always do something special.
Only when a bad situation!
Because he must be forced
To do what.......
At first he never believed he could do it.
" take it easy
If there is no crisis
He won't do it for sure because he doesn't believe "
But when a crisis comes in
There is no time to think too much.
There is no such thing as...
" should " or " shouldn't
Keep thinking.
But it forces only the word
" do " or " don't do it " that's all!
Choice of choice
There's only one.
1. Can do it
Lol or die
There is only one focus left.
Must survive
Can only do it
No more kilogram
"it's the focus that makes human beings"
" some human beings are special to force themselves.
To be in the atmosphere
Finally, there is power.
Let's get up to do it "
" some humans must
Let's have a lesson for sunlight.
It's raining so I got up to do it "
" but most humans are 90 % on earth.
No crisis, no do it "
Every time I think about this
I feel funny.
That if that day the house is not seized
No one takes to work
And to know that it's good
In the natural line that I can't study anymore.
I wouldn't have this day
But it's not strange.
When looking at the truth on earth
Over 20 years ago
Someone announced
Oil will run out of the world in 45
Over 10 years later
Oil increases the price.
That crisis makes every car camp
Turn around and pay attention
Make 1 Liters of oil
Can run further
From 4-5 kg / l
It's also 9-10
Later, the price crisis is heavy.
It won't be long.
Make Hybrid car happen
From 10 kg / liter to
30 kg / liter
Japan also thinks hydrogen car refill instead of oil.
German camp
BMW first made an electric refill car
And recently benz launched a car
Use 100 % electricity. House Light Charger.
Running on our street
Do you want to use oil?
No oil.
1,000 km / 0 L
Come back to....
A lot of people I know
Lost my job fired
Or business is broken
He is suffering, sad, will die.
But years or months later
Those people say...
Thank you so much
That day I lost my job
Thank you for being fired.
Thank you that day business was broken
"so I can have today"
Because the crisis is forced
Let man do something beyond belief
And that makes humans better. Evolve.
And raise yourself up
Which brothers are today?
Found a struggle
Losing my job
Or a ton.
I can't work as good as I should.
Or life is broken!
I would say...
That crisis
That's not the end of your life.
It's coming to build you
In a cooler version
#A10 (Aten)