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#拜登 #川普 #美國總統
00:00 前導
02:41 從政將近半世紀的老將拜登
03:52 拜登的爭議和缺點
05:26 拜登的「修復」工程
06:54 對外關係的可能發展
08:49 黨內外的政治角力
10:14 我們的觀點
12:29 提問
12:46 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Why America Must Lead Again:https://fam.ag/2JTQoaD
→拜登與中國的40年:從支持中國崛起到對華強硬 - 紐約時報中文網:https://nyti.ms/3nkY4Bj
→若拜登當選總統 將與盟友共同抗衡中國:https://bit.ly/38DielS
→曾稱讚14歲少女胸部?拜登遭譏「猥瑣怪叔叔」性騷擾黑歷史連環爆 | 國際 | 新頭殼 Newtalk:https://bit.ly/35rLPg3
→美國大選:拜登部署新計劃 首要任務是應對新冠疫情 https://bbc.in/3kttAeD
→〈美國總統大選〉一文掌握 拜登對美中台議題的看法:https://bit.ly/3eUkyWN
→喬治亞州2席都要決選 參院確定明年1月才知由哪黨掌控:https://bit.ly/3eXaMTR
→Tara Reade: What are the sex attack allegations against Joe Biden? - BBC News:https://bbc.in/3f78SQN
→About the Transition | President-Elect Joe Biden https://buildbackbetter.com/the-transition/
→Zero tolerance policy, explain:https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jun/18/why-are-families-being-separated-at-the-us-border-explainer
→COVID-19-The Biden-Harris plan to beat COVID-19:https://bit.ly/3pnZmgE
→ECONOMIC RECOVERY-The Biden-Harris Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan for Working Families:https://bit.ly/2IsvUVP
→RACIAL EQUITY-The Biden-Harris plan to advance racial equity:https://bit.ly/2Uot86U
→ CLIMATE CHANGE-The Biden-Harris plan to create union jobs by tackling the climate crisis:https://bit.ly/38yT2wW
→Who might Biden tap for top foreign policy positions? - Los Angeles Times:https://lat.ms/3lrc6Rq
→Centrist House Democrats lash out at liberal colleagues, blame far-left views for costing the party seats :https://wapo.st/38F23o0
→Joe Biden: I'm a Democrat and I love John McCain - YouTube:https://bit.ly/36M0nqz
→How UPS explained the missing Biden family documents, and a word about Hunter:https://fxn.ws/35pc3zW
→Trump attacked Biden by saying his opponent would 'listen to the scientists' in dealing with COVID-19:https://bit.ly/2IiR9cC
→This is the time to heal': Joe Biden addresses Americans in election victory speech:https://bit.ly/3kAA1g5
→Can Trump steal the election?: https://bit.ly/3eVrAuf
→Joe Biden wins: what next for America? - YouTube:https://bit.ly/2UnC9wN
【 延伸閱讀 】
→Saving Lives in America, China, and Around the World | Asia Society:https://bit.ly/36vNmRI
→Biden and Ukraine: What we know about corruption claims :https://bit.ly/32HZi1H
→Is Hunter Biden a problem for Joe Biden? :https://bit.ly/32D8ogc
→The case for Joe Biden :https://bit.ly/3lrcDmo
→Joe Biden’s Record on China and Taiwan:https://bit.ly/32HdSXc

biden-harris transition 在 Agency Review Teams | President-Elect Joe Biden 的推薦與評價
Meet the Biden-Harris agency review teams ... The Presidential Transition Act requires presidential transitions to disclose the “most recent employment” and ... ... <看更多>