【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 政治學系林語萱】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
Yu-Hsuan Lin from the Department of Political Science
比起說著我們會鵬程萬里、前程似錦,今天,我更想邀請各位一同擔任NTU Sweety Course的貢獻者,整理出綜合過去四年,且能帶著走出校園的三個成長學分:勇氣、彈性和自己。
再來,還有個學分,叫做彈性。還記得那些腳踏車被水源阿伯給拖吊,只好改成走路或騎Ubike2.0的日常嗎?我們在一次又一次的校內小組合作、校外的家教實習中,反覆上著適應不同情況的實驗課,而疫情又加重了它的loading,原本以為上一屆已經夠慘,沒想到這一屆竟然還更糟的情況下,我們滾動式的調整上課的樣貌,努力用NTU Cool的1.5倍速上課。在唯一不變就是變的這個世間常態中,臺大教會了我們保持彈性的生存之道。
最後的最後,我想起了一戰後的西班牙大流感,它帶走的生命比戰爭還多,但在時間洪流下也終究有結束的一天。誰知道一百多年後的今天,我們也被迫參與了歷史的進程。也許未來看似困難重重,但卡繆在瘟疫裡提醒了我們:「惟有甘願在困難的堅實土壤中去生根立足,才能夠獲得果實。」今天後的明日,我們將在不同的土壤中勇敢挑戰、彈性應對和相信自己,且帶著滿滿的愛去生根立足,為自己、為我們所身處的社會,產出最甜美的果實。準備好了嗎?讓我們一起推動歷史的進程吧!臺大109屆的畢業生們,畢業快樂,或許現在的我們無法面對面相聚,but I’ll see you down the road!謝謝大家。
President Kuan, respected faculty, honored guests and family, and to my fellow NTU graduates who would never have imagined our commencement hosted in this way but still making the best of it, good morning. I am YU-HSUAN LIN, from Department of Political Science.
Rather than wishing the best and the brightest futures to us all, today, I want to urge each and every one of you to join in and contribute to NTU Sweety Course, and put together three amongst the most important credits from these past four years. They are courage, elasticity, and ourselves.
I took a temporary leave in my sophomore year. At minus 30 degrees Celsius, with howling headwinds and blizzards all over the sky, I did cross-country skiing for more than half a month, to challenge myself beyond the limit at the very end of the world. My Antarctic venture may seem absurd to many, but it was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life. At NTU, a campus of endless possibilities, we all have a South Pole in our hearts, an undoubtedly challenging and perhaps laughable goal we yearn to achieve. But do not forget the credit of courage we have gained from these past years, and choose whatever it is that you believe is right.
The next credit, is adaptability. Do you remember the days when our bikes being towed and having to walk or take Ubike 2.0 to class? We learned to adapt through group projects in the classes and private tutoring off-campus, and the ongoing pandemic has added extra loading to our everyday challenges. We thought the previous year was bad, but this year is even worse. We adjust the way we took courses on a rolling basis, trying to catch up from NTU COOL at 1.5x speed. The only thing that doesn't change is change itself. NTU taught us how to adapt to survive.
Last but not least, and arguably the most important credit, is ourselves. That’s right, It’s each and every one of you behind the screens. From a first-year newbie busy planning your double major or transfer, to a senior wandering around anxiously as our peers taking next steps, we work hard painstakingly in fear of falling behind of other, and wonder if we can become the person we want to be. But looking back, after countless rides along the Royal Palm Boulevard, our old selves have already long gone. So, in the future, when the outside world is constantly pushing us to make the best even better and to reach beyond limits, remember to listen to that little voice inside of you. Listen to it as it tells you, there isn’t a certain or definite role you must fulfill, all you need is to have faith in yourself.
Besides the three credits I just mentioned, don’t forget the Petition for Adding Course: our families and professors who accompanied us along our journeys. It requires loves from many to accomplish caprice of one. Thank you for your company and encouragement along the way to allow us to be self-willed boldly.
Lastly, the Spanish flu outbreak after WWI came to my mind recently. It took even more lives than the battle fields. However, it too, eventually ended as time went by. Who knew that after a hundred years, we would also be a part of a similar history? It seems that adversities are awaiting us, but Albert Camus had already reminded us in La Peste “Like wandering shadows that could have acquired substance only by consenting to root themselves in the solid earth of their distress.” When tomorrow comes, in different corners on the Earth, we shall challenge, respond adaptively, and believe in ourselves. With each step that we take, we take with all the love there is within us. Let us contribute to ourselves and to our society, and may our efforts bear the sweetest fruits. Are you ready? Let’s push history forward! Hats off to all NTU graduates of 2021! Although we are unable to celebrate face to face now, I’ll see you down the road! Thank you all!
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大政治學系 #林語萱
achieve accomplish 不同 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[翻轉視界7] 回饋偏鄉奉獻己力!
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 家扶基金會
捐款活動: 為讓更多人看到家扶基金會的相關資訊,這篇貼文每獲得1個讚數我便會捐出2元,每獲得1個分享就捐出5元。
活動截止日期: 06.24.2020
EDIT: 活動已經圓滿結束,謝謝大家的愛心 (捐款收據已放在留言區)。
In Taiwan, two out of every ten people in poverty are children. According to statistics from the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, approximately 4-6% of children will be born into families suffering from poverty. They don’t have enough food and nutrition, lack protection and care, and grow up to fall into the vicious cycle of poverty. “There is no simple solution to poverty.” From the long-term observation of the YongLin Education Foundation, 100 children have 100 different stories. There is no simple solution to their problem. “You have to help every child achieve his or her happiness.” Get close to them, listen to them, and lend them a helping hand.
1. suffer from poverty 陷於貧窮
2. according to 根據
3. lack proper nutrition缺乏適當的營養
4. the vicious cycle of poverty 貧困的惡性循環
5. there is no simple solution 沒有單一的解決方式
6. long-term observation 長期觀察
7. lend someone a helping hand 像某人伸出援手
The 23-year-old Liang-chin Chen once worked four jobs as a child. When in junior high school, his parents failed in their business venture and were frequent by loan sharks who often came to collect debts. They borrowed NT$300,000, but with rolling interests, their debt accumulated into the millions. His family lived in metal shacks, and all their hard-earned cash was given to underground loan sharks. “I earn my own living expenses, and I went to sell mantou (Chinese steamed buns) at moving night markets for NT$5 apiece. When business was good, I would earn NT$400, and the whole family would be able to fill their bellies the next day.” Once when he was in the seventh grade, a gang member came to his house and scolded him: If you don’t have money, why do you bother to study? Why not go out and make some money?!
8. business venture 商業冒險、事業投機
9. loan shark 放高利貸者
10. collect debts 討債
11. rolling interest 滾利
12. metal shacks 鐵皮屋
13. hard-earned cash 辛苦錢
14. fill their bellies填飽他們的肚子
15. scold (v.) 責罵,責備
16. a gang member 黑道成員
17. bother to 努力,盡力;費心*
*bother to: https://bit.ly/2Y676IH
In this environment, Liang-chin Chen could not care less about school work, focusing only on working part-time jobs to make ends meet. He lived this way until his high school teacher convinced him that “studying holds the greater value” by showing him how he can receive scholarships through good grades. It’s more cost-effective than selling mantou. Liang-chin Chen climbed from the bottom of a remote high school to the top of his class in a national university. His university even helped him pay back the loan sharks through scholarships. He is currently a postgraduate student at National Cheng Kung University. This year, Liang-chin Chen is teaching elders how to exercise in Tainan’s remote areas. “I don’t have the money to contribute back to society and to help others, so I will use my skills and abilities to help elders in the community.” Liang-chin Chen is also a lecturer for Fubon Charity Foundation’s Youth from Disadvantaged Family Program.
18. could not care less abt sth (表示強調)一點也不在乎某事 (這裡指自暴自棄)*
19. make ends meet 勉強維持生計
20. cost-effective 有成本效益的;物有所值的;合算的,划算的
21. contribute back to 回饋給
22. disadvantaged 處於劣勢的,處於不利地位的
*could not care less: https://bit.ly/3ft0UjR
Liang-chin Chen is a paragon of the charity’s efforts to invite homegrown talents back to local comminutes in Tainan. Always smiling and speaking Taiwanese with elders, Liang-chin Chen can empathize with poverty-stricken children in remote regions. “I was a kid who grew up in a metal shack, but I met so many remarkable people who helped me during my studies. Do not be ashamed of your roots. Work to achieve your goals 10, 20 years from now, and you can do it. I am a living example of what one can accomplish.”
23. a paragon of 完人,盡善盡美的模範(或典型)
24. homegrown talents 在地的優異人才
25. local communities 在地社區
26. poverty-stricken 貧困的,一貧如洗的
27. remote regions 偏鄉地區
28. remarkable people 貴人
29. don’t be ashamed of 不需要以…為恥,不用為…感到不好意思
30. one’s roots 一個人的出身
貧窮解方 Solutions to Poverty
Help poverty-stricken children outside the system
Use local talents to reduce talent loss
Contribute back to the community from which we came
完整報導詳見聯合報UDN : https://bit.ly/2N2YnRi
圖片來源: https://bit.ly/2N2YnRi
公益講座計畫: http://bit.ly/3990snT
Eric's English Lounge宗旨與目標: https://bit.ly/3edbzyZ
achieve accomplish 不同 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[教育時評] 成長心態的十大必知 10 Must-Knows for a Growth Mindset
每一個人完成探索目標的時間當然不同,過程中我們的目標也會不停的變動,甚至許多人可能一輩子也未必能覺察自己的人生目標。然而透過一個彈性的成長心態 (a flexible growth mindset)和他人指導,我們可以更有效率輔助自己建立和完成目標。
以下是我透過自身經驗,並參考近代教育理論與心理學,幫同學寫的「成長心態的10個必知 / 10 Must Knows」,以便更進一步的探討如何建立和達成自己的目標:
1. Know what you want in life. While short-term goals may be ever-changing, you can start by having an overall sense of purpose or change that you want to make. For me, it was initially to have financial stability but eventually transformed to contributing to educational leadership. Having an overall purpose can help you align your short-term objectives with long-term goals, making accomplishing them far more efficient and motivating.
知道自己的目的。儘管短期目標可能會發生變化,但你應該對目標或要做出的改變有全面的認知。 對我來說,最初的目標是財務穩定,但最終轉變為對教育領導的貢獻。有一個總體目標可以幫助自己保持短期目標與長期目標的一致,從而更有效、更有動力地實現這些目標。
2. Know that you can solve your problems and make changes in your life. While we all have different problems, and there is no guarantee we can resolve all issues, working towards a positive change will benefit you regardless of the outcome. You must know that you have the capacity for positive change.
3. Know that you can develop the skills and abilities you need to make changes through consistent effort and the development of your unique strengths. Everyone is talented in different ways but persistence is what develops talents into invaluable skills you can use to empower yourself and achieve your goals. We do not all need to be as talented as Olympic athletes to achieve the success we need in life.
4. Know that consistently meeting small and realistic objectives that align with your bigger goals and purpose is the most efficient way to achievement. Do not try to accomplish too many things at once or your might not accomplish anything at all in the end. Set realistic goals that you can adjust and achieve a step at a time.
5. Know that achieving your goals take time and consistent effort. You must make plans and keep schedules to keep yourself from procrastinating. Do not think you can reach your end goal in a week and then be disappointed by your failure. Taking a small step each day will enable you to make great strides in life. You must also prioritize which objectives to meet first and have a plan for doing so. Consult your mentors, parents, and peers, have a discussion, and come up with your own plan.
6. Know that you may fail along the way, but every failure can bring you closer to achievement. However, know that failing only brings growth when you self-reflect and make changes. Do not just keep repeating mistakes.
7. Know that role models, mentors, and teachers can take you to the next level. Actively seek out your role models and mentors and learn from your competitors and peers. Actively seek out talented and experienced individuals to guide you and work to earn their trust and guidance. Do not expect everyone to come to you and help you for no reason. Why should they? Be humble and be grateful.
8. Know that collaboration will enable you to accomplish success on a much larger scale. Every successful person has a partner or a team behind them. There is only so much you can learn and do on your own, and you must work with talented and trustworthy people from every domain.
9. Know that opportunities are created, not given. By actively seeking, learning, planning, and pursuing ways to accomplish your goals, you are creating new opportunities every day. Listen to advice but do not be limited by boundaries set by others. Take calculated risks and walk your own unique path.
10. Know that helping others help yourself. When we aid those less disadvantaged, we are building a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous community. Such a supportive community leads to the exchange of diverse ideas, collaboration, innovation and positive changes, all of which will help yourself. Medical studies have also revealed that helping others enhances our own emotional-well beings. By helping others, you are helping yourself.
Educational Equity (教育公平): http://bit.ly/2NvyQR3
Eric's English Lounge 的宗旨與目標: https://goo.gl/fFUBWe
Motivation to Learn 學習的動力: http://bit.ly/2RjscPb
How to Set & Achieve Goals 如何制定短期目標: http://bit.ly/2Rdi0aU
Growth mindset poster: https://www.openrecruitmentlimited.co.uk/fixed-mindset-v-gr…
Image source: https://www.openrecruitmentlimited.co.uk/fixed-mindset-v-gr…
喜歡我這一系列的文章, 也麻煩按個讚留言「 I want to have a growth mindset!」越多分享我就越有motivation寫下一篇文章!
對Growth Mindset有興趣的同學也可以參考Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文的粉絲團喔!
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9