✨美國在台協會 (AIT) 及駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 (TECRO) 於本週盛大啟動「美台教育倡議」!
✅處長致詞稿: https://bit.ly/37vyHGt
✅新聞稿: https://bit.ly/3lwSg6l
✅備忘錄: https://bit.ly/39Crs2c
✅背景資料: https://bit.ly/2KWUwqR
✨This week, AIT and TECRO launched the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative!
As AIT Director Christensen explained: “The Initiative is aimed at expanding access to Chinese and English language instruction, while safeguarding academic freedom. Specifically, the Initiative will highlight and enhance Taiwan’s role in providing Chinese language instruction to Americans and to people around the world. …Universities around the world have been closing Confucius Institutes because of their role in censorship and malign influence campaigns by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, interest in Chinese language learning remains strong among American and international students. Taiwan can and should play a key role in addressing that interest.”
This week’s launch included a virtual dialogue by representatives from the U.S. Departments of State and Education and their Taiwan counterparts to discuss ways to expand cooperation on Chinese and English language instruction. It also included the signing of an MOU laying out our shared goals in this area.
✅Director’s remarks: https://bit.ly/3lzYfrh
✅Press release: https://bit.ly/36z7qUx
✅MOU: https://bit.ly/39Crs2c
✅Fact sheet: https://bit.ly/2KWUwqR
academic goals 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[英文學習資源大全] English Learning Resources
Vocabulary and Grammar (單字和文法學習)
1. How to Learn English (如何學習英文)
2. How to Set & Achieve Goals (如何制定英文學習目標) https://bit.ly/3dRcq94
3. Vocabulary Learning Methods (學習單字的方式)
4. Grammar Guide (文法指南)
5. 詞彙區別
6. 托福和雅思單字+文法學習
密碼: EELStudent
7. 免費英文單字卡 App
8. 五大線上英語辭典
Test Prep Resources (留學考試資源)
1. TOEFL® Test、IELTS、GRE® Test Tier 2-3 Vocab (核心詞彙)
2. Study Abroad Resources (全部留學資源)
3. Academic Reading & Writing (學術閱讀和寫作)
4. TOEFL® Test & IELTS (托福雅思學習資源)
5. GRE® Test的學習資源
6. TOEIC® Test (多益學習資源)
7. 留學獎學金
Free Online Classes (免費線上課程)
1. JH-HS English (國高中英文)
2. Free Online English Classes (免費線上英文課程)
3. English Speaking (英文口說課)
4. 30集的「 口說挑戰」Podcast
5. Official Test Prep (留學考試)
6. Academic Writing (雅思、托福、GRE、學術寫作)
7. 地球一分鐘英文MinuteEarth
8. 美國名校的免費線上課程 (MOOCs)
9. 五大免費英文電子書網站
10. 免費的線上英語教學(TESOL、TEFL)課程
11. 打破學習英文的迷思
12. 英文學習「生態系」: https://bit.ly/2VvSfIE
Everyday English (生活美語)
1. Breaking News (時事英文新聞)
2. News Lecture Notes (時事英文講義大全)
3. Everyday English (生活美語)
4. Speaking Handouts (基礎英文口說自學講義)
5. Perspectives in Education (教育時評)
6. Changing Perspectives (翻轉視界)
All Resources (全部學習資源): https://goo.gl/vQXhJN
Eric’s English Lounge’s Vision and Mission (宗旨與目標): https://bit.ly/2BaENzJ
YouTube頻道: https://bit.ly/3mpKqML
Instagram: https://bit.ly/31MpM1s
關鍵思考英文學習團: https://bit.ly/2Tt4YaJ
課程資訊: https://bit.ly/2G1KiDx
academic goals 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的最佳貼文
[tips] [soft skill] [sharing]
Một trong những kỹ năng mềm quan trọng nhất hiện nay đó là kỹ năng giao tiếp, và sử dụng email cũng là một phần của kỹ năng giao tiếp đó. Tuy nhiên, nhiều bạn trẻ vẫn chưa biết cách sử dụng email để truyền đạt thông tin đúng mực và đúng cách. Hôm nay mình đọc được 1 bài viết rất hay của bạn Hà My - sinh viên đại học Cambridge, về cách viết email nên share cho các bạn nè! Cùng đọc và rút kinh nghiệm nhé!
LOẠI 1: Request for information (liên hệ/hỏi thông tin)
Đây là loại email được sử dụng phổ biến khi nhu cầu tìm kiếm thông tin là không bao giờ thừa. Mình có 2 ví dụ dưới đây để các bạn thấy được những thông tin mình cần đưa vào email này là gì nha:
Ví dụ 1: Khi mình cần viết email cho giáo sư xin cơ hội thực tập ở bậc cử nhân (có thể là trong và ngoài nước)
Subject: Possible undergraduate research oppotunities/ Enquiry for a funded internship in
Dear Professor Professorson (cái này là mình nhớ lại lúc xem Community =)) )
My name is <…> and I am a
I am writing to ask about opportunities for doing research in your lab this summer. (Câu hỏi rõ ràng ngay từ đầu)
I am personally greatly interested in < research area>. Recently, I read and was intrigued by your journal article <”Title”> hoặc
I have come across your website, and was very impressed with you have done in this field. Therefore, I would like to get involved in a short-term project in your lab and would ultimately allow me to
Would you be available sometimes this week to discuss your and my research interests? I would also be happy to volunteer in your lab for a few weeks before we commit to anything to see if this is a good match. I have attached my transcript and CV for your reference. (Câu hỏi phụ + Nguyện vọng)
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your consideration,
(Kết thư lịch sự)
Ví dụ 2: Mình cần viết email xin thông tin về phòng ốc trong trường để tổ chức sự kiện chào đón tân sinh viên
Subject: Availability of the Dining Hall on October 5
Dear Alyce,
My name is Mimy, an Entertainments Officer of the DCSA (giới thiệu qua về bản thân).
I would like to know if our Dining Hall is available on Saturday, October 5 (Câu hỏi rõ ràng ngay từ đầu)
We are organising a Freshers’ BOP to welcome all new students to Darwin Collegethis academic year (Thông tin nền).
The party will be between 9 pm- 1 am with live music, aimed at reaching 400 students. I feel sure that the Dining Hall would be perfect for that (Thêm chi tiết).
If possible, may we book the room on that day from 2 pm? We need a few hours before to put on decorations and set up the main stage. (Câu hỏi phụ + nguyện vọng).
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks,
(Kết thư lịch sự)
LOẠI 2: Reply to request for information (trả lời email yêu cầu thông tin)
Sẽ khá mất thời gian nếu chúng ta cần gửi email qua lại nhiều lần cho một vấn đề. Do đó, chúng mình cần lưu ý trả lời đúng và đủ những câu hỏi nhận được.
Ví dụ 3: lần này sẽ là câu trả lời từ mình dành cho một ban nhạc gửi ngỏ ý muốn biểu diễn ở trường mình và biết thêm thông tin về lịch diễn.
**Subject: **Play at Darwin May Ball 2020
Dear Shake The Tail Feather,
Thanks for reaching out! We enjoyed your performance at the Big Auditions Weekend at Jesus College and are currently working how different acts could fit into our line-up (Cám ơn người gửi).
I’m delighted to say that we would love to have you play for our ball this year, which is on Friday, June 19 (Trả lời câu hỏi).
Currently, there is one slot available from 10 pm-11 pm, on the main stage. We will provide you with Drum kit, Piano keyboard, Guitar amp, Bass amp and the PA system. How does it sound to you? In term of a quote, I can either offer discounted tickets to the ball or pay in cash/cheque after the gig? (Bổ sung thêm thông tin/tài liệu).
Let us know what you think and happy to discuss further details! (Thiện chí cho các email sau)
Best wishes,
(Kết thư lịch sự)
Nguồn: My Pham
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